64 research outputs found

    Anti-spoofing Methods for Automatic SpeakerVerification System

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    Growing interest in automatic speaker verification (ASV)systems has lead to significant quality improvement of spoofing attackson them. Many research works confirm that despite the low equal er-ror rate (EER) ASV systems are still vulnerable to spoofing attacks. Inthis work we overview different acoustic feature spaces and classifiersto determine reliable and robust countermeasures against spoofing at-tacks. We compared several spoofing detection systems, presented so far,on the development and evaluation datasets of the Automatic SpeakerVerification Spoofing and Countermeasures (ASVspoof) Challenge 2015.Experimental results presented in this paper demonstrate that the useof magnitude and phase information combination provides a substantialinput into the efficiency of the spoofing detection systems. Also wavelet-based features show impressive results in terms of equal error rate. Inour overview we compare spoofing performance for systems based on dif-ferent classifiers. Comparison results demonstrate that the linear SVMclassifier outperforms the conventional GMM approach. However, manyresearchers inspired by the great success of deep neural networks (DNN)approaches in the automatic speech recognition, applied DNN in thespoofing detection task and obtained quite low EER for known and un-known type of spoofing attacks.Comment: 12 pages, 0 figures, published in Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) vol. 66

    Audio Deepfake Detection: A Survey

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    Audio deepfake detection is an emerging active topic. A growing number of literatures have aimed to study deepfake detection algorithms and achieved effective performance, the problem of which is far from being solved. Although there are some review literatures, there has been no comprehensive survey that provides researchers with a systematic overview of these developments with a unified evaluation. Accordingly, in this survey paper, we first highlight the key differences across various types of deepfake audio, then outline and analyse competitions, datasets, features, classifications, and evaluation of state-of-the-art approaches. For each aspect, the basic techniques, advanced developments and major challenges are discussed. In addition, we perform a unified comparison of representative features and classifiers on ASVspoof 2021, ADD 2023 and In-the-Wild datasets for audio deepfake detection, respectively. The survey shows that future research should address the lack of large scale datasets in the wild, poor generalization of existing detection methods to unknown fake attacks, as well as interpretability of detection results

    Anti-Spoofing for Text-Independent Speaker Verification: An Initial Database, Comparison of Countermeasures, and Human Performance

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    Due to copyright restrictions, the access to the full text of this article is only available via subscription.In this paper, we present a systematic study of the vulnerability of automatic speaker verification to a diverse range of spoofing attacks. We start with a thorough analysis of the spoofing effects of five speech synthesis and eight voice conversion systems, and the vulnerability of three speaker verification systems under those attacks. We then introduce a number of countermeasures to prevent spoofing attacks from both known and unknown attackers. Known attackers are spoofing systems whose output was used to train the countermeasures, while an unknown attacker is a spoofing system whose output was not available to the countermeasures during training. Finally, we benchmark automatic systems against human performance on both speaker verification and spoofing detection tasks.EPSRC ; TÜBİTA

    Biometrics systems under spoofing attack: an evaluation methodology and lessons learned

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    Biometrics already form a significant component of current and emerging identification technologies. Biometrics systems aim to determine or verify the identity of an individual from their behavioral and/or biological characteristics. Despite significant progress, some biometric systems fail to meet the multitude of stringent security and robustness requirements to support their deployment in some practical scenarios. Among current concerns are vulnerabilities to spoofing?persons who masquerade as others to gain illegitimate accesses to protected data, services, or facilities. While the study of spoofing, or rather antispoofing, has attracted growing interest in recent years, the problem is far from being solved and will require far greater attention in the coming years. This tutorial article presents an introduction to spoofing and antispoofing research. It describes the vulnerabilities, presents an evaluation methodology for the assessment of spoofing and countermeasures, and outlines research priorities for the future