7,950 research outputs found

    Learning Adaptive Discriminative Correlation Filters via Temporal Consistency Preserving Spatial Feature Selection for Robust Visual Tracking

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    With efficient appearance learning models, Discriminative Correlation Filter (DCF) has been proven to be very successful in recent video object tracking benchmarks and competitions. However, the existing DCF paradigm suffers from two major issues, i.e., spatial boundary effect and temporal filter degradation. To mitigate these challenges, we propose a new DCF-based tracking method. The key innovations of the proposed method include adaptive spatial feature selection and temporal consistent constraints, with which the new tracker enables joint spatial-temporal filter learning in a lower dimensional discriminative manifold. More specifically, we apply structured spatial sparsity constraints to multi-channel filers. Consequently, the process of learning spatial filters can be approximated by the lasso regularisation. To encourage temporal consistency, the filter model is restricted to lie around its historical value and updated locally to preserve the global structure in the manifold. Last, a unified optimisation framework is proposed to jointly select temporal consistency preserving spatial features and learn discriminative filters with the augmented Lagrangian method. Qualitative and quantitative evaluations have been conducted on a number of well-known benchmarking datasets such as OTB2013, OTB50, OTB100, Temple-Colour, UAV123 and VOT2018. The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over the state-of-the-art approaches

    Identifying manifolds underlying group motion in Vicsek agents

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    Collective motion of animal groups often undergoes changes due to perturbations. In a topological sense, we describe these changes as switching between low-dimensional embedding manifolds underlying a group of evolving agents. To characterize such manifolds, first we introduce a simple mapping of agents between time-steps. Then, we construct a novel metric which is susceptible to variations in the collective motion, thus revealing distinct underlying manifolds. The method is validated through three sample scenarios simulated using a Vicsek model, namely switching of speed, coordination, and structure of a group. Combined with a dimensionality reduction technique that is used to infer the dimensionality of the embedding manifold, this approach provides an effective model-free framework for the analysis of collective behavior across animal species.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, journal articl

    Learning to Transform Time Series with a Few Examples

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    We describe a semi-supervised regression algorithm that learns to transform one time series into another time series given examples of the transformation. This algorithm is applied to tracking, where a time series of observations from sensors is transformed to a time series describing the pose of a target. Instead of defining and implementing such transformations for each tracking task separately, our algorithm learns a memoryless transformation of time series from a few example input-output mappings. The algorithm searches for a smooth function that fits the training examples and, when applied to the input time series, produces a time series that evolves according to assumed dynamics. The learning procedure is fast and lends itself to a closed-form solution. It is closely related to nonlinear system identification and manifold learning techniques. We demonstrate our algorithm on the tasks of tracking RFID tags from signal strength measurements, recovering the pose of rigid objects, deformable bodies, and articulated bodies from video sequences. For these tasks, this algorithm requires significantly fewer examples compared to fully-supervised regression algorithms or semi-supervised learning algorithms that do not take the dynamics of the output time series into account


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    Modeling and recognition of human motion in videos has broad applications in behavioral biometrics, content-based visual data analysis, security and surveillance, as well as designing interactive environments. Significant progress has been made in the past two decades by way of new models, methods, and implementations. In this dissertation, we focus our attention on a relatively less investigated sub-area called collaborative group motion analysis. Collaborative group motions are those that typically involve multiple objects, wherein the motion patterns of individual objects may vary significantly in both space and time, but the collective motion pattern of the ensemble allows characterization in terms of geometry and statistics. Therefore, the motions or activities of an individual object constitute local information. A framework to synthesize all local information into a holistic view, and to explicitly characterize interactions among objects, involves large scale global reasoning, and is of significant complexity. In this dissertation, we first review relevant previous contributions on human motion/activity modeling and recognition, and then propose several approaches to answer a sequence of traditional vision questions including 1) which of the motion elements among all are the ones relevant to a group motion pattern of interest (Segmentation); 2) what is the underlying motion pattern (Recognition); and 3) how two motion ensembles are similar and how we can 'optimally' transform one to match the other (Alignment). Our primary practical scenario is American football play, where the corresponding problems are 1) who are offensive players; 2) what are the offensive strategy they are using; and 3) whether two plays are using the same strategy and how we can remove the spatio-temporal misalignment between them due to internal or external factors. The proposed approaches discard traditional modeling paradigm but explore either concise descriptors, hierarchies, stochastic mechanism, or compact generative model to achieve both effectiveness and efficiency. In particular, the intrinsic geometry of the spaces of the involved features/descriptors/quantities is exploited and statistical tools are established on these nonlinear manifolds. These initial attempts have identified new challenging problems in complex motion analysis, as well as in more general tasks in video dynamics. The insights gained from nonlinear geometric modeling and analysis in this dissertation may hopefully be useful toward a broader class of computer vision applications
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