659 research outputs found

    Multi-scale Deep Learning Architectures for Person Re-identification

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    Person Re-identification (re-id) aims to match people across non-overlapping camera views in a public space. It is a challenging problem because many people captured in surveillance videos wear similar clothes. Consequently, the differences in their appearance are often subtle and only detectable at the right location and scales. Existing re-id models, particularly the recently proposed deep learning based ones match people at a single scale. In contrast, in this paper, a novel multi-scale deep learning model is proposed. Our model is able to learn deep discriminative feature representations at different scales and automatically determine the most suitable scales for matching. The importance of different spatial locations for extracting discriminative features is also learned explicitly. Experiments are carried out to demonstrate that the proposed model outperforms the state-of-the art on a number of benchmarksComment: 9 pages, 3 figures, accepted by ICCV 201

    What-and-Where to Match: Deep Spatially Multiplicative Integration Networks for Person Re-identification

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    Matching pedestrians across disjoint camera views, known as person re-identification (re-id), is a challenging problem that is of importance to visual recognition and surveillance. Most existing methods exploit local regions within spatial manipulation to perform matching in local correspondence. However, they essentially extract \emph{fixed} representations from pre-divided regions for each image and perform matching based on the extracted representation subsequently. For models in this pipeline, local finer patterns that are crucial to distinguish positive pairs from negative ones cannot be captured, and thus making them underperformed. In this paper, we propose a novel deep multiplicative integration gating function, which answers the question of \emph{what-and-where to match} for effective person re-id. To address \emph{what} to match, our deep network emphasizes common local patterns by learning joint representations in a multiplicative way. The network comprises two Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to extract convolutional activations, and generates relevant descriptors for pedestrian matching. This thus, leads to flexible representations for pair-wise images. To address \emph{where} to match, we combat the spatial misalignment by performing spatially recurrent pooling via a four-directional recurrent neural network to impose spatial dependency over all positions with respect to the entire image. The proposed network is designed to be end-to-end trainable to characterize local pairwise feature interactions in a spatially aligned manner. To demonstrate the superiority of our method, extensive experiments are conducted over three benchmark data sets: VIPeR, CUHK03 and Market-1501.Comment: Published at Pattern Recognition, Elsevie

    Person Re-Identification by Deep Joint Learning of Multi-Loss Classification

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    Existing person re-identification (re-id) methods rely mostly on either localised or global feature representation alone. This ignores their joint benefit and mutual complementary effects. In this work, we show the advantages of jointly learning local and global features in a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) by aiming to discover correlated local and global features in different context. Specifically, we formulate a method for joint learning of local and global feature selection losses designed to optimise person re-id when using only generic matching metrics such as the L2 distance. We design a novel CNN architecture for Jointly Learning Multi-Loss (JLML) of local and global discriminative feature optimisation subject concurrently to the same re-id labelled information. Extensive comparative evaluations demonstrate the advantages of this new JLML model for person re-id over a wide range of state-of-the-art re-id methods on five benchmarks (VIPeR, GRID, CUHK01, CUHK03, Market-1501).Comment: Accepted by IJCAI 201

    Novel architecture for human re-identification with a two-stream neural network and attention ,echanism

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    This paper proposes a novel architecture that utilises an attention mechanism in conjunction with multi-stream convolutional neural networks (CNN) to obtain high accuracy in human re-identification (Reid). The proposed architecture consists of four blocks. First, the pre-processing block prepares the input data and feeds it into a spatial-temporal two-stream CNN (STC) with two fusion points that extract the spatial-temporal features. Next, the spatial-temporal attentional LSTM block (STA) automatically fine-tunes the extracted features and assigns weight to the more critical frames in the video sequence by using an attention mechanism. Extensive experiments on four of the most popular datasets support our architecture. Finally, the results are compared with the state of the art, which shows the superiority of this approach
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