4 research outputs found

    privateDH: An Enhanced Diffie-Hellman Key-Exchange Protocol using RSA and AES Algorithm

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    RSA cryptography is an asymmetric communication protocol, and it is facing diverse issues. Recent research works suggest that RSA security has already broken. On the contrary, AES is the most used symmetric-key cryptography protocol, and it is also facing issues. Literature search suggests that there is an issue of cryptanalysis attacks. A shared secret key requires for AES cryptography. The most famous key exchange protocol is Diffie-Hellman; however, it has an issue of the number field sieve discrete log algorithm attacks. Moreover, recent research suggested that Diffie-Hellman is less secure than widely perceived. Moreover, there is another issue of Logjam attack that allows man-in-middle attack in Diffie-Hellman. Thus, we combine RSA, AES, and Diffie-Hellman algorithm to provide security on the key exchange protocol, called privateDH. Our key objective is to provide security to the Diffie-Hellman Algorithm. Therefore, privateDH does not share the data publicly with the intended party. Instead, privateDH encrypts all shareable data in the time of key exchange by encrypting using the AES algorithm. privateDH uses the RSA algorithm and retrieves the public key to avoid a man-in-the-middle attack. Thus, we demonstrate how to provide security to the Diffie-Hellman algorithm to defeat various kinds of attacks

    A polymorphic advanced encryption standard - A novel approach

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    To secure various forms of data, a polymorphic variant of the Advanced Encryption Standard (P-AES) has been introduced. In the P-AES, the AES parameters' values will change with every new key. The exact values will be available only to legitimate communicating parties during execution time. To achieve these objectives, the basic AES transformations, SubBytes, ShiftRows, and MixColumns, have been made key-dependent in the proposed P-AES. Hence, with every new key, these transformations will operate differently. The receiver can retrieve the operations' details from the encryption key. Consequently, polymorphism has been achieved and interoperability remains intact. P-AES has been implemented seamlessly using the existing AES modules, and the performance was more or less equal to the AES performance (71 and 70 milliseconds to encrypt 500 bytes using the P-AES and the AES respectively). From a security standpoint, the proposed P-AES fully complies with Kerckhoff's principle. This means the cipher has an open design, and the security provided by the P-AES depends only on the secrecy of the encryption key. The cipher resistance to differential and linear attacks has been proved. Moreover, the resulting proposed cipher can operate in 128 different ways, which will significantly reduce the capabilities of any sophisticated attacker. Furthermore, the proposed P-AES's scores of the key avalanche and the plaintext avalanche were 0.496 and 0.504 respectively. Finally, the Statistical Test Suite (STS) recommended by the NIST has been used to ensure the randomness of the cipher output, and the cipher has passed all the STS tests

    Security and Privacy for Modern Wireless Communication Systems

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    The aim of this reprint focuses on the latest protocol research, software/hardware development and implementation, and system architecture design in addressing emerging security and privacy issues for modern wireless communication networks. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following: deep-learning-based security and privacy design; covert communications; information-theoretical foundations for advanced security and privacy techniques; lightweight cryptography for power constrained networks; physical layer key generation; prototypes and testbeds for security and privacy solutions; encryption and decryption algorithm for low-latency constrained networks; security protocols for modern wireless communication networks; network intrusion detection; physical layer design with security consideration; anonymity in data transmission; vulnerabilities in security and privacy in modern wireless communication networks; challenges of security and privacy in node–edge–cloud computation; security and privacy design for low-power wide-area IoT networks; security and privacy design for vehicle networks; security and privacy design for underwater communications networks

    Digital Signal Processing (Second Edition)

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    This book provides an account of the mathematical background, computational methods and software engineering associated with digital signal processing. The aim has been to provide the reader with the mathematical methods required for signal analysis which are then used to develop models and algorithms for processing digital signals and finally to encourage the reader to design software solutions for Digital Signal Processing (DSP). In this way, the reader is invited to develop a small DSP library that can then be expanded further with a focus on his/her research interests and applications. There are of course many excellent books and software systems available on this subject area. However, in many of these publications, the relationship between the mathematical methods associated with signal analysis and the software available for processing data is not always clear. Either the publications concentrate on mathematical aspects that are not focused on practical programming solutions or elaborate on the software development of solutions in terms of working ‘black-boxes’ without covering the mathematical background and analysis associated with the design of these software solutions. Thus, this book has been written with the aim of giving the reader a technical overview of the mathematics and software associated with the ‘art’ of developing numerical algorithms and designing software solutions for DSP, all of which is built on firm mathematical foundations. For this reason, the work is, by necessity, rather lengthy and covers a wide range of subjects compounded in four principal parts. Part I provides the mathematical background for the analysis of signals, Part II considers the computational techniques (principally those associated with linear algebra and the linear eigenvalue problem) required for array processing and associated analysis (error analysis for example). Part III introduces the reader to the essential elements of software engineering using the C programming language, tailored to those features that are used for developing C functions or modules for building a DSP library. The material associated with parts I, II and III is then used to build up a DSP system by defining a number of ‘problems’ and then addressing the solutions in terms of presenting an appropriate mathematical model, undertaking the necessary analysis, developing an appropriate algorithm and then coding the solution in C. This material forms the basis for part IV of this work. In most chapters, a series of tutorial problems is given for the reader to attempt with answers provided in Appendix A. These problems include theoretical, computational and programming exercises. Part II of this work is relatively long and arguably contains too much material on the computational methods for linear algebra. However, this material and the complementary material on vector and matrix norms forms the computational basis for many methods of digital signal processing. Moreover, this important and widely researched subject area forms the foundations, not only of digital signal processing and control engineering for example, but also of numerical analysis in general. The material presented in this book is based on the lecture notes and supplementary material developed by the author for an advanced Masters course ‘Digital Signal Processing’ which was first established at Cranfield University, Bedford in 1990 and modified when the author moved to De Montfort University, Leicester in 1994. The programmes are still operating at these universities and the material has been used by some 700++ graduates since its establishment and development in the early 1990s. The material was enhanced and developed further when the author moved to the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at Loughborough University in 2003 and now forms part of the Department’s post-graduate programmes in Communication Systems Engineering. The original Masters programme included a taught component covering a period of six months based on two semesters, each Semester being composed of four modules. The material in this work covers the first Semester and its four parts reflect the four modules delivered. The material delivered in the second Semester is published as a companion volume to this work entitled Digital Image Processing, Horwood Publishing, 2005 which covers the mathematical modelling of imaging systems and the techniques that have been developed to process and analyse the data such systems provide. Since the publication of the first edition of this work in 2003, a number of minor changes and some additions have been made. The material on programming and software engineering in Chapters 11 and 12 has been extended. This includes some additions and further solved and supplementary questions which are included throughout the text. Nevertheless, it is worth pointing out, that while every effort has been made by the author and publisher to provide a work that is error free, it is inevitable that typing errors and various ‘bugs’ will occur. If so, and in particular, if the reader starts to suffer from a lack of comprehension over certain aspects of the material (due to errors or otherwise) then he/she should not assume that there is something wrong with themselves, but with the author