231 research outputs found

    Assessment of the photovoltaic potential at urban level based on 3D city models: A case study and new methodological approach

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    The use of 3D city models combined with simulation functionalities allows to quantify energy demand and renewable generation for a very large set of buildings. The scope of this paper is to determine the solar photovoltaic potential at an urban and regional scale using CityGML geometry descriptions of every building. An innovative urban simulation platform is used to calculate the PV potential of the Ludwigsburg County in south-west Germany, in which every building was simulated by using 3D city models. Both technical and economic potential (considering roof area and insolation thresholds) are investigated, as well as two different PV efficiency scenarios. In this way, it was possible to determine the fraction of the electricity demand that can be covered in each municipality and the whole region, deciding the best strategy, the profitability of the investments and determining optimal locations. Additionally, another important contribution is a literature review regarding the different methods of PV potential estimation and the available roof area reduction coefficients. An economic analysis and emission assessment has also been developed. The results of the study show that it is possible to achieve high annual rates of covered electricity demand in several municipalities for some of the considered scenarios, reaching even more than 100% in some cases. The use of all available roof space (technical potential) could cover 77% of the region’s electricity consumption and 56% as an economic potential with only high irradiance roofs considered. The proposed methodological approach should contribute valuably in helping policy-making processes and communicating the advantages of distributed generation and PV systems in buildings to regulators, researchers and the general public

    A Semantics-Based Approach for Simplifying IFC Building Models to Facilitate the Use of BIM Models in GIS

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    Using solid building models, instead of the surface models in City Geography Markup Language (CityGML), can facilitate data integration between Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Geographic Information System (GIS). The use of solid models, however, introduces a problem of model simplification on the GIS side. The aim of this study is to solve this problem by developing a framework for generating simplified solid building models from BIM. In this framework, a set of Level of Details (LoDs) were first defined to suit solid building models—referred to as s-LoD, rang-ing from s-LoD1 to s-LoD4—and three unique problems in implementing s-LoDs were identified and solved by using a semantics-based approach, including identifying external objects for s-LoD2 and s-LoD3, distinguishing various slabs, and generating valid external walls for s-LoD2 and s-LoD3. The feasibility of the framework was validated by using BIM models, and the result shows that using semantics from BIM can make it easier to convert and simplify building models, which in turn makes BIM information more practical in GIS

    Automatic Building Roof Plane Extraction in Urban Environments for 3D City Modelling Using Remote Sensing Data

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    Delineating and modelling building roof plane structures is an active research direction in urban-related studies, as understanding roof structure provides essential information for generating highly detailed 3D building models. Traditional deep-learning models have been the main focus of most recent research endeavors aiming to extract pixel-based building roof plane areas from remote-sensing imagery. However, significant challenges arise, such as delineating complex roof boundaries and invisible boundaries. Additionally, challenges during the post-processing phase, where pixel-based building roof plane maps are vectorized, often result in polygons with irregular shapes. In order to address this issue, this study explores a state-of-the-art method for planar graph reconstruction applied to building roof plane extraction. We propose a framework for reconstructing regularized building roof plane structures using aerial imagery and cadastral information. Our framework employs a holistic edge classification architecture based on an attention-based neural network to detect corners and edges between them from aerial imagery. Our experiments focused on three distinct study areas characterized by different roof structure topologies: the Stadsveld–‘t Zwering neighborhood and Oude Markt area, located in Enschede, The Netherlands, and the Lozenets district in Sofia, Bulgaria. The outcomes of our experiments revealed that a model trained with a combined dataset of two different study areas demonstrated a superior performance, capable of delineating edges obscured by shadows or canopy. Our experiment in the Oude Markt area resulted in building roof plane delineation with an F-score value of 0.43 when the model trained on the combined dataset was used. In comparison, the model trained only on the Stadsveld–‘t Zwering dataset achieved an F-score value of 0.37, and the model trained only on the Lozenets dataset achieved an F-score value of 0.32. The results from the developed approach are promising and can be used for 3D city modelling in different urban settings

    3D detection of roof sections from a single satellite image and application to LOD2-building reconstruction

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    Reconstructing urban areas in 3D out of satellite raster images has been a long-standing and challenging goal of both academical and industrial research. The rare methods today achieving this objective at a Level Of Details 22 rely on procedural approaches based on geometry, and need stereo images and/or LIDAR data as input. We here propose a method for urban 3D reconstruction named KIBS(\textit{Keypoints Inference By Segmentation}), which comprises two novel features: i) a full deep learning approach for the 3D detection of the roof sections, and ii) only one single (non-orthogonal) satellite raster image as model input. This is achieved in two steps: i) by a Mask R-CNN model performing a 2D segmentation of the buildings' roof sections, and after blending these latter segmented pixels within the RGB satellite raster image, ii) by another identical Mask R-CNN model inferring the heights-to-ground of the roof sections' corners via panoptic segmentation, unto full 3D reconstruction of the buildings and city. We demonstrate the potential of the KIBS method by reconstructing different urban areas in a few minutes, with a Jaccard index for the 2D segmentation of individual roof sections of 88.55%88.55\% and 75.21%75.21\% on our two data sets resp., and a height's mean error of such correctly segmented pixels for the 3D reconstruction of 1.601.60 m and 2.062.06 m on our two data sets resp., hence within the LOD2 precision range

    Smart City Digital Twin Framework for Real-Time Multi-Data Integration and Wide Public Distribution

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    Digital Twins are digital replica of real entities and are becoming fundamental tools to monitor and control the status of entities, predict their future evolutions, and simulate alternative scenarios to understand the impact of changes. Thanks to the large deployment of sensors, with the increasing information it is possible to build accurate reproductions of urban environments including structural data and real-time information. Such solutions help city councils and decision makers to face challenges in urban development and improve the citizen quality of life, by ana-lysing the actual conditions, evaluating in advance through simulations and what-if analysis the outcomes of infrastructural or political chang-es, or predicting the effects of humans and/or of natural events. Snap4City Smart City Digital Twin framework is capable to respond to the requirements identified in the literature and by the international forums. Differently from other solutions, the proposed architecture provides an integrated solution for data gathering, indexing, computing and information distribution offered by the Snap4City IoT platform, therefore realizing a continuously updated Digital Twin. 3D building models, road networks, IoT devices, WoT Entities, point of interests, routes, paths, etc., as well as results from data analytical processes for traffic density reconstruction, pollutant dispersion, predictions of any kind, what-if analysis, etc., are all integrated into an accessible web interface, to support the citizens participation in the city decision processes. What-If analysis to let the user performs simulations and observe possible outcomes. As case of study, the Digital Twin of the city of Florence (Italy) is presented. Snap4City platform, is released as open-source, and made available through GitHub and as docker compose

    A continuous deployment-based approach for the collaborative creation, maintenance, testing and deployment of CityGML models

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    Georeferenced 3D models are an increasingly common choice to store and display urban data in many application areas. CityGML is an open and standardized data model, and exchange format that provides common semantics for 3D city entities and their relations and one of the most common options for this kind of information. Currently, creating and maintaining CityGML models is costly and difficult. This is in part because both the creation of the geometries and the semantic annotation can be complex processes that require at least some manual work. In fact, many publicly available CityGML models have errors. This paper proposes a method to facilitate the regular maintenance of correct city models in CityGML. This method is based on the continuous deployment strategy and tools used in software development, but adapted to the problem of creating, maintaining and deploying CityGML models, even when several people are working on them at the same time. The method requires designing and implementing CityGML deployment pipelines. These pipelines are automatic implementations of the process of building, testing and deploying CityGML models. These pipelines must be run by the maintainers of the models when they make changes that are intended to be shared with others. The pipelines execute increasingly complex automatic tests in order to detect errors as soon as possible, and can even automate the deployment step, where the CityGML models are made available to their end users. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of this method, and as an example of its application, a CityGML deployment pipeline has been developed for an example scenario where three actors maintain the same city model. This scenario is representative of the kind of problems that this method intends to solve, and it is based on real work in progress. The main benefits of this method are the automation of model testing, every change to the model is tested in a repeatable way; the automation of the model deployment, every change to the model can reach its end users as fast as possible; the systematic approach to integrating changes made by different people working together on the models, including the possibility of keeping parallel versions with a common core; an automatic record of every change made to the models (who did what and when) and the possibility of undoing some of those changes at any time.This work was supported by the Optimised Energy Efficient Design Platform for Refurbishment at District Level (OptEEmAL) project, Grant Agreement Number 680676, 2015-2019, as part of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

    LOD Generation for Urban Scenes

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    International audienceWe introduce a novel approach that reconstructs 3D urban scenes in the form of levels of detail (LODs). Starting from raw data sets such as surface meshes generated by multi-view stereo systems, our algorithm proceeds in three main steps: classification, abstraction and reconstruction. From geometric attributes and a set of semantic rules combined with a Markov random field, we classify the scene into four meaningful classes. The abstraction step detects and regularizes planar structures on buildings, fits icons on trees, roofs and facades, and performs filtering and simplification for LOD generation. The abstracted data are then provided as input to the reconstruction step which generates watertight buildings through a min-cut formula-tion on a set of 3D arrangements. Our experiments on complex buildings and large scale urban scenes show that our approach generates meaningful LODs while being robust and scalable. By combining semantic segmentation and abstraction it also outperforms general mesh approximation ap-proaches at preserving urban structures


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    In recent decades, the geospatial domain has benefitted from technological advances in sensors, methodologies, and processing tools to expand capabilities in mapping applications. Airborne techniques (LiDAR and aerial photogrammetry) generally provide most of the data used for this purpose. However, despite the relevant accuracy of these technologies and the high spatial resolution of airborne data, updates are not sufficiently regular due to significant flight costs and logistics. New possibilities to fill this information gap have emerged with the advent of Very High Resolution (VHR) optical satellite images in the early 2000s. In addition to the high temporal resolution of the cost-effective datasets and their sub-meter geometric resolutions, the synoptic coverage is an unprecedented opportunity for mapping remote areas, multi-temporal analyses, updating datasets and disaster management. For all these reasons, VHR satellite imagery is clearly a relevant study for National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies (NMCAs). This work, supported by EuroSDR, summarises a series of experimental analyses carried out over diverse landscapes to explore the potential of VHR imagery for large-scale mapping

    SOMA A Tool for Synthesizing and Optimizing Memory Accesses in ASICs

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    Arbitrary memory dependencies and variable latency memory systems are major obstacles to the synthesis of large-scale ASIC systems in high-level synthesis. This paper presents SOMA, a synthesis framework for constructing Memory Access Network (MAN) architectures that inherently enforce memory consistency in the presence of dynamic memory access dependencies. A fundamental bottleneck in any such network is arbitrating between concurrent accesses to a shared memory resource. To alleviate this bottleneck, SOMA uses an application-specific concurrency analysis technique to predict the dynamic memory parallelism profile of the application. This is then used to customize the MAN architecture. Depending on the parallelism profile, the MAN may be optimized for latency, throughput or both. The optimized MAN is automatically synthesized into gate-level structural Verilog using a flexible library of network building blocks. SOMA has been successfully integrated into an automated C-to-hardware synthesis flow, which generates standard cell circuits from unrestricted ANSI-C programs. Post-layout experiments demonstrate that application specific MAN construction significantly improves power and performance
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