6 research outputs found

    Grading Fruits and Vegetables Using RGB-D Images and Convolutional Neural Network

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    This paper presents a method for grading fruits and vegetables by means of using RGB-D (RGB and depth) images and convolutional neural network (CNN). Here, we focus on grading according to the size of objects. First, the method transforms positions of pixels in RGB image so that the center of the object in 3D space is placed at the position equidistant from the focal point by means of using the corresponding depth image. Then, with the transformed RGB images involving equidistant objects, the method uses CNN for learning to classify the objects or fruits and vegetables in the images for grading according to the size, where the CNN is structured for achieving both size sensitivity for grading and shift invariance for reducing position error involved in images. By means of numerical experiments, we show the effectiveness and the analysis of the present method.The 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2017), November 27 to December 1, 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, US

    Real-time object detection and selection with the LabVIEW program

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    Nowadays, the demand for production is increasing due to the increase in the human population. For this reason, different developing technologies are used to meet the required production. In developing technologies, image processing techniques are used to save manpower and time and to minimize possible errors. In this study, image processing techniques were used to detect and select the colors and shapes of the objects coming over the conveyor belt system. Real-time images were preferred in the study. In the implemented system, the selection process was carried out by using the LabVIEW program to define the colors and shapes of the objects. LabVIEW NI- IMAQdx was used to find the colors of the objects. To facilitate the definition of shapes, the images taken from the Vision Assistant module in the LabVIEW program were converted to HSL format, and shape definitions were made using different algorithms. After these processes were done, the servo motors in the conveyor belt system were enabled to communicate with each other with the help of the Arduino program and the selection of the objects was carried out. According to the results obtained, the average accuracy rate for three-dimensional objects was 95.349 %. This rate is considered to be a very high rate for object detection of correct color and shape

    Attention based object recognition applied to a humanoid robot

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    Analysis and recognition of objects in complex scenes is a demanding task for a computer. There is a selection mechanism, named visual attention, that optimizes the visual system, in which only the important parts of the scene are considered at a time. In this work, an object-based visual attention model with both bottom-up and top-down modulation is applied to the humanoid robot NAO to allow a new attention procedure to the robot. This means that the robot, by using its cameras, can recognize geometric figures even with the competition for the attention of all the objects in the image in real time. The proposed method is validated through some tests with 13 to 14 year old kids interacting with the robot NAO that provides some tips (such as the perimeter and area calculation formulas) and recognizes the figure showed by these children. The results are very promissor and show that the proposed approach can contribute for inserting robotics in the educacional context.S茫o Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP)Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq

    Incorporating a humanoid robot to motivate the geometric figures learning

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    Technology has been introduced into educational environments to facilitate learning and engage the students interest. Robotics can be an interesting alternative to explore theoretical concepts covered in class. In this paper, a computational system capable of detecting objects was incorporated into the robot NAO, so it can Interact with students, recognizing geometric shapes with overlap. The system consists of two models of neural networks and was evaluated through a sequence of didatic activities presented to students of the 5th year, aiming to encourage them to perform the tasks. The robot operates autonomously, recognizing and counting the diferente objects in the image. The results show that the children felt very motivated and engaged to fulfill the tasks.S茫o Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP)Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq

    Arquitecturas Centralizadas de Coordinaci贸n. Extrapolaci贸n del F煤tbol de Robots al Control de Modo de Operaciones de Micro-Redes

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    [EN] Coordination architectures in multi-agent systems represent an important topic, due to the agents must be organized in order to get a specific objective. In these kinds of systems, robot soccer is shown as an environment with a common frame for research in team coordination. The importance of these kinds of architectures is that the application in other kinds of systems which require coordination. An islanded micro-grid corresponds to a system which can be modeled as multi-agent system, where the distributed energy resources are modeled as agents are coordinated in order to protect the batteries of the energy storage systems, maintaining the common bus regulation. One way to do this throughout coordination strategies, which allow assigning roles and behaviors to the agents, depending on the system conditions. Likewise, the agents must show collaborative behaviors such as making passes in robot soccer, or the equalization of the state of charge for distributed energy storage systems, in order to obtain better results. Multi-agent systems such as robot soccer, that show uncertainties in a hostile environment, require team coordination in order to reach a common goal. One way to achieve this goal is by coordination strategies, which allow role assignment and behavior selection to the players depending on the game conditions. These strategies can present cooperative behaviors among players such as ball passes, in order to obtain better scores against an opponent team. One alternative is the design of hierarchical coordination strategies for an adequate tactic selection, roles assignment and subsequently behavior selection to the players. To this end, one possibility is to use Hierarchical Finite States Machines, due to those allow more flexible and adaptable programming, with a possibility to make changes or modifications. This allows the design of team strategies by an intuitive way according to the control architecture and the rules and specifications of the league where the team plays, in turn performing collaborative behaviors among the players. In this doctoral dissertation are proposed coordination strategies to robot soccer teams, based on tactics, dynamical role assignment and behaviors selection through the use of Finite States Machines, oriented to team architectures with centralized control and global perception. These strategies must allow an intuitive design depending on the team specifications and the rules of the league. These strategies must allow flexibility and adaptability to the necessary changes, such as the number of players, dimensions of the playing field or other changes in the league`s rules. The strategies must be show an adequate response to the failures and allow cooperative behaviors among their players. Lastly, this dissertation presents a structured architecture based on tactics, roles and behaviors for the coordinated operation of islanded microgrids. This grid architecture takes the form of a multi-agent system, and the energy storage and generation units are the team agents. The control strategy is based on the robot soccer strategies presented in this dissertation, which are designed for systems with global perception and centralized control, and in turn determines the changes among operation modes for the distributed energy resources in an islanded microgrid.[ES] Arquitecturas de coordinaci贸n en sistemas multi-agente representa un t贸pico importante, ya que en este tipo de sistemas los agentes deben ser organizados con el fin de obtener un objetivo espec铆fico. Dentro de este tipo de sistemas el f煤tbol de robots se presenta como un entorno que ofrece un marco com煤n para realizar investigaciones en temas relacionados con temas de coordinaci贸n de equipo. La importancia de este tipo de arquitecturas radica en su aplicaci贸n en otro tipo de ambientes que requieran coordinaci贸n. Un sistema que permite este tipo de aplicaciones consiste en una micro-red el茅ctrica aislada, donde se modelan las fuentes de energ铆a distribuida como agentes que deben ser coordinados con el fin de proteger las bater铆as de los sistemas de almacenamiento de energ铆a, manteniendo la regulaci贸n del bus com煤n. Una forma de conseguir esto es a trav茅s de estrategias de coordinaci贸n, las cuales permiten asignar roles y comportamientos a los agentes de la forma m谩s adecuada, dependiendo de las condiciones del sistema. As铆 mismo, tambi茅n deben presentar comportamientos colaborativos entre los agentes como la realizaci贸n de pases en el f煤tbol de robots o la ecualizaci贸n del estado de carga de las bater铆as, con el fin de obtener mejores resultados. Una posibilidad para llevar a cabo esta colaboraci贸n entre agentes es el dise帽o de estrategias de coordinaci贸n a trav茅s de sistemas jer谩rquicos para la selecci贸n de una adecuada t谩ctica. Adicionalmente se debe permitir la asignaci贸n de roles y posteriormente la selecci贸n de comportamientos de los agentes. Para esto, una alternativa es el uso de M谩quinas Jer谩rquicas de Estado Finito, ya que presentan flexibilidad y adaptabilidad en su programaci贸n, siendo f谩cilmente expandibles a cambios y modificaciones, permitiendo con esto el dise帽o de estrategias de coordinaci贸n de equipo de manera intuitiva acorde con la arquitectura del equipo y los reglamentos de las ligas donde se compita, y a su vez, que permita tambi茅n el dise帽o de comportamientos colaborativos entre sus jugadores. En esta tesis doctoral se proponen estrategias de coordinaci贸n para f煤tbol de robots, mediante la selecci贸n de t谩cticas, la asignaci贸n din谩mica de roles y la selecci贸n de comportamientos, usando M谩quinas de Estado Finito, enfoc谩ndose en el dise帽o de arquitecturas de equipo que presentan percepci贸n global y control centralizado, y que permitan un dise帽o intuitivo dependiendo de las especificaciones de los equipos y de la liga en la que se compite. Estas estrategias deben permitir mayor flexibilidad y adaptabilidad frente a posibles cambios, como por ejemplo en el n煤mero de jugadores por equipo, en las dimensiones del campo de juego, o en el reglamento de la correspondiente liga. Igualmente deben poseer robustez ante posibles fallos o perturbaciones, permitiendo tambi茅n comportamientos colaborativos entre sus integrantes. Finalmente se presenta una propuesta para el control del modo de operaci贸n de una micro-red aislada, presentando una arquitectura de red como sistema multi-agente, donde las unidades de almacenamiento y generaci贸n de energ铆a son los agentes del equipo, y proponiendo una estrategia de control basada en t谩cticas, roles y comportamientos. Esta arquitectura est谩 basada en las estrategias de f煤tbol de robots aportadas en esta tesis y las cuales son dise帽adas para sistemas con percepci贸n global y control centralizado, que determina los cambios en el modo de operaci贸n para las fuentes distribuidas de energ铆a en la micro-red.[CA] Arquitectures de coordinaci贸 en sistemes multi-agent representa un t貌pic important, perqu猫 en aquest tipus de sistemes els agents deuen organitzar-se per a obtindre un objectiu espec铆fic. Dins d'aquest tipus de sistemes, el futbol de robots es presenta com un entorn que ofereix un marc com煤 per a realitzar investigacions en temes relacionats amb la coordinaci贸 d'equips. La import脿ncia d'aquest tipus d'arquitectures radica en la seua aplicaci贸 en altre tipus d'entorns que requereixin coordinaci贸. Un sistema que permet aquest tipus d'aplicaci贸 consisteix en una micro-xarxa el猫ctrica a茂llada, a on es modelitzen les diferents fonts d'energia distribu茂des com agents que deuen ser coordinats per a protegir les bateries dels sistemes de acumulaci贸 de energia, mantenint la regulaci贸 del bus com煤. Una manera d'aconseguir aix貌 es mitjan莽ant estrat猫gies de coordinaci贸, que permeten assignar papers i comportaments als agents de la millor forma, en funci贸 de las condicions del sistema. Aix铆 mateix, tamb茅 deuen presentar comportaments col路laboratius entre els agents la realitzaci贸 de passes de futbol de robots o la equalitzaci贸 de la carga de les bateries, amb la finalitat d'obtindre millor resultats. Una possibilitat per a aconseguir aquesta col路laboraci贸 entre els agents 茅s el disseny d'estrat猫gies de coordinaci贸 mitjan莽ant sistemes jer脿rquics per a la selecci贸 d'una t脿ctica adequada. Addicionalment s'ha de permetre l'assignaci贸 de rols i, posteriorment, la selecci贸 de comportaments dels jugadors del equip. Per a a莽貌, una alternativa es l'煤s de M脿quines Jer脿rquiques d'Estat Finit, ja que presenten flexibilitat i adaptabilitat en la seua programaci贸 fent que siguin f脿cilment expansibles a canvis i modificacions, permetent el disseny d'estrat猫gies de coordinaci贸 d'equip de manera intu茂tiva relacionant-se amb l'arquitectura de l'equip i el reglament de les lliga en la que estiguin competint, al mateix temps permetent el disseny de comportaments de col路laboraci贸 entre els jugadors. En aquesta tesis doctoral es proposen estrat猫gies de coordinaci贸 per a futbol de robots, mitjan莽ant la selecci贸 de t脿ctiques, l'assignaci贸 din脿mica de rols y la selecci贸 de comportaments, utilitzant M脿quines d'Estat Finit, enfocant-se en el disseny d'arquitectures d'equip que presenten percepci贸 global y control centralitzat, i que puguin permetre un disseny intu茂tiu depenent de les especificacions dels equips y de la lliga en la que es competeix. Aquestes estrat猫gies han de permetre major flexibilitat i adaptabilitat davant possibles canvis com podrien ser el nombre de jugadors per equip, les dimensions del camp o el reglament de la corresponent lliga. D'igual manera han de tindre robustesa davant possibles fallades o pertorbacions, permetent tamb茅 comportaments d'aspecte col路laboratiu entre els seus integrants. En aquesta tesis, finalment es presenta un a proposta per al control del mode d'operaci贸 d'una micro-xarxa a茂llada, presentant una arquitectura de xarxa com a sistema multi-agent, on les unitats d'emmagatzemament i generaci贸 d'energia s贸n els agents del equip, i proposant una estrat猫gia de control basada en t脿ctiques, rols i comportaments. Aquesta arquitectura est脿 basada en les estrat猫gies de futbol de robots aportades en aquesta tesis i que son dissenyades per a sistemes amb percepci贸 global i control centralitzat, el qual determina els canvis en la forma d'operaci贸 per a les fonts distribu茂des d'energia en la micro-xarxa.Guarnizo Mar铆n, JG. (2016). Arquitecturas Centralizadas de Coordinaci贸n. Extrapolaci贸n del F煤tbol de Robots al Control de Modo de Operaciones de Micro-Redes [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/68478TESI