21 research outputs found

    An efficient color compensation scheme for skin color segmentation

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    2002-2003 > Academic research: refereed > Refereed conference paperVersion of RecordPublishe

    Face Detection Using Randomized Hough Transform (RHT) with Various Ellipses Segmentations

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    Face detection is one of earlier phase in face recognition process. This research aims to get the faces area on digital image without being affected by face orientation, lights condition, background and the expression. The detected face area is usually shaped by a rectangle. Many pixels on the rectangle are not part of face, especially at the four of the image corners. This research use an ellipse as replacement a rectangle. The detected face is shaped by ellipses with various sizes and orientations. The digital image segmentations is used to detect face candidates area. The ellipse is formed by using Randomized Hough Transform (RHT) method, which is influenced by the center point of ellipse candidates. RHT found three random pixels on segmented image. The rate of success of RHT is determined by segmentation results. The research result is tested by using various thresholds, and get the best accuracy at 74.4%. The rate of accuracy is measured by comparing between RHT ellipses shape and circle shape on OpenCV library as ground truth

    Performance analysis of ANN based YCbCr skin detection algorithm

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    Skin detection from acquired images has various areas of applications especially in automatic facial and human recognition system. The performance analysis of artificial neural network based –YcbCr skin recognition and three other techniques is evaluated in this work. Results obtained show that the use of YCbCr color model performs better than RGB colour model and the use of artificial neural network further improves the accuracy of the system

    Skin Colour Segmentation using Fintte Bivariate Pearsonian Type-IV a Mixture Model

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    The human computer interaction with respect to skin colour is an important area of research due to its ready applications in several areas like face recognition, surveillance, image retrievals, identification, gesture analysis, human tracking etc.  For efficient skin colour segmentation statistical modeling is a prime desiderata.  In general skin colour segment is done based on Gaussian mixture model.  Due to the limitations on GMM like symmetric and mesokurtic nature the accuracy of the skin colour segmentation is affected.  To improve the accuracy of the skin colour segmentation system, In this paper the skin colour is modeled by a finite bivariate Pearsonian type-IVa mixture distribution under HSI colour space of the image.  The model parameters are estimated by EM algorithm.  Using the Bayesian frame the segmentation algorithm is proposed.  Through experimentation it is observed that the proposed skin colour segmentation algorithm perform better with respect to the segmentation quality metrics like PRI, GCE and VOI.  The ROC curves plotted for the system also revealed that the developed algorithm segment pixels in the image more efficiently. Keywords: Skin colour segmentation, HSI colour space, Bivariate Pearson type IVa mixture model, Image segmentation metrics

    An Automatic Image Capturing System Applied to Identification Photo Booth

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    [[abstract]]Common automatic capturing systems employ text and voice instructions to guide users to capture their identification (ID) photos, however, the capturing results may not conform to the specifications of ID photo. To address this issue, this study proposes an ID photo capturing algorithm that can automatically detect facial contours and adjust the size of capturing images. In the experiments, subjects were seated at various distance and heights for testing the performance of the proposed algorithm. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively and accurately capture ID photos that satisfy the required specifications.[[notice]]補正完

    Pencarian Ruang Warna Kulit Manusia Berdasarkan Nilai Karakteristik (λ) Matrik Window Citra

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    Abstrak Perkembangan transaksi dan distribusi data yang sangat besar, terutama saat teknologi informasi dan komunikasi melalui  web bisa dijangkau oleh siapa saja menggunakan perangkat yang semakin beragam, membuat pengguna memerlukan aplikasi yang serba mudah untuk digunakan. Diantaranya adalah identifikasi obyek yang berada dalam data multimedia berupa teks, gambar maupun suara. Deteksi warna, terutama deteksi warna kulit manusia adalah tahap awal identifikasi keberadaan manusia pada citra 2 dimensi. Terdapat sejumlah metode untuk menentukan apakah suatu pixel pada gambar tersebut merupakan warna kulit manusia. Penelitian sebelumnya telah membuat ruang warna berbasis pixel diantaranya adalah ruang warna RGB, normalisasi RGB, HIS/HSV, TSL, YCbCr dll. Suatu matrik bujur sangkar NxN mempunyai nilai karakteristik (λ) sebanyak N dimana nilai masing-masing berupa bilangan real. Suatu citra dapat dipecah menjadi M matrik bujur sangkar dan kemudian dicari nilai λ  nya. Penelitian ini akan mencari ruang warna kulit manusia berdasarkan nilai karakteristik (ƛ) matrik window citra. Dari hasil pengujian hamper semua warna kulit dapat dideteksi, namun image untuk warna kulit yang tidak mencolok beberapa obyek pada image dapat ditampilkan dengan baik meskipun bukan kulit. Kata kunci: Citra Kulit, Nilai Karakteristik (λ), Matrik Window Abstract The development of the transaction and distribution of huge data, especially when the information technology and communication via the web can be reached by anyone using the increasingly diverse, making the user requires an application that completely easy to use. Among them is the identification of objects that are in the multimedia data such as text, images and sound. Color detection, particularly the detection of human skin color is an early stage identification of human presence on the 2-dimensional image. There are a number of methods to determine whether a pixel in the image is the color of human skin. Previous studies have made such pixel based color space is RGB color space, normalized RGB, HIS/HSV, TSL, YCbCr etc. An NxN square matrix has eigenvalues ​​(λ) of N where the value of each form of real numbers. An image can be broken down into a square matrix M and then sought its λ value. This study will look for human skin color space based on the value of the characteristic (ƛ) matrix image window. From the test results almost all skin colors can be detected, but the image for an inconspicuous color multiple objects in the image can be displayed well although not leather. Keywords: skin image, value of the characteristic(λ), Matrix Window

    An overview of NuDetective Forensic Tool and its usage to combat child pornography in Brazil

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    In many countries, the possession of files containing child and teen pornography is a heinous crime and is desirable for law enforcement be able to detect such files in a timely manner at crime scenes. However, mainly at crime scenes, it is impossible to manually examine all files that can be stored in digital storage devices. The NuDetective Forensic Tool was developed to assist forensic examiners to identify child pornography at crime scenes. NuDetective uses automatic nudity detection in images and videos, file name comparison and also uses hash values to reduce the files to be analyzed by forensic examiners. Despite the high detection rates achieved in past experiments, the authors did not get any formal feedback of NuDetective users about its performance in real forensic cases. So, this work presents a detailed review of the four main features of NuDetective Forensic Tool, including all techniques and methods implemented, and also the results of an unpublished survey conducted to evaluate the real effectiveness of NuDetective by its Brazilian users. The results obtained showed that NuDetective is helping to arrest pedophiles and to combat the child sexual exploitation in the digital era.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Race classification using gaussian-based weight K-nn algorithm for face recognition

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    One of the greatest challenges in facial recognition systems is to recognize faces around different race and illuminations. Chromaticity is an essential factor in facial recognition and shows the intensity of the color in a pixel, it can greatly vary depending on the lighting conditions. The race classification scheme proposed which is Gaussian based-weighted K-Nearest Neighbor classifier in this paper, has very sensitive to illumination intensity. The main idea is first to identify the minority class instances in the training data and then generalize them to Gaussian function as concept for the minority class. By using combination of K-NN algorithm with Gaussian formula for race classification. In this paper, image processing is divided into two phases. The first is preprocessing phase. There are three preprocessing comprises of auto contrast balance, noise reduction and auto-color balancing. The second phase is face processing which contains six steps; face detection, illumination normalization, feature extraction, skin segmentation, race classification and face recognition. There are two type of dataset are being used; first FERET dataset where images inside this dataset involve of illumination variations. The second is Caltech dataset which images side this dataset contains noises

    Obscenity Detection Using Haar-Like Features and Gentle Adaboost Classifier

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    Large exposure of skin area of an image is considered obscene. This only fact may lead to many false images having skin-like objects and may not detect those images which have partially exposed skin area but have exposed erotogenic human body parts. This paper presents a novel method for detecting nipples from pornographic image contents. Nipple is considered as an erotogenic organ to identify pornographic contents from images. In this research Gentle Adaboost (GAB) haar-cascade classifier and haar-like features used for ensuring detection accuracy. Skin filter prior to detection made the system more robust. The experiment showed that, considering accuracy, haar-cascade classifier performs well, but in order to satisfy detection time, train-cascade classifier is suitable. To validate the results, we used 1198 positive samples containing nipple objects and 1995 negative images. The detection rates for haar-cascade and train-cascade classifiers are 0.9875 and 0.8429, respectively. The detection time for haar-cascade is 0.162 seconds and is 0.127 seconds for train-cascade classifier