14 research outputs found

    Penghematan Daya Pada Sensor Node Sistem Monitoring Kualitas Udara

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    Sistem monitoring kualitas udara merupakan sistem yang digunakan untuk mengetahui indeks kualitas udara disuatu wilayah. Sensor node merupakan perangkat pengumpulan data berbasis mikroprosesor yang ditempatkan di wilayah yang dimonitor. Terkadang lokasinya berupa area terpencil dengan ketersediaan daya listrik minimal. Padahal sensor node memerlukan daya yang cukup besar terutama saat pengambilan dan pengiriman data. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu sistem penghematan daya. Pada makalah ini dipaparkan sebuah rancangan sistem penghematan daya pada sensor node dengan cara memutus arus ke modul sensor pada saat tidak digunakan untuk pengambilan dan pengiriman data. Rangkaian pensaklaran MOSFET digunakan untuk memutus arus. Pengaturan jeda waktu pengambilan, pengiriman data, dan pengaktifan hemat daya, dilakukan oleh mikrokontroler. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi penghematan pemakaian energi pada sensor node sebesar 64 %. Total pemakaian energi yang digunakan selama 5 jam juga terjadi pengurangan, dari yang sebelumnya menggunakan energi sebesar 76.620 Wdtk menjadi sebesar 27.360 Wdtk

    An IoT-oriented fast prototyping platform for BLE-based star topology networks

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is characterized by many technologies, standards, tools and devices for a wide range of application fields and often, for the end-users (makers and developers), is hard to orientate in an equally wide range of offers from various manufacturers. In recent years, the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication protocol is achieving a large portion of the market, thanks to its low-power and low-cost orientation and its pervasiveness in mobile devices, like smartphones. For these reasons, BLE is increasingly used in IoT-oriented Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN), where a small set of devices arranged in star topology network and connected to a smartphone and a Wi-Fi gateway, can cover a large number of monitoring and controlling use case scenarios. This work presents the ST’s STM32 Open Development Environment (ODE), a complete suite of hardware and software tools representing a reference point for end-users willing to create BLE-based star topology networks for a wide range of applications. Through a simple use case in a smart home context, it is shown how all provided tools can be used to fast prototype applications addressing all user requirements

    Using Battery-Less RFID Tags with Augmented Capabilities in the Internet of Things

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    Driven by user demand for new smart systems in the framework of the Internet of Things (IoT) and fueled by technological advances in Radiofrequency Identification (RFID), an increasing number of new IoT-oriented RFID-based devices has appeared in recent years in scientific literature. Some of them conjugate canonical RFID identification with extra functionalities such as sensing, reasoning, memorization, and actuation. In this way, IoT challenging applications can be developed, which distribute processing load till to the extreme nodes of the network, while lying upon the well-established RFID infrastructure. In this work, a reasoned panoramic on the potentialities in the IoT framework of augmented RFID tags is presented and classified. Two applicative scenarios are envisioned, presented and discussed, to illustrate how augmented RFID devices may support advanced IoT systems

    Integrating Passive UHF RFID Tags with WSN Nodes: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have received an ever-increasing attention in recent years, mainly because they represent two of the most important technologies enabling the Internet of Things vision. Although designed originally with different objectives, WSN and RFID represent two complementary technologies whose integration might increase their functionalities and extend their range of applications. However, important technological issues must still be solved in order to fully exploit the potentialities offered by such integration. In this work, an innovative RFID-WSN integration approach is presented and validated. It relies on the interconnection of a new-generation, long-range, EPCglobal Class-1 Generation-2 Ultra-High-Frequency (UHF) RFID tag with a commercial WSN node via the I2C interface. Experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approach compared to existing solution in the literature. Interesting application scenarios enabled by the proposed RFID-WSN integration approach are briefly summarized at the end of the paper

    Multi-Token Based MAC-Cum-Routing Protocol for WSN: A Distributed Approach

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    A wireless sensor network is a collection of batterypowered sensor nodes distributed in a geographical area. Inmany applications, such networks are left unattended for along period of time. These networks suffer from the problemslike high energy consumption, high latency time, and end- to-end low packet delivery ratio. To design a protocol that findsa trade-off between these problems is a challenging task. Inorder to mitigate energy consumption issue, different existingMedia Access Control (MAC) protocols such as S-MAC, RMAC,HEMAC, and Congestion-less Single Token MAC protocols havebeen proposed which ensure better packet delivery but fail toensure energy efficiency due to high end-to-end latency. Theproblem of high end-to-end latency is resolved with the existingrouting protocols such as Fault Tolerant Multilevel Routingprotocol (FMS)and Enhanced Tree Routing (ETR) protocol.AS2-MAC and Multi Token based MAC protocol are able toimprove the end-to-end packet delivery ratio. However, thehierarchical network structure used in these protocols increasestime and energy consumption during network reconstruction.This problem was further resolved in Distributed HierarchicalStructure Routing protocol by constructing the network structurein a distributed manner. In all these existing protocols, efficienttoken management and reliable data delivery ratio was notproperly addressed, which in turn consume more energy. So,it is clear that MAC and routing protocols both together cangive better results related to data transmission in WSN. Inorder to achieve the same, in this paper, we propose a reliabledata transmission algorithm that satisfies both routing and MACprotocol to improve the end-to-end data delivery. The proposedprotocol uses different control message exchange that ensures datapacket delivery in each individual levels and it ultimately uses oftokens to ensure reliable data transmission along with reducedtraffic congestion during end-to-end data delivery. The algorithmconsiderably improves the packet delivery ratio along with reduceenergy consumption of each sensor node. Simulation studies ofthe proposed approach have been carried out and its performancehas been compared with the Multi Token based MAC protocol,AS-MAC protocol and ETR routing protocol. The experimentalresults based on simulation confirms that the proposed approachhas a higher data packet delivery ratio

    RMER: Reliable and Energy-Efficient Data Collection for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks

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    We propose a novel event data collection approach named reliability and multipath encounter routing (RMER) for meeting reliability and energy efficiency requirements. The contributions of the RMER approach are as follows. 1) Fewer monitor nodes are selected in hotspot areas that are close to the Sink, and more monitor nodes are selected in nonhotspot areas, which can lead to increased network lifetime and event detection reliability. 2) The RMER approach sends data to the Sink by converging multipath routes of event monitoring nodes into a one-path route to aggregate data. Thus, energy consumption can be greatly reduced, thereby enabling further increased network lifetime. Both theoretical and experimental simulation results show that RMER applied to event detection outperforms other solutions. Our results clearly indicate that RMER increases energy efficiency by 51% and network lifetime by 23% over other solutions while guaranteeing event detection reliability

    Discovery and Mash-up of Physical Resources through a Web of Things Architecture

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    The Internet of Things has focused on new systems, the so-called smart things, to integrate the physical world with the virtual world by exploiting the network architecture of the Internet. However, defining applications on top of smart things is mainly reserved to system experts, since it requires a thorough knowledge of hardware platforms and some specific programming languages. Furthermore, a common infrastructure to publish and share resource information is also needed. In this paper, we propose a software architecture that simplifies the visual development and execution of mash-up applications based on smart things, exploiting Internet Web protocols and their ubiquitous availability even on constrained devices. We have developed a distributed architecture that allows to create and control mash-up applications in an easy and scalable way, without specific knowledge on both hardware and programming languages. In addition, we have also defined a centralized public database deployed on the Internet, to manage and share physical resource information. The effectiveness of the proposed framework has been tested through a real use case and experimental results have demonstrated the validity of the whole system

    A Comprehensive Analysis of Literature Reported Mac and Phy Enhancements of Zigbee and its Alliances

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    Wireless communication is one of the most required technologies by the common man. The strength of this technology is rigorously progressing towards several novel directions in establishing personal wireless networks mounted over on low power consuming systems. The cutting-edge communication technologies like bluetooth, WIFI and ZigBee significantly play a prime role to cater the basic needs of any individual. ZigBee is one such evolutionary technology steadily getting its popularity in establishing personal wireless networks which is built on small and low-power digital radios. Zigbee defines the physical and MAC layers built on IEEE standard. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of literature reported MAC and PHY enhancements of ZigBee and its contemporary technologies with respect to performance, power consumption, scheduling, resource management and timing and address binding. The work also discusses on the areas of ZigBee MAC and PHY towards their design for specific applications