2 research outputs found

    A note on the degree for maximal monotone mappings in finite dimensional spaces

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    AbstractLet Rn be the n-dimensional Euclidean space, T:D(T)⊆Rn→2Rn a maximal monotone mapping, and Ω⊂Rn an open bounded subset such that Ω∩D(T)≠0̸ and assume 0∉T(∂Ω∩D(T)). In this note we show an easy way to define the topological degree deg(T,Ω∩D(T),0) of T on Ω∩D(T) as the limit of the classical Brouwer degree deg(Tλ,Ω,0) as λ→0+; here Tλ is the Yosida approximation of T. Furthermore, if Ti:D→2Rn, i=1,2, are two maximal monotone mappings such that Ω∩D≠0̸ and 0∉∪t∈[0,1][tT1+(1−t)T2](∂Ω∩D) and if tT1+(1−t)T2 is maximal monotone for each t∈[0,1], we give an easy argument to show deg(T1,D∩Ω,0)=deg(T2,DΩ,0)