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    On the difference between permutation polynomials over finite fields

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    The well-known Chowla and Zassenhaus conjecture, proven by Cohen in 1990, states that if p>(d23d+4)2p>(d^2-3d+4)^2, then there is no complete mapping polynomial ff in \Fp[x] of degree d2d\ge 2. For arbitrary finite fields \Fq, a similar non-existence result is obtained recently by I\c s\i k, Topuzo\u glu and Winterhof in terms of the Carlitz rank of ff. Cohen, Mullen and Shiue generalized the Chowla-Zassenhaus-Cohen Theorem significantly in 1995, by considering differences of permutation polynomials. More precisely, they showed that if ff and f+gf+g are both permutation polynomials of degree d2d\ge 2 over \Fp, with p>(d23d+4)2p>(d^2-3d+4)^2, then the degree kk of gg satisfies k3d/5k \geq 3d/5, unless gg is constant. In this article, assuming ff and f+gf+g are permutation polynomials in \Fq[x], we give lower bounds for kk %=\mathrm{deg(h)} in terms of the Carlitz rank of ff and qq. Our results generalize the above mentioned result of I\c s\i k et al. We also show for a special class of polynomials ff of Carlitz rank n1n \geq 1 that if f+xkf+x^k is a permutation of \Fq, with gcd(k+1,q1)=1\gcd(k+1, q-1)=1, then k(qn)/(n+3)k\geq (q-n)/(n+3)