21,542 research outputs found

    Upper and Lower Bounds on Long Dual-Paths in Line Arrangements

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    Given a line arrangement A\cal A with nn lines, we show that there exists a path of length n2/3O(n)n^2/3 - O(n) in the dual graph of A\cal A formed by its faces. This bound is tight up to lower order terms. For the bicolored version, we describe an example of a line arrangement with 3k3k blue and 2k2k red lines with no alternating path longer than 14k14k. Further, we show that any line arrangement with nn lines has a coloring such that it has an alternating path of length Ω(n2/logn)\Omega (n^2/ \log n). Our results also hold for pseudoline arrangements.Comment: 19 page

    Combinatorial Properties of Triangle-Free Rectangle Arrangements and the Squarability Problem

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    We consider arrangements of axis-aligned rectangles in the plane. A geometric arrangement specifies the coordinates of all rectangles, while a combinatorial arrangement specifies only the respective intersection type in which each pair of rectangles intersects. First, we investigate combinatorial contact arrangements, i.e., arrangements of interior-disjoint rectangles, with a triangle-free intersection graph. We show that such rectangle arrangements are in bijection with the 4-orientations of an underlying planar multigraph and prove that there is a corresponding geometric rectangle contact arrangement. Moreover, we prove that every triangle-free planar graph is the contact graph of such an arrangement. Secondly, we introduce the question whether a given rectangle arrangement has a combinatorially equivalent square arrangement. In addition to some necessary conditions and counterexamples, we show that rectangle arrangements pierced by a horizontal line are squarable under certain sufficient conditions.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, extended version of a paper to appear at the International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD) 201

    Valid Orderings of Real Hyperplane Arrangements

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    Given a real finite hyperplane arrangement A and a point p not on any of the hyperplanes, we define an arrangement vo(A,p), called the *valid order arrangement*, whose regions correspond to the different orders in which a line through p can cross the hyperplanes in A. If A is the set of affine spans of the facets of a convex polytope P and p lies in the interior of P, then the valid orderings with respect to p are just the line shellings of p where the shelling line contains p. When p is sufficiently generic, the intersection lattice of vo(A,p) is the *Dilworth truncation* of the semicone of A. Various applications and examples are given. For instance, we determine the maximum number of line shellings of a d-polytope with m facets when the shelling line contains a fixed point p. If P is the order polytope of a poset, then the sets of facets visible from a point involve a generalization of chromatic polynomials related to list colorings.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Enumerating Colorings, Tensions and Flows in Cell Complexes

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    We study quasipolynomials enumerating proper colorings, nowhere-zero tensions, and nowhere-zero flows in an arbitrary CW-complex XX, generalizing the chromatic, tension and flow polynomials of a graph. Our colorings, tensions and flows may be either modular (with values in Z/kZ\mathbb{Z}/k\mathbb{Z} for some kk) or integral (with values in {k+1,,k1}\{-k+1,\dots,k-1\}). We obtain deletion-contraction recurrences and closed formulas for the chromatic, tension and flow quasipolynomials, assuming certain unimodularity conditions. We use geometric methods, specifically Ehrhart theory and inside-out polytopes, to obtain reciprocity theorems for all of the aforementioned quasipolynomials, giving combinatorial interpretations of their values at negative integers as well as formulas for the numbers of acyclic and totally cyclic orientations of XX.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures. Final version, to appear in J. Combin. Theory Series

    Relative cohomology of bi-arrangements

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    A bi-arrangement of hyperplanes in a complex affine space is the data of two sets of hyperplanes along with a coloring information on the strata. To such a bi-arrangement, one naturally associates a relative cohomology group, that we call its motive. The motivation for studying such relative cohomology groups comes from the notion of motivic period. More generally, we suggest the systematic study of the motive of a bi-arrangement of hypersurfaces in a complex manifold. We provide combinatorial and cohomological tools to compute the structure of these motives. Our main object is the Orlik-Solomon bi-complex of a bi-arrangement, which generalizes the Orlik-Solomon algebra of an arrangement. Loosely speaking, our main result states that "the motive of an exact bi-arrangement is computed by its Orlik-Solomon bi-complex", which generalizes classical facts involving the Orlik-Solomon algebra of an arrangement. We show how this formalism allows us to explicitly compute motives arising from the study of multiple zeta values and sketch a more general application to periods of mixed Tate motives.Comment: 43 pages; minor correction

    Inside-Out Polytopes

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    We present a common generalization of counting lattice points in rational polytopes and the enumeration of proper graph colorings, nowhere-zero flows on graphs, magic squares and graphs, antimagic squares and graphs, compositions of an integer whose parts are partially distinct, and generalized latin squares. Our method is to generalize Ehrhart's theory of lattice-point counting to a convex polytope dissected by a hyperplane arrangement. We particularly develop the applications to graph and signed-graph coloring, compositions of an integer, and antimagic labellings.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures; to appear in Adv. Mat