2 research outputs found

    The impact of the image processing in the indexation system

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    This paper presents an efficient word spotting system applied to handwritten Arabic documents, where images are represented with bag-of-visual-SIFT descriptors and a sliding window approach is used to locate the regions that are most similar to the query by following the query-by-example paragon. First, a pre-processing step is used to produce a better representation of the most informative features. Secondly, a region-based framework is deployed to represent each local region by a bag-of-visual-SIFT descriptors. Afterward, some experiments are in order to demonstrate the codebook size influence on the efficiency of the system, by analyzing the curse of dimensionality curve. In the end, to measure the similarity score, a floating distance based on the descriptor’s number for each query is adopted. The experimental results prove the efficiency of the proposed processing steps in the word spotting system

    A noise attribute thresholding method for document image binarization

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