4 research outputs found

    Asiakasvaatimusten tunnistaminen ja hyödyntäminen jatkuvassa tuotekehityksessä

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämä työ käsittelee prosessia, jolla tuotevaatimuksia derivoidaan asiakkailta. Tavoitteena on tunnistaa nykyiset toimintatavat, esitellä yleisimmät tavat kerätä tietoa asiakkailta ja miten niistä saadaan johdettua hyödyllisiä ja realistisia vaatimuksia tuotteelle. Toinen kiinnostava osaalue on se, kuinka nämä vaatimukset voidaan toteuttaa inkrementaalisessa ohjelmistotuotekehitysprosessissa. Tutkimus toteutetaan kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla. Työ esittelee teoreettiset perusteet tuotekehitykseen, vaatimusmäärittelyyn ja asiakastarpeiden tunnistamiseen. Lopuksi löydökset pyritään analysoimaan ja vetämään yhteen. Työn tuloksena selviää, että asiakkaita pyritään nykyisin integroimaan entistä laajemmin ja avoimemmin tuotekehitysprosesseihin. Asiakkaiden osallistamisella vaikuttaa olevan positiivinen yhteys kykyyn vastata asiakkaiden vaatimuksiin ja kasvattamaan menestyksen todennäköisyyttä ohjelmistotuotannossa.Voice of customer in incremental product development. Abstract. This thesis discusses the process of extracting product requirements from the voice of customers. The aim is to find best practices from the industry, present the most common ways of collecting information from the customers, and how to extract the useful derivatives from that data. Another area of interest is how these requirements can be implemented on the incremental software product development process. The research is carried out using a literature review. The work presents the theoretical foundations for product development, defining requirements and identifying customer needs. Finally, the findings are analyzed and summarized. As a result of the work, it becomes clear that nowadays the aim is to integrate customers more stringly and openly into product development processes. Customer involvement seems to have a positive correlation with the ability to meet customer demands and increase the probability of successful software

    A new paradigm of software service engineering in big data and big service era

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    © 2018, Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature. In the big data era, servitization becomes one of the important development trends of the IT world. More and more software resources are developed and existed in the format as services on the Internet. These services from multi-domains and multi-networks are converged as a huge complicated service network or ecosystem, which can be called as Big Service. How to reuse the abundant open service resources to rapidly develop the new applications or comprehensive service solutions to meet massive individualized customer requirements is a key issue in the big data and big service ecosystem. Based on analyzing the ecosystem of big service, this paper presents a new paradigm of software service engineering, Requirement-Engineering Two-Phase of Service Engineering Paradigm (RE2SEP), which includes service oriented requirement engineering, domain oriented service engineering, and the development approach of software services. By means of the RE2SEP approach, the adaptive service solutions can be efficiently designed and implemented to match the requirement propositions of massive individualized customers in Big Service ecosystem. A case study of the RE2SEP applications, which is a project on citizens mobility service in smart city environment, is also given in this paper. The RE2SEP paradigm will change the way of traditional life-cycle oriented software engineering, and lead a new approach of software service engineering