775 research outputs found

    Using Effective Generator Impedance for Forced Oscillation Source Location

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    Locating the sources of forced low-frequency oscillations in power systems is an important problem. A number of proposed methods demonstrate their practical usefulness, but many of them rely on strong modeling assumptions and provide poor performance in certain cases for reasons still not well understood. This paper proposes a systematic method for locating the source of a forced oscillation by considering a generator's response to fluctuations of its terminal voltages and currents. It is shown that a generator can be represented as an effective admittance matrix with respect to low-frequency oscillations, and an explicit form for this matrix, for various generator models, is derived. Furthermore, it is shown that a source generator, in addition to its effective admittance, is characterized by the presence of an effective current source thus giving a natural qualitative distinction between source and nonsource generators. Detailed descriptions are given of a source detection procedure based on this developed representation, and the method's effectiveness is confirmed by simulations on the recommended testbeds (eg. WECC 179-bus system). This method is free of strong modeling assumptions and is also shown to be robust in the presence of measurement noise and generator parameter uncertainty.Comment: 13 page

    Efficient detection for multifrequency dynamic phasor analysis

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    Analysis of harmonic and interharmonic phasors is a promising smart grid measurement and diagnostic tool. This creates the need to deal with multiple phasor components having different amplitudes, including interharmonics with unknown frequency locations. The Compressive Sensing Taylor-Fourier Multifrequency (CSTFM) algorithm provides very accurate results under demanding test conditions, but is computationally demanding. In this paper we present a novel frequency search criterion with significantly improved effectiveness, resulting in a very efficient revised CSTFM algorithm

    P and M class phasor measurement unit algorithms using adaptive cascaded filters

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    The new standard C37.118.1 lays down strict performance limits for phasor measurement units (PMUs) under steady-state and dynamic conditions. Reference algorithms are also presented for the P (performance) and M (measurement) class PMUs. In this paper, the performance of these algorithms is analysed during some key signal scenarios, particularly those of off-nominal frequency, frequency ramps, and harmonic contamination. While it is found that total vector error (TVE) accuracy is relatively easy to achieve, the reference algorithm is not able to achieve a useful ROCOF (rate of change of frequency) accuracy. Instead, this paper presents alternative algorithms for P and M class PMUs which use adaptive filtering techniques in real time at up to 10 kHz sample rates, allowing consistent accuracy to be maintained across a ±33% frequency range. ROCOF errors can be reduced by factors of >40 for P class and >100 for M class devices

    PMU-Based ROCOF Measurements: Uncertainty Limits and Metrological Significance in Power System Applications

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    In modern power systems, the Rate-of-Change-of-Frequency (ROCOF) may be largely employed in Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control (WAMPAC) applications. However, a standard approach towards ROCOF measurements is still missing. In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) deployment in ROCOF-based applications, with a specific focus on Under-Frequency Load-Shedding (UFLS). For this analysis, we select three state-of-the-art window-based synchrophasor estimation algorithms and compare different signal models, ROCOF estimation techniques and window lengths in datasets inspired by real-world acquisitions. In this sense, we are able to carry out a sensitivity analysis of the behavior of a PMU-based UFLS control scheme. Based on the proposed results, PMUs prove to be accurate ROCOF meters, as long as the harmonic and inter-harmonic distortion within the measurement pass-bandwidth is scarce. In the presence of transient events, the synchrophasor model looses its appropriateness as the signal energy spreads over the entire spectrum and cannot be approximated as a sequence of narrow-band components. Finally, we validate the actual feasibility of PMU-based UFLS in a real-time simulated scenario where we compare two different ROCOF estimation techniques with a frequency-based control scheme and we show their impact on the successful grid restoration.Comment: Manuscript IM-18-20133R. Accepted for publication on IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (acceptance date: 9 March 2019

    Comparisons of the execution times and memory requirements for high-speed discrete fourier transforms and fast fourier transforms, for the measurement of AC power harmonics

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    Conventional wisdom dictates that a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) will be a more computationally effective method for measuring multiple harmonics than a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) approach. However, in this paper it is shown that carefully coded discrete transforms which distribute their computational load over many frames can be made to produce results in shorter execution times than the FFT approach, even for large number of harmonic measurement frequencies. This is because the execution time of the presented DFT actually rises with N and not the classical N2 value, while the execution time of the FFT rises with Nlog2N

    Smart Power Grid Synchronization With Fault Tolerant Nonlinear Estimation

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    Effective real-time state estimation is essential for smart grid synchronization, as electricity demand continues to grow, and renewable energy resources increase their penetration into the grid. In order to provide a more reliable state estimation technique to address the problem of bad data in the PMU-based power synchronization, this paper presents a novel nonlinear estimation framework to dynamically track frequency, voltage magnitudes and phase angles. Instead of directly analyzing in abc coordinate frame, symmetrical component transformation is employed to separate the positive, negative, and zero sequence networks. Then, Clarke\u27s transformation is used to transform the sequence networks into the αÎČ stationary coordinate frame, which leads to system model formulation. A novel fault tolerant extended Kalman filter based real-time estimation framework is proposed for smart grid synchronization with noisy bad data measurements. Computer simulation studies have demonstrated that the proposed fault tolerant extended Kalman filter (FTEKF) provides more accurate voltage synchronization results than the extended Kalman filter (EKF). The proposed approach has been implemented with dSPACE DS1103 and National Instruments CompactRIO hardware platforms. Computer simulation and hardware instrumentation results have shown the potential applications of FTEKF in smart grid synchronization


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    Steady-state performance of various recursive and non-recursive algorithms are tested in this report according to the test signals given in the IEEE Standard C37.118.1-2011. Phase magnitude and phase angle of the power grid signals have been estimated using Discrete Fourier Transform (non-recursive), Discrete Fourier Transform (recursive), Least Square, and Wavelet Transform Algorithms. Frequency estimation is performed using Discrete Fourier Transform, Weighted Least Square, and Zero Crossing methods. These algorithms are evaluated in LabView software and tested by generating test signals in a Simulink model. Furthermore, Total Vector Error (TVE) is calculated using dynamic test signals as per the IEEE Standard C37.118-2011. Performance of different algorithms are analyzed for various cases and the value of TVE is compared with the permissible error limits given in the standard
