23,824 research outputs found

    Feature discovery and visualization of robot mission data using convolutional autoencoders and Bayesian nonparametric topic models

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    The gap between our ability to collect interesting data and our ability to analyze these data is growing at an unprecedented rate. Recent algorithmic attempts to fill this gap have employed unsupervised tools to discover structure in data. Some of the most successful approaches have used probabilistic models to uncover latent thematic structure in discrete data. Despite the success of these models on textual data, they have not generalized as well to image data, in part because of the spatial and temporal structure that may exist in an image stream. We introduce a novel unsupervised machine learning framework that incorporates the ability of convolutional autoencoders to discover features from images that directly encode spatial information, within a Bayesian nonparametric topic model that discovers meaningful latent patterns within discrete data. By using this hybrid framework, we overcome the fundamental dependency of traditional topic models on rigidly hand-coded data representations, while simultaneously encoding spatial dependency in our topics without adding model complexity. We apply this model to the motivating application of high-level scene understanding and mission summarization for exploratory marine robots. Our experiments on a seafloor dataset collected by a marine robot show that the proposed hybrid framework outperforms current state-of-the-art approaches on the task of unsupervised seafloor terrain characterization.Comment: 8 page

    Deep learning in remote sensing: a review

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    Standing at the paradigm shift towards data-intensive science, machine learning techniques are becoming increasingly important. In particular, as a major breakthrough in the field, deep learning has proven as an extremely powerful tool in many fields. Shall we embrace deep learning as the key to all? Or, should we resist a 'black-box' solution? There are controversial opinions in the remote sensing community. In this article, we analyze the challenges of using deep learning for remote sensing data analysis, review the recent advances, and provide resources to make deep learning in remote sensing ridiculously simple to start with. More importantly, we advocate remote sensing scientists to bring their expertise into deep learning, and use it as an implicit general model to tackle unprecedented large-scale influential challenges, such as climate change and urbanization.Comment: Accepted for publication IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazin

    SEGCloud: Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds

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    3D semantic scene labeling is fundamental to agents operating in the real world. In particular, labeling raw 3D point sets from sensors provides fine-grained semantics. Recent works leverage the capabilities of Neural Networks (NNs), but are limited to coarse voxel predictions and do not explicitly enforce global consistency. We present SEGCloud, an end-to-end framework to obtain 3D point-level segmentation that combines the advantages of NNs, trilinear interpolation(TI) and fully connected Conditional Random Fields (FC-CRF). Coarse voxel predictions from a 3D Fully Convolutional NN are transferred back to the raw 3D points via trilinear interpolation. Then the FC-CRF enforces global consistency and provides fine-grained semantics on the points. We implement the latter as a differentiable Recurrent NN to allow joint optimization. We evaluate the framework on two indoor and two outdoor 3D datasets (NYU V2, S3DIS, KITTI, Semantic3D.net), and show performance comparable or superior to the state-of-the-art on all datasets.Comment: Accepted as a spotlight at the International Conference of 3D Vision (3DV 2017

    A Projected Gradient Descent Method for CRF Inference allowing End-To-End Training of Arbitrary Pairwise Potentials

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    Are we using the right potential functions in the Conditional Random Field models that are popular in the Vision community? Semantic segmentation and other pixel-level labelling tasks have made significant progress recently due to the deep learning paradigm. However, most state-of-the-art structured prediction methods also include a random field model with a hand-crafted Gaussian potential to model spatial priors, label consistencies and feature-based image conditioning. In this paper, we challenge this view by developing a new inference and learning framework which can learn pairwise CRF potentials restricted only by their dependence on the image pixel values and the size of the support. Both standard spatial and high-dimensional bilateral kernels are considered. Our framework is based on the observation that CRF inference can be achieved via projected gradient descent and consequently, can easily be integrated in deep neural networks to allow for end-to-end training. It is empirically demonstrated that such learned potentials can improve segmentation accuracy and that certain label class interactions are indeed better modelled by a non-Gaussian potential. In addition, we compare our inference method to the commonly used mean-field algorithm. Our framework is evaluated on several public benchmarks for semantic segmentation with improved performance compared to previous state-of-the-art CNN+CRF models.Comment: Presented at EMMCVPR 2017 conferenc
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