372 research outputs found

    Two-mode overconstrained three-DOFs rotational-translational linear-motor-based parallel-kinematics mechanism for machine tool applications

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    The paper introduces a family of three-DOFs translational-rotational Parallel-Kinematics Mechanisms (PKMs) as well as the mobility analysis of such family using Lie-group theory. Each member of this family has two-rotational one-translational DOFs. A novel mechanism is presented and analyzed as a representative of that family. The use and the practical value of that modular mechanism are emphasized.<br /

    A Novel 4-DOF Parallel Manipulator H4

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    A reconfigurable asymmetric 3-UPU parallel robot

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Parallel robots with three UPU legs have received a lot of attention due to the possibility of assembling these legs so that the robot performs either a pure translational or a pure rotational motion. Nevertheless, some arrangements, despite their theoretical interest, are of doubtful practical utility due to their sensitivity to errors and the presence in their workspaces of mixed-modes that involve both translations and rotations. The introduction of some sort of asymmetry has been revealed of relevance to come up with more robust designs. In this context, we present an asymmetric 3-P robot, that can be reconfigured to work either as a translational or as a rotational robot by simply flipping upside down its moving platform.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Kinematic Modeling and Optimization of a New Reconfigurable Parallel Mechanism

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    This paper investigates a new reconfigurable parallel mechanism consisting of three SvPS kinematic limbs. Induced by phase changes of a metamorphic spherical variable-axis joint (Sv), the SvPS limb is capable of changing to two typical configurations, of which one exerts no constraint and the other exerts a constraint force to the moving platform. Reconfiguration of the three limbs enables the 3-SvPS parallel mechanism to have four distinct configurations with degrees of freedom (DOF) varying from 3 to 6. Analytical model of position and workspace analysis of the reconfigurable parallel mechanism are first investigated. In terms of the screw theory, a unified Jacobian matrix covering all the mobility configurations is established and utilized for analyzing singularity of the parallel mechanism in different configurations. Further, performance analysis and optimization are explored using the motion/force transmission method. The 3-SvPS parallel mechanism can be used as structure of reconfigurable robotic machine center with adaptability to changing task requirements

    Cable Robot Performance Evaluation by Wrench Exertion Capability

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    Although cable driven robots are a type of parallel manipulators, the evaluation of their performances cannot be carried out using the performance indices already developed for parallel robots with rigid links. This is an obvious consequence of the peculiar features of flexible cables-a cable can only exert a tensile and limited force in the direction of the cable itself. A comprehensive performance evaluation can certainly be attained by computing the maximum force (or torque) that can be exerted by the cables on the moving platform along a specific (or any) direction within the whole workspace. This is the idea behind the index-called the Wrench Exertion Capability (WEC)-which can be employed to evaluate the performance of any cable robot topology and is characterized by an efficient and simple formulation based on linear programming. By significantly improving a preliminary computation method for the WEC, this paper proposes an ultimate formulation suitable for any cable robot topology. Several numerical investigations on planar and spatial cable robots are presented to give evidence of the WEC usefulness, comparisons with popular performance indices are also provided

    Pantopteron-4: a New 3T1R Decoupled Parallel Manipulator for Pick-and-Place Applications

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    International audienceIn this paper, a novel 4-DOF decoupled parallel manipulator with Schoenflies motions, called the Pantopteron-4, is presented. This manipulator is able to perform the same movements as the Isoglide4 or the Quadrupteron, but, due to its architecture which is made of three pantograph linkages, an amplification of the movements between the actuators and the platform displacements is achieved. Therefore, having the same actuators for both robots, the Pantopteron-4 displaces (theoretically) many-times faster than the Isoglide4 or the Quadrupteron, depending on the magnification factor of the pantograph linkages. Thus, this mechanism is foreseen to be used in applications where the velocities and accelerations have to be high, as in pick-and-place. First, the kinematics of the Pantopteron-4 is presented. Then, its workspace is analyzed. Finally, a prototype of the mechanism is shown and conclusions are given

    Dynamically Feasible Trajectories of Fully-Constrained Cable-Suspended Parallel Robots

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    Cable-Driven Parallel Robots employ multiple cables, whose lengths are controlled by winches, to move an end-effector (EE). In addition to the advantages of other parallel robots, such as low moving inertias and the potential for high dynamics, they also provide specific advantages, such as large workspaces and lower costs. Thus, over the last 30 years, they have been the object of academic research; also, they are being employed in industrial applications. The main issue with cable actuation is its unilaterality, as cables must remain in tension: if they become slack, there is a risk of losing control of the EE's pose. This complicates the control of cable-driven robots and is among the most studied topics in this field. Most previous works resort to extra cables or rigid elements pushing on the EE to guarantee that cables remain taut, but this complicates robot design. An alternative is to use the gravitational and inertial forces acting on the EE to keep cables in tension. This thesis shows that the robot's workspace can be greatly increased, by considering two model architectures. Moreover, practical limits to the feasibility of a motion, such as singularities of the kinematic chain and interference between cables, are considered. Even if a motion is feasible, there is no guarantee that it can be performed with an acceptable precision in the end-effector's pose, due to the inevitable errors in the positioning of the actuators and the elastic deflections of the structure. Therefore, a set of indexes are evaluated to measure the sensitivity of the end-effector's pose to actuation errors. Finally, the stiffness of one of the two architectures is modeled and indexes to measure the global compliance of the robot due to the elasticity of the cables are presented.I robot paralleli a cavi impiegano cavi, la cui lunghezza è controllata da argani, per muovere un elemento terminale o end-effector (EE). Oltre ai vantaggi degli altri robot paralleli, come basse inerzie in movimento e la possibilità di raggiungere velocità e accelerazioni elevate, possono anche fornire vantaggi specifici, come ampi spazi di lavoro e costi inferiori. Pertanto, negli ultimi 30 anni, questi robot sono stati oggetto di ricerche accademiche e stanno trovando applicazione anche in campo industriale. Il problema principale dell'azionamento mediante cavi è che è unilaterale, poiché i cavi possono essere tesi ma non compressi: quando diventano laschi, si rischia di perdere il controllo della posa dell'EE. Questo complica il controllo dei robot ed è uno dei temi più studiati nel settore. Gli studi compiuti sinora ricorrono prevalentemente a cavi addizionali o a elementi rigidi che spingono sull'EE per garantire che i cavi rimangano tesi, ma questo complica la progettazione dei robot. Un'alternativa è sfruttare le forze gravitazionali e inerziali che agiscono sull'EE per mantenere i cavi in tensione. Questa tesi dimostra che, in questo caso, lo spazio di lavoro del robot può essere notevolmente aumentato, applicando questo concetto a due architetture modello. Inoltre, vengono considerati i limiti imposti all'effettiva realizzabilità di un movimento, come le singolarità della catena cinematica e l'interferenza tra i cavi. Anche se un movimento è fattibile, non è garantito che si possa eseguire con precisione accettabile, a causa degli inevitabili errori di posizionamento degli attuatori e delle deformazioni elastiche della struttura. Si valutano quindi alcuni indici per misurare la sensibilità della posizione dell'elemento terminale agli errori di azionamento. Infine, è modellata la rigidezza di una delle due architetture proposte e sono presentati indici per misurare la cedevolezza globale del robot dovuta all'elasticità dei cavi

    Complete Shaking Force and Shaking Moment Balancing of the Position-Orientation Decoupled PAMINSA Manipulator

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    International audienceThis paper deals with the complete shaking force and shaking moment balancing of the position-orientation decoupled PAMINSA manipulator. The dynamic reaction forces on the manipulator's base are eliminated by making the total mass center of the moving links stationary. The reaction moments on the frame are eliminated by optimal control of the end-effector, which rotates with prescribed velocity. The numerical simulations carried out using ADAMS software demonstrate that the balanced manipulators transmit no inertia loads to their bases

    Pantopteron: a New Fully-Decoupled 3-DOF Translational Parallel Robot for Pick-and-Place Applications

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    International audienceIn this paper, a novel 3-DOF fully decoupled translational parallel robot, called the Pan-topteron, is presented. This manipulator is similar to the Tripteron Cartesian parallel manipulator, but due to the use of three pantograph linkages, an amplification of the ac-tuators displacements is achieved. Therefore, equipped with the same actuators, the mobile platform of the Pantopteron moves many-times faster than that of the Tripteron. This amplification is defined by the magnification factor of the pantograph linkages. The kinematics, workspace and constraint singularities of the proposed parallel robot are studied in detail. Design considerations are also discussed and a possible prototype is illustrated.

    Kinematics, workspace and singularity analysis of a multi-mode parallel robot

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    A family of reconfigurable parallel robots can change motion modes by passing through constraint singularities by locking and releasing some passive joints of the robot. This paper is about the kinematics, the workspace and singularity analysis of a 3-PRPiR parallel robot involving lockable Pi and R (revolute) joints. Here a Pi joint may act as a 1-DOF planar parallelogram if its lock-able P (prismatic) joint is locked or a 2-DOF RR serial chain if its lockable P joint is released. The operation modes of the robot include a 3T operation modes to three 2T1R operation modes with two different directions of the rotation axis of the moving platform. The inverse kinematics and forward kinematics of the robot in each operation modes are dealt with in detail. The workspace analysis of the robot allow us to know the regions of the workspace that the robot can reach in each operation mode. A prototype built at Heriot-Watt University is used to illustrate the results of this work.Comment: International Design Engineering Technical Conferences \& Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Aug 2017, Cleveland, United States. 201
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