1,524 research outputs found

    EgoViz – a Mobile Based Spatial Interaction System

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    This paper describes research carried out in the area of mobile spatial interaction and the development of a mobile (i.e. on-device) version of a simulated web-based 2D directional query processor. The TellMe application integrates location (from GPS, GSM, WiFi) and orientation (from digital compass/tilt sensors) sensing technologies into an enhanced spatial query processing module capable of exploiting a mobile device’s position and orientation for querying real-world 3D spatial datasets. This paper outlines the technique used to combine these technologies and the architecture needed to deploy them on a sensor enabled smartphone (i.e. Nokia 6210 Navigator). With all these sensor technologies now available on one device, it is possible to employ a personal query system that can work effectively in any environment using location and orientation as primary parameters for directional queries. In doing so, novel approaches for determining a user’s query space in 3 dimensions based on line-of-sight and 3D visibility (ego-visibility) are also investigated. The result is a mobile application that is location, direction and orientation aware and using these data is able to identify objects (e.g. buildings, points-of-interest, etc.) by pointing at them or when they are in a specified field-of-view

    Voronoi-Based Region Approximation for Geographical Information Retrieval with Gazetteers

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    Gazetteers and geographical thesauri can be regarded as parsimonious spatial models that associate geographical location with place names and encode some semantic relations between the names. They are of particular value in processing information retrieval requests in which the user employs place names to specify geographical context. Typically the geometric locational data in a gazetteer are confined to a simple footprint in the form of a centroid or a minimum bounding rectangle, both of which can be used to link to a map but are of limited value in determining spatial relationships. Here we describe a Voronoi diagram method for generating approximate regional extents from sets of centroids that are respectively inside and external to a region. The resulting approximations provide measures of areal extent and can be used to assist in answering geographical queries by evaluating spatial relationships such as distance, direction and common boundary length. Preliminary experimental evaluations of the method have been performed in the context of a semantic modelling system that combines the centroid data with hierarchical and adjacency relations between the associated place names

    Techniques for Representation of Regional Clusters in Geographical In-formation Systems

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    This paper provides an overview of visualization techniques adapted for regional clusters presentation in Geographic Information Systems. Clusters are groups of companies and insti-tutions co-located in a specific geographic region and linked by interdependencies in providing a related group of products and services. The regional clusters can be visualized by projecting the data into two-dimensional space or using parallel coordinates. Cluster membership is usually represented by different colours or by dividing clusters into several panels of a grille display. Taking into consideration regional clusters requirements and the multilevel administrative division of the Romania’s territory, I used two cartograms: NUTS2- regions and NUTS3- counties, to illustrate the tools for regional clusters representation.Geographic Information Systems, Regional Clusters, Spatial Statistics, Geographic Data Visualisation

    Multimodal Content Delivery for Geo-services

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    This thesis describes a body of work carried out over several research projects in the area of multimodal interaction for location-based services. Research in this area has progressed from using simulated mobile environments to demonstrate the visual modality, to the ubiquitous delivery of rich media using multimodal interfaces (geo- services). To effectively deliver these services, research focused on innovative solutions to real-world problems in a number of disciplines including geo-location, mobile spatial interaction, location-based services, rich media interfaces and auditory user interfaces. My original contributions to knowledge are made in the areas of multimodal interaction underpinned by advances in geo-location technology and supported by the proliferation of mobile device technology into modern life. Accurate positioning is a known problem for location-based services, contributions in the area of mobile positioning demonstrate a hybrid positioning technology for mobile devices that uses terrestrial beacons to trilaterate position. Information overload is an active concern for location-based applications that struggle to manage large amounts of data, contributions in the area of egocentric visibility that filter data based on field-of-view demonstrate novel forms of multimodal input. One of the more pertinent characteristics of these applications is the delivery or output modality employed (auditory, visual or tactile). Further contributions in the area of multimodal content delivery are made, where multiple modalities are used to deliver information using graphical user interfaces, tactile interfaces and more notably auditory user interfaces. It is demonstrated how a combination of these interfaces can be used to synergistically deliver context sensitive rich media to users - in a responsive way - based on usage scenarios that consider the affordance of the device, the geographical position and bearing of the device and also the location of the device

    A Case Study for eCampus Spatial: Business Data Exploration

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    Location based querying is the core interaction paradigm between mobile citizens and the Internet of Things, so providing users with intelligent web-services that interact efficiently with web and wireless devices to recommend personalised services is a key goal. With today\u27s popular Web Map Services, users can ask for general information at a specific location, but not detailed information such as related functionality or environments. This shortcoming comes from a lack of connection between non-spatial “business” data and spatial “map” data. This chapter presents a novel approach for location-based querying in web and wireless environments, in which non-spatial business data is dynamically connected to spatial base-map data to provide users with spatially-enabled attribute information at particular locations. The proposed approach is illustrated in a case study at the National University of Ireland in Maynooth (NUIM), where detailed 3D campus building models were constructed. Non-spatial university specific business data such as the functionalities and timetables of class rooms/buildings, campus news, noise levels, and navigation are then explored over the web and presented as both mobile and desktop web-services

    Geographic Information Systems: The Developer\u27s Perspective

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    Geographic information systems, which manage data describing the surface of the earth, are becoming increasingly popular. This research details the current state of the art of geographic data processing in terms of the needs of the geographic information system developer. The research focuses chiefly on the geographic data model--the basic building block of the geographic information system. The two most popular models, tessellation and vector, are studied in detail, as well as a number of hybrid data models. In addition, geographic database management is discussed in terms of geographic data access and query processing. Finally, a pragmatic discussion of geographic information system design is presented covering such topics as distributed database considerations and artificial intelligence considerations

    Mobile 2D and 3D Spatial Query Techniques for the Geospatial Web

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    The increasing availability of abundant geographically referenced information in the Geospatial Web provides a variety of opportunities for developing value-added LBS applications. However, large data volumes of the Geospatial Web and small mobile device displays impose a data visualization problem, as the amount of searchable information overwhelms the display when too many query results are returned. Excessive returned results clutter the mobile display, making it harder for users to prioritize information and causes confusion and usability problems. Mobile Spatial Interaction (MSI) research into this “information overload” problem is ongoing where map personalization and other semantic based filtering mechanisms are essential to de-clutter and adapt the exploration of the real-world to the processing/display limitations of mobile devices. In this thesis, we propose that another way to filter this information is to intelligently refine the search space. 3DQ (3-Dimensional Query) is our novel MSI prototype for information discovery on today’s location and orientation-aware smartphones within 3D Geospatial Web environments. Our application incorporates human interactions (interpreted from embedded sensors) in the geospatial query process by determining the shape of their actual visibility space as a query “window” in a spatial database, e.g. Isovist in 2D and Threat Dome in 3D. This effectively applies hidden query removal (HQR) functionality in 360Âș 3D that takes into account both the horizontal and vertical dimensions when calculating the 3D search space, significantly reducing display clutter and information overload on mobile devices. The effect is a more accurate and expected search result for mobile LBS applications by returning information on only those objects visible within a user’s 3D field-of-view

    Mobile 2D and 3D Spatial Query Techniques for the Geospatial Web

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    The increasing availability of abundant geographically referenced information in the Geospatial Web provides a variety of opportunities for developing value-added LBS applications. However, large data volumes of the Geospatial Web and small mobile device displays impose a data visualization problem, as the amount of searchable information overwhelms the display when too many query results are returned. Excessive returned results clutter the mobile display, making it harder for users to prioritize information and causes confusion and usability problems. Mobile Spatial Interaction (MSI) research into this “information overload” problem is ongoing where map personalization and other semantic based filtering mechanisms are essential to de-clutter and adapt the exploration of the real-world to the processing/display limitations of mobile devices. In this thesis, we propose that another way to filter this information is to intelligently refine the search space. 3DQ (3-Dimensional Query) is our novel MSI prototype for information discovery on today’s location and orientation-aware smartphones within 3D Geospatial Web environments. Our application incorporates human interactions (interpreted from embedded sensors) in the geospatial query process by determining the shape of their actual visibility space as a query “window” in a spatial database, e.g. Isovist in 2D and Threat Dome in 3D. This effectively applies hidden query removal (HQR) functionality in 360Âș 3D that takes into account both the horizontal and vertical dimensions when calculating the 3D search space, significantly reducing display clutter and information overload on mobile devices. The effect is a more accurate and expected search result for mobile LBS applications by returning information on only those objects visible within a user’s 3D field-of-view. ii

    Optimizing Oracle Centrography

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    Large datasets pose unique problems for certain statistical operations. This is caused by the requirement for each row to be evaluated one or more times in order to generate the result. In the situation where the client application is on a separate system, or not utilizing metadata to its full potential, this requirement may lead to degradation in performance and efficiency. By generating the results of data intensive operations at the source and returning only the result, these performance problems can be eliminated. Creation of a statistical metadata index on these datasets further increases efficiency by caching partial results for multiple clients to access. This project implements an Oracle package that will employ a user defined domain index with associated descriptive operators and functions for point populations. Using these packages, statistical information can be generated more efficiently for large spatial point datasets stored in Oracle databases, or more quickly using estimates and confidence intervals
