5,319 research outputs found

    The Single-Uniprior Index-Coding Problem: The Single-Sender Case and The Multi-Sender Extension

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    Index coding studies multiterminal source-coding problems where a set of receivers are required to decode multiple (possibly different) messages from a common broadcast, and they each know some messages a priori. In this paper, at the receiver end, we consider a special setting where each receiver knows only one message a priori, and each message is known to only one receiver. At the broadcasting end, we consider a generalized setting where there could be multiple senders, and each sender knows a subset of the messages. The senders collaborate to transmit an index code. This work looks at minimizing the number of total coded bits the senders are required to transmit. When there is only one sender, we propose a pruning algorithm to find a lower bound on the optimal (i.e., the shortest) index codelength, and show that it is achievable by linear index codes. When there are two or more senders, we propose an appending technique to be used in conjunction with the pruning technique to give a lower bound on the optimal index codelength; we also derive an upper bound based on cyclic codes. While the two bounds do not match in general, for the special case where no two distinct senders know any message in common, the bounds match, giving the optimal index codelength. The results are expressed in terms of strongly connected components in directed graphs that represent the index-coding problems.Comment: Author final manuscrip

    Temperature 1 Self-Assembly: Deterministic Assembly in 3D and Probabilistic Assembly in 2D

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    We investigate the power of the Wang tile self-assembly model at temperature 1, a threshold value that permits attachment between any two tiles that share even a single bond. When restricted to deterministic assembly in the plane, no temperature 1 assembly system has been shown to build a shape with a tile complexity smaller than the diameter of the shape. In contrast, we show that temperature 1 self-assembly in 3 dimensions, even when growth is restricted to at most 1 step into the third dimension, is capable of simulating a large class of temperature 2 systems, in turn permitting the simulation of arbitrary Turing machines and the assembly of n×nn\times n squares in near optimal O(logn)O(\log n) tile complexity. Further, we consider temperature 1 probabilistic assembly in 2D, and show that with a logarithmic scale up of tile complexity and shape scale, the same general class of temperature τ=2\tau=2 systems can be simulated with high probability, yielding Turing machine simulation and O(log2n)O(\log^2 n) assembly of n×nn\times n squares with high probability. Our results show a sharp contrast in achievable tile complexity at temperature 1 if either growth into the third dimension or a small probability of error are permitted. Motivated by applications in nanotechnology and molecular computing, and the plausibility of implementing 3 dimensional self-assembly systems, our techniques may provide the needed power of temperature 2 systems, while at the same time avoiding the experimental challenges faced by those systems

    Generic Pipelined Processor Modeling and High Performance Cycle-Accurate Simulator Generation

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    Detailed modeling of processors and high performance cycle-accurate simulators are essential for today's hardware and software design. These problems are challenging enough by themselves and have seen many previous research efforts. Addressing both simultaneously is even more challenging, with many existing approaches focusing on one over another. In this paper, we propose the Reduced Colored Petri Net (RCPN) model that has two advantages: first, it offers a very simple and intuitive way of modeling pipelined processors; second, it can generate high performance cycle-accurate simulators. RCPN benefits from all the useful features of Colored Petri Nets without suffering from their exponential growth in complexity. RCPN processor models are very intuitive since they are a mirror image of the processor pipeline block diagram. Furthermore, in our experiments on the generated cycle-accurate simulators for XScale and StrongArm processor models, we achieved an order of magnitude (~15 times) speedup over the popular SimpleScalar ARM simulator.Comment: Submitted on behalf of EDAA (http://www.edaa.com/

    An Adaptive Entanglement Distillation Scheme Using Quantum Low Density Parity Check Codes

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    Quantum low density parity check (QLDPC) codes are useful primitives for quantum information processing because they can be encoded and decoded efficiently. Besides, the error correcting capability of a few QLDPC codes exceeds the quantum Gilbert-Varshamov bound. Here, we report a numerical performance analysis of an adaptive entanglement distillation scheme using QLDPC codes. In particular, we find that the expected yield of our adaptive distillation scheme to combat depolarization errors exceed that of Leung and Shor whenever the error probability is less than about 0.07 or greater than about 0.28. This finding illustrates the effectiveness of using QLDPC codes in entanglement distillation.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure