57,075 research outputs found

    Approximation and interpolation employing divergence-free radial basis functions with applications

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    Approximation and interpolation employing radial basis functions has found important applications since the early 1980's in areas such as signal processing, medical imaging, as well as neural networks. Several applications demand that certain physical properties be fulfilled, such as a function being divergence free. No such class of radial basis functions that reflects these physical properties was known until 1994, when Narcowich and Ward introduced a family of matrix-valued radial basis functions that are divergence free. They also obtained error bounds and stability estimates for interpolation by means of these functions. These divergence-free functions are very smooth, and have unbounded support. In this thesis we introduce a new class of matrix-valued radial basis functions that are divergence free as well as compactly supported. This leads to the possibility of applying fast solvers for inverting interpolation matrices, as these matrices are not only symmetric and positive definite, but also sparse because of this compact support. We develop error bounds and stability estimates which hold for a broad class of functions. We conclude with applications to the numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equation for certain incompressible fluid flows

    Compactly supported radial basis functions: How and why?

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    Compactly supported basis functions are widely required and used in many applications. We explain why radial basis functions are preferred to multi-variate polynomials for scattered data approximation in high-dimensional space and give a brief description on how to construct the most commonly used compactly supported radial basis functions - the Wendland functions and the new found missing Wendland functions. One can construct a compactly supported radial basis function with required smoothness according to the procedure described here without sophisticated mathematics. Very short programs and extended tables for compactly supported radial basis functions are supplied

    Toeplitz operators defined by sesquilinear forms: Fock space case

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    The classical theory of Toeplitz operators in spaces of analytic functions deals usually with symbols that are bounded measurable functions on the domain in question. A further extension of the theory was made for symbols being unbounded functions, measures, and compactly supported distributions, all of them subject to some restrictions. In the context of a reproducing kernel Hilbert space we propose a certain framework for a `maximally possible' extension of the notion of Toeplitz operators for a `maximally wide' class of `highly singular' symbols. Using the language of sesquilinear forms we describe a certain common pattern for a variety of analytically defined forms which, besides covering all previously considered cases, permits us to introduce a further substantial extension of a class of admissible symbols that generate bounded Toeplitz operators. Although our approach is unified for all reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, for concrete operator consideration in this paper we restrict ourselves to Toeplitz operators acting on the standard Fock (or Segal-Bargmann) space

    Determinate multidimensional measures, the extended Carleman theorem and quasi-analytic weights

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    We prove in a direct fashion that a multidimensional probability measure is determinate if the higher dimensional analogue of Carleman's condition is satisfied. In that case, the polynomials, as well as certain proper subspaces of the trigonometric functions, are dense in the associated L_p spaces for all finite p. In particular these three statements hold if the reciprocal of a quasi-analytic weight has finite integral under the measure. We give practical examples of such weights, based on their classification. As in the one dimensional case, the results on determinacy of measures supported on R^n lead to sufficient conditions for determinacy of measures supported in a positive convex cone, i.e. the higher dimensional analogue of determinacy in the sense of Stieltjes.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX 2e, no figures. Second and final version, with minor corrections and an additional section on Stieltjes determinacy in arbitrary dimension. Accepted by The Annals of Probabilit

    Local interpolation schemes for landmark-based image registration: a comparison

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    In this paper we focus, from a mathematical point of view, on properties and performances of some local interpolation schemes for landmark-based image registration. Precisely, we consider modified Shepard's interpolants, Wendland's functions, and Lobachevsky splines. They are quite unlike each other, but all of them are compactly supported and enjoy interesting theoretical and computational properties. In particular, we point out some unusual forms of the considered functions. Finally, detailed numerical comparisons are given, considering also Gaussians and thin plate splines, which are really globally supported but widely used in applications
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