451 research outputs found

    A cutting-plane approach to the edge-weighted maximal clique problem

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    We investigated the computational performance of a cutting-plane algorithm for the problem of determining a maximal subclique in an edge-weighted complete graph. Our numerical results are contrasted with reports on closely related problems for which cutting-plane approaches perform well in instances of moderate size. Somewhat surprisingly, we find that our approach already in the case of n = 15 or N = 25 nodes in the underlying graph typically neither produces an integral solution nor yields a good approximation to the true optimal objective function value. This result seems to shed some doubt on the universal applicability of cuttingplane approaches as an efficient means to solve linear (0, 1)-programming problems of moderate size

    TSP--Infrastructure for the Traveling Salesperson Problem

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    The traveling salesperson (or, salesman) problem (TSP) is a well known and important combinatorial optimization problem. The goal is to find the shortest tour that visits each city in a given list exactly once and then returns to the starting city. Despite this simple problem statement, solving the TSP is difficult since it belongs to the class of NP-complete problems. The importance of the TSP arises besides from its theoretical appeal from the variety of its applications. Typical applications in operations research include vehicle routing, computer wiring, cutting wallpaper and job sequencing. The main application in statistics is combinatorial data analysis, e.g., reordering rows and columns of data matrices or identifying clusters. In this paper, we introduce the R package TSP which provides a basic infrastructure for handling and solving the traveling salesperson problem. The package features S3 classes for specifying a TSP and its (possibly optimal) solution as well as several heuristics to find good solutions. In addition, it provides an interface to Concorde, one of the best exact TSP solvers currently available.

    Facets and Algorithms for Capacitated Lot Sizing

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    The dynamic economic lot sizing model, which lies at the core of numerous production planning applications, is one of the most highly studied models in all of operations research. And yet, capacitated multi-item versions of this problem remain computationally elusive. We study the polyhedral structure of an integer programming formulation of a single-item capacitated version of this problem, and use these results to develop solution methods for multi-item applications. In particular, we introduce a set of valid inequalities for the problem and show that they define facets of the underlying integer programming polyhedron. Computational results on several single and multiple product examples show that these inequalities can be used quite effectively to develop an efficient cutting plane/branch and bound procedure. Moreover, our results show that in many instances adding certain of these inequalities a priori to the problem formulation, and avoiding the generation of cutting planes, can be equally effective

    The Traveling Salesman Problem

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    This paper presents a self-contained introduction into algorithmic and computational aspects of the traveling salesman problem and of related problems, along with their theoretical prerequisites as seen from the point of view of an operations researcher who wants to solve practical problem instances. Extensive computational results are reported on most of the algorithms described. Optimal solutions are reported for instances with sizes up to several thousand nodes as well as heuristic solutions with provably very high quality for larger instances