1,587 research outputs found

    Combinatorial Bounds and Characterizations of Splitting Authentication Codes

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    We present several generalizations of results for splitting authentication codes by studying the aspect of multi-fold security. As the two primary results, we prove a combinatorial lower bound on the number of encoding rules and a combinatorial characterization of optimal splitting authentication codes that are multi-fold secure against spoofing attacks. The characterization is based on a new type of combinatorial designs, which we introduce and for which basic necessary conditions are given regarding their existence.Comment: 13 pages; to appear in "Cryptography and Communications

    Constructing Optimal Authentication Codes with Perfect Multi-fold Secrecy

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    We establish a construction of optimal authentication codes achieving perfect multi-fold secrecy by means of combinatorial designs. This continues the author's work (ISIT 2009) and answers an open question posed therein. As an application, we present the first infinite class of optimal codes that provide two-fold security against spoofing attacks and at the same time perfect two- fold secrecy.Comment: 4 pages (double-column); to appear in Proc. 2010 International Zurich Seminar on Communications (IZS 2010, Zurich

    Authentication and Secrecy Codes for Equiprobable Source Probability Distributions

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    We give new combinatorial constructions for codes providing authentication and secrecy for equiprobable source probability distributions. In particular, we construct an infinite class of optimal authentication codes which are multiple-fold secure against spoofing and simultaneously achieve perfect secrecy. Several further new optimal codes satisfying these properties will also be constructed and presented in general tables. Almost all of these appear to be the first authentication codes with these properties.Comment: 5 pages (double-column); to appear in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2009, Seoul, South Korea

    Disjoint difference families and their applications

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    Difference sets and their generalisations to difference families arise from the study of designs and many other applications. Here we give a brief survey of some of these applications, noting in particular the diverse definitions of difference families and the variations in priorities in constructions. We propose a definition of disjoint difference families that encompasses these variations and allows a comparison of the similarities and disparities. We then focus on two constructions of disjoint difference families arising from frequency hopping sequences and showed that they are in fact the same. We conclude with a discussion of the notion of equivalence for frequency hopping sequences and for disjoint difference families

    On Robust Face Recognition via Sparse Encoding: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

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    In the field of face recognition, Sparse Representation (SR) has received considerable attention during the past few years. Most of the relevant literature focuses on holistic descriptors in closed-set identification applications. The underlying assumption in SR-based methods is that each class in the gallery has sufficient samples and the query lies on the subspace spanned by the gallery of the same class. Unfortunately, such assumption is easily violated in the more challenging face verification scenario, where an algorithm is required to determine if two faces (where one or both have not been seen before) belong to the same person. In this paper, we first discuss why previous attempts with SR might not be applicable to verification problems. We then propose an alternative approach to face verification via SR. Specifically, we propose to use explicit SR encoding on local image patches rather than the entire face. The obtained sparse signals are pooled via averaging to form multiple region descriptors, which are then concatenated to form an overall face descriptor. Due to the deliberate loss spatial relations within each region (caused by averaging), the resulting descriptor is robust to misalignment & various image deformations. Within the proposed framework, we evaluate several SR encoding techniques: l1-minimisation, Sparse Autoencoder Neural Network (SANN), and an implicit probabilistic technique based on Gaussian Mixture Models. Thorough experiments on AR, FERET, exYaleB, BANCA and ChokePoint datasets show that the proposed local SR approach obtains considerably better and more robust performance than several previous state-of-the-art holistic SR methods, in both verification and closed-set identification problems. The experiments also show that l1-minimisation based encoding has a considerably higher computational than the other techniques, but leads to higher recognition rates

    High-rate self-synchronizing codes

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    Self-synchronization under the presence of additive noise can be achieved by allocating a certain number of bits of each codeword as markers for synchronization. Difference systems of sets are combinatorial designs which specify the positions of synchronization markers in codewords in such a way that the resulting error-tolerant self-synchronizing codes may be realized as cosets of linear codes. Ideally, difference systems of sets should sacrifice as few bits as possible for a given code length, alphabet size, and error-tolerance capability. However, it seems difficult to attain optimality with respect to known bounds when the noise level is relatively low. In fact, the majority of known optimal difference systems of sets are for exceptionally noisy channels, requiring a substantial amount of bits for synchronization. To address this problem, we present constructions for difference systems of sets that allow for higher information rates while sacrificing optimality to only a small extent. Our constructions utilize optimal difference systems of sets as ingredients and, when applied carefully, generate asymptotically optimal ones with higher information rates. We also give direct constructions for optimal difference systems of sets with high information rates and error-tolerance that generate binary and ternary self-synchronizing codes.Comment: 9 pages, no figure, 2 tables. Final accepted version for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Material presented in part at the International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications, Honolulu, HI USA, October 201

    RamanNet: A generalized neural network architecture for Raman Spectrum Analysis

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    Raman spectroscopy provides a vibrational profile of the molecules and thus can be used to uniquely identify different kind of materials. This sort of fingerprinting molecules has thus led to widespread application of Raman spectrum in various fields like medical dignostics, forensics, mineralogy, bacteriology and virology etc. Despite the recent rise in Raman spectra data volume, there has not been any significant effort in developing generalized machine learning methods for Raman spectra analysis. We examine, experiment and evaluate existing methods and conjecture that neither current sequential models nor traditional machine learning models are satisfactorily sufficient to analyze Raman spectra. Both has their perks and pitfalls, therefore we attempt to mix the best of both worlds and propose a novel network architecture RamanNet. RamanNet is immune to invariance property in CNN and at the same time better than traditional machine learning models for the inclusion of sparse connectivity. Our experiments on 4 public datasets demonstrate superior performance over the much complex state-of-the-art methods and thus RamanNet has the potential to become the defacto standard in Raman spectra data analysi

    Hash Families and Cover-Free Families with Cryptographic Applications

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    This thesis is focused on hash families and cover-free families and their application to problems in cryptography. We present new necessary conditions for generalized separating hash families, and provide new explicit constructions. We then consider three cryptographic applications of hash families and cover-free families. We provide a stronger de nition of anonymity in the context of shared symmetric key primitives and give a new scheme with improved anonymity properties. Second, we observe that nding the invalid signatures in a set of digital signatures that fails batch veri cation is a group testing problem, then apply and compare many group testing algorithms to solve this problem e ciently. In particular, we apply group testing algorithms based on cover-free families. Finally, we construct a one-time signature scheme based on cover-free families with short signatures