2 research outputs found

    A new characterization of projections of quadrics in finite projective spaces of even characteristic

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    AbstractWe will classify, up to linear representations, all geometries fully embedded in an affine space with the property that for every antiflag {p,L} of the geometry there are either 0, α, or q lines through p intersecting L. An example of such a geometry with α=2 is the following well known geometry HTn. Let Qn+1 be a nonsingular quadric in a finite projective space PG(n+1,q), n≥3, q even. We project Qn+1 from a point r∉Qn+1, distinct from its nucleus if n+1 is even, on a hyperplane PG(n,q) not through r. This yields a partial linear space HTn whose points are the points p of PG(n,q), such that the line 〈p,r〉 is a secant to Qn+1, and whose lines are the lines of PG(n,q) which contain q such points. This geometry is fully embedded in an affine subspace of PG(n,q) and satisfies the antiflag property mentioned. As a result of our classification theorem we will give a new characterization theorem of this geometry