9,480 research outputs found

    A New Approach for Practical Function-Private Inner Product Encryption

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    Functional Encryption (FE) is a new paradigm supporting restricted decryption keys of function ff that allows one to learn f(xj)f(x_j) from encryptions of messages xjx_j. A natural and practical security requirements for FE is to keep not only messages x1,…,xqx_1,\ldots,x_q but also functions f1,…fqf_1,\ldots f_q confidential from encryptions and decryptions keys, except inevitable information {fi(xj)}i,j∈[q]\{f_i(x_j)\}_{i,j\in[q]}, for any polynomial a-priori unknown number qq, where fif_i\u27s and xjx_j\u27s are adaptively chosen by adversaries. Such the security requirement is called {\em full function privacy}. In this paper, we particularly focus on function-private FE for inner product functionality in the {\em private key setting} (simply called Inner Product Encryption (IPE)). To the best of our knowledge, there are two approaches for fully function-private IPE schemes in the private key setting. One of which is to employ a general transformation from (non-function-private) FE for general circuits (Brakerski and Segev, TCC 2015). This approach requires heavy crypto tools such as indistinguishability obfuscation (for non-function-private FE for general circuits) and therefore inefficient. The other approach is relatively practical; it directly constructs IPE scheme by using {\em dual pairing vector spaces (DPVS)} (Bishop et al. ASIACRYPT 2015, Datta et al. PKC 2016, and Tomida et al. ISC 2016). \quad We present a new approach for practical function-private IPE schemes that does not employ DPVS but generalizations of Brakerski-Segev transformation. Our generalizations of Brakerski-Segev transformation are easily combinable with existing (non-function-private) IPE schemes as well as (non-function-private) FE schemes for general circuits in several levels of security. Our resulting IPE schemes achieve better performance in comparison with Bishop et al. IPE scheme as well as Datta et al. IPE scheme while preserving the same security notion under the same complexity assumption. In comparison with Tomida et al. IPE scheme, ours have comparable performance in the size of both ciphertext and decryption key, but better performance in the size of master key

    Privacy-Preserving Shortest Path Computation

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    Navigation is one of the most popular cloud computing services. But in virtually all cloud-based navigation systems, the client must reveal her location and destination to the cloud service provider in order to learn the fastest route. In this work, we present a cryptographic protocol for navigation on city streets that provides privacy for both the client's location and the service provider's routing data. Our key ingredient is a novel method for compressing the next-hop routing matrices in networks such as city street maps. Applying our compression method to the map of Los Angeles, for example, we achieve over tenfold reduction in the representation size. In conjunction with other cryptographic techniques, this compressed representation results in an efficient protocol suitable for fully-private real-time navigation on city streets. We demonstrate the practicality of our protocol by benchmarking it on real street map data for major cities such as San Francisco and Washington, D.C.Comment: Extended version of NDSS 2016 pape

    Ad Hoc Multi-Input Functional Encryption

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    Consider sources that supply sensitive data to an aggregator. Standard encryption only hides the data from eavesdroppers, but using specialized encryption one can hope to hide the data (to the extent possible) from the aggregator itself. For flexibility and security, we envision schemes that allow sources to supply encrypted data, such that at any point a dynamically-chosen subset of sources can allow an agreed-upon joint function of their data to be computed by the aggregator. A primitive called multi-input functional encryption (MIFE), due to Goldwasser et al. (EUROCRYPT 2014), comes close, but has two main limitations: - it requires trust in a third party, who is able to decrypt all the data, and - it requires function arity to be fixed at setup time and to be equal to the number of parties. To drop these limitations, we introduce a new notion of ad hoc MIFE. In our setting, each source generates its own public key and issues individual, function-specific secret keys to an aggregator. For successful decryption, an aggregator must obtain a separate key from each source whose ciphertext is being computed upon. The aggregator could obtain multiple such secret-keys from a user corresponding to functions of varying arity. For this primitive, we obtain the following results: - We show that standard MIFE for general functions can be bootstrapped to ad hoc MIFE for free, i.e. without making any additional assumption. - We provide a direct construction of ad hoc MIFE for the inner product functionality based on the Learning with Errors (LWE) assumption. This yields the first construction of this natural primitive based on a standard assumption. At a technical level, our results are obtained by combining standard MIFE schemes and two-round secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocols in novel ways highlighting an interesting interplay between MIFE and two-round MPC

    Building Confidential and Efficient Query Services in the Cloud with RASP Data Perturbation

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    With the wide deployment of public cloud computing infrastructures, using clouds to host data query services has become an appealing solution for the advantages on scalability and cost-saving. However, some data might be sensitive that the data owner does not want to move to the cloud unless the data confidentiality and query privacy are guaranteed. On the other hand, a secured query service should still provide efficient query processing and significantly reduce the in-house workload to fully realize the benefits of cloud computing. We propose the RASP data perturbation method to provide secure and efficient range query and kNN query services for protected data in the cloud. The RASP data perturbation method combines order preserving encryption, dimensionality expansion, random noise injection, and random projection, to provide strong resilience to attacks on the perturbed data and queries. It also preserves multidimensional ranges, which allows existing indexing techniques to be applied to speedup range query processing. The kNN-R algorithm is designed to work with the RASP range query algorithm to process the kNN queries. We have carefully analyzed the attacks on data and queries under a precisely defined threat model and realistic security assumptions. Extensive experiments have been conducted to show the advantages of this approach on efficiency and security.Comment: 18 pages, to appear in IEEE TKDE, accepted in December 201
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