13,820 research outputs found

    A Lattice Boltzmann method for simulations of liquid-vapor thermal flows

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    We present a novel lattice Boltzmann method that has a capability of simulating thermodynamic multiphase flows. This approach is fully thermodynamically consistent at the macroscopic level. Using this new method, a liquid-vapor boiling process, including liquid-vapor formation and coalescence together with a full coupling of temperature, is simulated for the first time.Comment: one gzipped tar file, 19 pages, 4 figure

    The Approach to Ergodicity in Monte Carlo Simulations

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    The approach to the ergodic limit in Monte Carlo simulations is studied using both analytic and numerical methods. With the help of a stochastic model, a metric is defined that enables the examination of a simulation in both the ergodic and non-ergodic regimes. In the non-ergodic regime, the model implies how the simulation is expected to approach ergodic behavior analytically, and the analytically inferred decay law of the metric allows the monitoring of the onset of ergodic behavior. The metric is related to previously defined measures developed for molecular dynamics simulations, and the metric enables the comparison of the relative efficiencies of different Monte Carlo schemes. Applications to Lennard-Jones 13-particle clusters are shown to match the model for Metropolis, J-walking and parallel tempering based approaches. The relative efficiencies of these three Monte Carlo approaches are compared, and the decay law is shown to be useful in determining needed high temperature parameters in parallel tempering and J-walking studies of atomic clusters.Comment: 17 Pages, 7 Figure

    Far-Field Plasmonic Resonance Enhanced Nano-Particle Image Velocimetry within a Micro Channel

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    In this paper, a novel far-field plasmonic resonance enhanced nanoparticle-seeded Particle Image Velocimetry (nPIV) has been demonstrated to measure the velocity profile in a micro channel. Chemically synthesized silver nanoparticles have been used to seed the flow in the micro channel. By using Discrete Dipole Approximation (DDA), plasmonic resonance enhanced light scattering has been calculated for spherical silver nanoparticles with diameters ranging from 15nm to 200nm. Optimum scattering wavelength is specified for the nanoparticles in two media: water and air. The diffraction-limited plasmonic resonance enhanced images of silver nanoparticles at different diameters have been recorded and analyzed. By using standard PIV techniques, the velocity profile within the micro channel has been determined from the images.Comment: submitted to Review of Scientific Instrument

    Thermophysical Phenomena in Metal Additive Manufacturing by Selective Laser Melting: Fundamentals, Modeling, Simulation and Experimentation

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    Among the many additive manufacturing (AM) processes for metallic materials, selective laser melting (SLM) is arguably the most versatile in terms of its potential to realize complex geometries along with tailored microstructure. However, the complexity of the SLM process, and the need for predictive relation of powder and process parameters to the part properties, demands further development of computational and experimental methods. This review addresses the fundamental physical phenomena of SLM, with a special emphasis on the associated thermal behavior. Simulation and experimental methods are discussed according to three primary categories. First, macroscopic approaches aim to answer questions at the component level and consider for example the determination of residual stresses or dimensional distortion effects prevalent in SLM. Second, mesoscopic approaches focus on the detection of defects such as excessive surface roughness, residual porosity or inclusions that occur at the mesoscopic length scale of individual powder particles. Third, microscopic approaches investigate the metallurgical microstructure evolution resulting from the high temperature gradients and extreme heating and cooling rates induced by the SLM process. Consideration of physical phenomena on all of these three length scales is mandatory to establish the understanding needed to realize high part quality in many applications, and to fully exploit the potential of SLM and related metal AM processes

    Numerical Simulation of a Cryogenic Spray

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    Cryogenic sprays have many applications in modern engineering. Cooling of electronic equipment subject to high heat flows, surgical ablation of gastrointestinal mucosae or orbital maneuvering are a few examples of their versatility. However, the atomization of a cryogenic liquid is a complex process. During such an event, aerodynamic effects associated with secondary atomization are further affected by thermodynamic flashing. A better understanding of the characteristics of cryogenic sprays is then necessary to allow for improved design and optimization in applications. The overarching objective of this study is to document such characteristics. The numerical simulation was performed over cryogenic nitrogen spray using an Eulerian-Lagrangian approach. In other words, while the gas phase of the flow is treated as a continuum, the nitrogen droplets are tracked individually in a Lagrangian sense. Models for evaporation, atomization, and breakups capture the physical processes experienced by droplets along their pathways. In addition, turbulence in the flow is captured by the k-omega SST model. Simulations performed over a wide range of nozzle inlet pressure suggest that the spray cone angle tends to remain constant. In contrast, the diameter of droplets along the centerline of the spray reduces significantly. Finally, it was noticed that a higher concentration of liquid nitrogen is observed on a target plate as the nozzle inlet pressure increases
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