2 research outputs found

    A New Ranking Algorithm for A Round-Robin Tournament

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    The problem of ranking players in a round- robin tournament, in which outcome of any match is a win or a loss, is to rank players according to their performances in the tournament. In this paper, we have improved previously developed MST (Majority Spanning Tree) algorithm for solving this problem, where the number of violations has been chosen as the criterion of optimality. We have compared the performance of our algorithm with the MST algorithm and GIK algorithm

    Metric and latticial medians

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    This paper presents the -linked- notions of metric and latticial medians and it explains what is the median procedure for the consensus problems, in particular in the case of the aggregation of linear orders. First we consider the medians of a v-tuple of arbitrary or particular binary relations.. Then we study in depth the difficult (in fact NP-difficult) problem of finding the median orders of a profile of linear orders. More generally, we consider the medians of v-tuples of elements of a semilattice and we describe the median semilattices, i.e. the semilattices were medians are easily computable.Ce texte présente les notions -reliées- de médianes métriques et latticielles et explique le rôle de la procédure médiane dans les problèmes de consensus, notamment dans le cas de l'agrégation d'ordres totaux.. Après avoir étudié les médianes d'un v-uple de relations binaires arbitraires ou particulières, on étudie en détail le problème -difficile (NP-difficile)- d'obtention des ordres médians d'un profil d'ordres totaux. Plus généralement on considère les médianes de v-uples d'éléments d'un demi-treillis (ou d'un treillis) et l'on décrit les demi-treillis à médianes,i.e. ceux où l'obtention des médianes est aisée