2 research outputs found


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    In the networking field, Internet of Things ( IOT, shortly) is the current state of the art in the nowadays Information of Technology era. The networking may be defined as external network or internal network. The backbone of the IOT is the internet connections. The IOT connects various objects together to the internet so that they can communicate and exchange billions of data and information among various devices and services. They may be remotely controlled from distant area. As IOT systems will be open and available everywhere, a number of security issue may arise. One issue that remains open in the IOT technology is security and privacy issues. Because of this security issue, the communications among many different devices powered by IOT could not be said as a reliable technology. Because of this, the security of the IOT systems can be enhanced by adding error correction scheme both in communication channel as well as the data store. By introducing the error correction scheme, the risks may be reduced to acceptable level and the security could be enhanced. A Reed-Solomon (RS) code is one of many error control coding schemes that firstly introduced by Reed and Solomon in 1960. This code has been used in various applications, such as CD-ROMs, space communications, DVD technology, digital TV and much more. Here, Reed-Solomon code is discussed in detail. It raised the issue of RS decoding scheme using the Welch Berlekamp algorithm. It presents the implementation of the Welch Berlekamp algorithm for RS decoder in detail. The VHDL implementation VHDL for Hard Decision Decoding using the Welch Berlekamp algorithm is also presented. Without loss of generality, th

    Cooperating error-correcting codes and their decoding

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