25,102 research outputs found

    An Enhanced Computer Vision By Using MLP Approach To Forensic Face Sketch Recognition System‎

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    Technologies for suspect identification, detection, and recognition have become more critical in recent years. As a result, face recognition is an almost commonly used biometric technique. Investigators for Criminal and forensic computer vision researchers are interested in the human-recognized face sketches were drawn by artists. Hand-drawn face sketches are, according to studies, ‎still extremely rare, both in terms of artists and number of drawings, since forensic artists ‎prepare victim drawings based on descriptions were provided by eyewitnesses following an incident‎. Masks are sometimes used to conceal standard facial features such as noses, eyes, lips, and skin color, but face biometrics' outliner features are impossible to conceal. This paper concentrated on a particular face-geometrical feature that could calculate some similarity ratios between composite template photos and forensic sketches. Computer vision techniques such as Two-Dimensional Discrete Cosine Transform (2D-DCT) and the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) Neural Network are used to design a system for composite and forensic face sketch recognition

    Neural networks based recognition of 3D freeform surface from 2D sketch

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    In this paper, the Back Propagation (BP) network and Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network are employed to recognize and reconstruct 3D freeform surface from 2D freehand sketch. Some tests and comparison experiments have been made to evaluate the performance for the reconstruction of freeform surfaces of both networks using simulation data. The experimental results show that both BP and RBF based freeform surface reconstruction methods are feasible; and the RBF network performed better. The RBF average point error between the reconstructed 3D surface data and the desired 3D surface data is less than 0.05 over all our 75 test sample data

    Precision sketching with de-aging networks in forensics

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    Addressing the intricacies of facial aging in forensic facial recognition, traditional sketch portraits often fall short in precision. This study introduces a pioneering system that seamlessly integrates a de-aging module and a sketch generator module to overcome the limitations inherent in existing methodologies. The de-aging module utilizes a deepfake-based neural network to rejuvenate facial features, while the sketch generator module leverages a pix2pix-based Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) for the generation of lifelike sketches. Comprehensive evaluations on the CUHK and AR datasets underscore the system’s superior efficiency. Significantly, comprehensive testing reveals marked enhancements in realism during the training process, demonstrated by notable reductions in Frechet Inception Distance (FID) scores (41.7 for CUHK, 60.2 for AR), augmented Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) values (0.789 for CUHK, 0.692 for AR), and improved Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) metrics (20.26 for CUHK, 19.42 for AR). These findings underscore substantial advancements in the accuracy and reliability of facial recognition applications. Importantly, the system, proficient in handling diverse facial characteristics across gender, race, and culture, produces both composite and hand-drawn sketches, surpassing the capabilities of current state-of-the-art methods. This research emphasizes the transformative potential arising from the integration of de-aging networks with sketch generation, particularly for age-invariant forensic applications, and highlights the ongoing necessity for innovative developments in de-aging technology with broader societal and technological implications

    End-to-End Photo-Sketch Generation via Fully Convolutional Representation Learning

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    Sketch-based face recognition is an interesting task in vision and multimedia research, yet it is quite challenging due to the great difference between face photos and sketches. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for photo-sketch generation, aiming to automatically transform face photos into detail-preserving personal sketches. Unlike the traditional models synthesizing sketches based on a dictionary of exemplars, we develop a fully convolutional network to learn the end-to-end photo-sketch mapping. Our approach takes whole face photos as inputs and directly generates the corresponding sketch images with efficient inference and learning, in which the architecture are stacked by only convolutional kernels of very small sizes. To well capture the person identity during the photo-sketch transformation, we define our optimization objective in the form of joint generative-discriminative minimization. In particular, a discriminative regularization term is incorporated into the photo-sketch generation, enhancing the discriminability of the generated person sketches against other individuals. Extensive experiments on several standard benchmarks suggest that our approach outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in both photo-sketch generation and face sketch verification.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Proceeding in ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), 201

    Multicolour sketch recognition in a learning environment.

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    Virtual physics environments are becoming increasingly popular as a teaching tool for grade and high school level mechanical physics. While useful, these tools often offer a complex user interface, lacking the intuitive nature of the traditional whiteboard. Furthermore, the systems are often too advanced to be used by novices for further experimentation. In this paper we describe a physics learning environment using multicolour sketch recognition techniques on digital whiteboards. We argue that the use of coloured pens helps to resolve several ambiguities appearing in single colour sketching interfaces. The recognition system is based on a combination of Support Vector Machines and rule based methods. The system was evaluated using a constructive interaction method, with users completing a set task

    Deep Sketch-Photo Face Recognition Assisted by Facial Attributes

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    In this paper, we present a deep coupled framework to address the problem of matching sketch image against a gallery of mugshots. Face sketches have the essential in- formation about the spatial topology and geometric details of faces while missing some important facial attributes such as ethnicity, hair, eye, and skin color. We propose a cou- pled deep neural network architecture which utilizes facial attributes in order to improve the sketch-photo recognition performance. The proposed Attribute-Assisted Deep Con- volutional Neural Network (AADCNN) method exploits the facial attributes and leverages the loss functions from the facial attributes identification and face verification tasks in order to learn rich discriminative features in a common em- bedding subspace. The facial attribute identification task increases the inter-personal variations by pushing apart the embedded features extracted from individuals with differ- ent facial attributes, while the verification task reduces the intra-personal variations by pulling together all the fea- tures that are related to one person. The learned discrim- inative features can be well generalized to new identities not seen in the training data. The proposed architecture is able to make full use of the sketch and complementary fa- cial attribute information to train a deep model compared to the conventional sketch-photo recognition methods. Exten- sive experiments are performed on composite (E-PRIP) and semi-forensic (IIIT-D semi-forensic) datasets. The results show the superiority of our method compared to the state- of-the-art models in sketch-photo recognition algorithm

    A Theoretical Analysis of Deep Neural Networks for Texture Classification

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    We investigate the use of Deep Neural Networks for the classification of image datasets where texture features are important for generating class-conditional discriminative representations. To this end, we first derive the size of the feature space for some standard textural features extracted from the input dataset and then use the theory of Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension to show that hand-crafted feature extraction creates low-dimensional representations which help in reducing the overall excess error rate. As a corollary to this analysis, we derive for the first time upper bounds on the VC dimension of Convolutional Neural Network as well as Dropout and Dropconnect networks and the relation between excess error rate of Dropout and Dropconnect networks. The concept of intrinsic dimension is used to validate the intuition that texture-based datasets are inherently higher dimensional as compared to handwritten digits or other object recognition datasets and hence more difficult to be shattered by neural networks. We then derive the mean distance from the centroid to the nearest and farthest sampling points in an n-dimensional manifold and show that the Relative Contrast of the sample data vanishes as dimensionality of the underlying vector space tends to infinity.Comment: Accepted in International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 201
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