4 research outputs found

    On Unconventional Computing for Sound and Music

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    Advances in technology have had a significant impact on the way in which we produce and consume music. The music industry is most likely to continue progressing in tandem with the evolution of electronics and computing technology. Despite the incredible power of today’s computers, it is commonly acknowledged that computing technology is bound to progress beyond today’s conventional models. Researchers working in the relatively new field of Unconventional Computing (UC) are investigating a number of alternative approaches to develop new types of computers, such as harnessing biological media to implement new kinds of processors. This chapter introduces the field of UC for sound and music, focusing on the work developed at Plymouth University’s Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer Music Research (ICCMR) in the UK. From musical experiments with Cellular Automata modelling and in vitro neural networks, to quantum computing and bioprocessing, this chapter introduces the substantial body of scientific and artistic work developed at ICCMR. Such work has paved the way for ongoing research towards the development of robust general-purpose bioprocessing components, referred to as biomemristors, and interactive musical biocomputers

    Unconventional Computing and Music: An Investigation into Harnessing Physarum polycephalum

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    This thesis presents an investigation into developing musical systems with an Unconventional Computing substrate. Computer musicians have found it difficult to access the field of Unconventional Computing, which is likely due to its resource-intensive and complex nature. However, ongoing research is establishing the myxomycete Physarum polycephalum as a universally-accessible and versatile biological computing substrate. As such, the organism is a potential gateway for computer musicians to begin experimenting with aspects of Unconventional Computing. Physarum polycephalum, in its vegetative plasmodium form, is an amorphous unicellular organism that can respond with natural parallelism to the environmental conditions that surround it. This thesis explores the challenges and opportunities related to developing musical systems with Physarum polycephalum. As this area of inquiry is in its infancy, the research took inspiration from a common approach in Unconventional Computing: a journey of exploration and discovery. This journey consisted of a selection of waypoints that provided direction while allowing the research to explore applications of Physarum polycephalum in order to establish how it may be useful in Computer Music. These waypoints guided the research from adapting established prototypes for musical application to developing purpose-made musical demonstrators for use outside of the laboratory. Thus, the thesis reports on a series of Computer Music systems that explore one or more features of Physarum polycephalum's behaviour and physiology. First, the text presents an approach to algorithmic composition that exploits the organism's ability to form and reconfigure graph-like structures. Next, the thesis reports on systems that harness the plasmodium's electrical potential oscillations for sound synthesis and compositional tools. Finally, the thesis presents musical devices that encompass living plasmodium as electrical components. Where applicable, the thesis includes artefacts from demonstrations of these systems, some of which were developed in collaboration with a composer. The findings from this journey demonstrate that Physarum polycephalum is an appropriate substrate for computer musicians wanting to explore Unconventional Computing approaches creatively. Although Physarum polycephalum is relatively robust as a biological substrate, several obstacles arose during this project. This research addressed such obstacles by reviewing and selecting approaches that maintained the organism's accessibility to computer musicians. As a result, the work suggests methods for developing systems with the organism that are practical for the average music technologist and also beneficial to the wider group of scientists investigating Physarum polycephalum for other purposes.Plymouth University HumPA Studentshi