22,498 research outputs found

    A Museum Exhibits Support System Based on History and Culture Literacy

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    [[abstract]]Museums need an interactive data collection and visualisation tool for their artefacts. This paper describes a study in which we enable access to Chinese and Japanese cultural heritage information from two history museums, the National Palace Museum in Taiwan and the Tokugawa Art Museum in Japan. Results from these museum databases were used to develop a prototype system to demonstrate advanced cultural learning and historical timeline functionalities for foreigners. This system is based on temporal data from the museums’ databases, and provided the user with powerful data manipulation and graphical visualisation tools. It might become a basis of an interactive digital museum system for Chinese and Japanese heritages especially for foreign users.[[journaltype]]國外[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]電子版[[countrycodes]]GB

    Demographic Transformation and the Future of Museums

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    In 2009 the Center for the Future of Museums commissioned Betty Farrell to produce a report to explore in more detail the demographic trends in American society and their implications for museums. The report identifies, synthesizes, and interprets existing research on demographics, cultural consumer attitudes, museum diversity practices, and related topics. It is meant to help the museum field explore the future of museums in a "majority minority" society. Topics of inquiry include national demographic projections for the next 25 years with a focus on the shifting racial and ethnic composition of the United States; current patterns of museum attendance (and cultural participation more generally) by race, ethnicity, cultural origin and other relevant factors; culturally/ethnically specific attitudes towards museums, including perceptual and behavioral barriers to museum attendance; ways that museums currently reach out to diverse audiences; specific models and best practices; and larger trends in societal attitudes towards racial and other classifications

    Thriving Arts: Thriving Small Communities

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    Presents findings from a study of ten rural Minnesota communities to identify factors related to successful community arts development. Includes recommendations to inform future investment in the arts

    Success through STEM one year on

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    Lilly Endowment Annual Report 2015

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    During 2015, the Endowment paid grants totaling 435.5million.Communitydevelopmentgrantsaccountedfor435.5 million. Community development grants accounted for 200.4 million (46 percent), religion grants accounted for 124.1million(29percent)andeducationgrantsaccountedfor124.1 million (29 percent) and education grants accounted for 111.0 million (25 percent). Most grants were paid to organizations in Indiana - a total of 257.8million(59percent).Ofthepaymenttotalof257.8 million (59 percent). Of the payment total of 435.5 million, 107.9million(25percent)waspaidtononMarionCountygranteesinIndianaand107.9 million (25 percent) was paid to nonMarion County grantees in Indiana and 149.9 million (34 percent) to Marion County (Indianapolis) grantees. Organizations outside of Indiana received $177.7 million (41 percent). Most of these grants paid outside of Indiana were religion grants.The annual report includes a complete list of 2015 grants

    People, Land, Arts, Culture and Engagement: Taking Stock of the Place Initiative

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    This report serves as a point of entry into creative placemaking as defined and supported by the Tucson Pima Arts Council's PLACE Initiative. To assess how and to what degree the PLACE projects were helping to transform communities, TPAC was asked by the Kresge Foundation to undertake a comprehensive evaluation. This involved discussion with stakeholders about support mechanisms, professional development, investment, and impact of the PLACE Initiative in Tucson, Arizona, and the Southwest regionally and the gathering of qualitative and quantitative data to develop indicators and method for evaluating the social impact of the arts in TPAC's grantmaking. The report documents one year of observations and research by the PLACE research team, outside researchers and reviewers, local and regional working groups, TPAC staff, and TPAC constituency. It considers data from the first four years of PLACE Initiative funding, including learning exchanges, focus groups, individual interviews, grantmaking, and all reporting. It is also informed by evaluation and assessment that occurred in the development of the PLACE Initiative, in particular, Maribel Alvarez's Two-Way Mirror: Ethnography as a Way to Assess Civic Impact of Arts-Based Engagement in Tucson, Arizona (2009), and Mark Stern and Susan Seifert's Documenting Civic Engagement: A Plan for the Tucson Pima Arts Council (2009). Both of these publications were supported by Animating Democracy, a program of Americans for the Arts, that promotes arts and culture as potent contributors to community, civic, and social change. Both publications describe how TPAC approaches evaluation strategies associated with social impact of the arts in Tucson and Pima County. This report outlines the local context and historical antecedents of the PLACE Initiative in the region with an emphasis on the concept of "belonging" as a primary characteristic of PLACE projects and policy. It describes PLACE projects as well as the role of TPAC in creating and facilitating the Initiative. Based on the collective understanding of the research team, impacts of the PLACE Initiative are organized into three main realms -- institutions, artists, and communities. These realms are further addressed in case studies from select grantees, whose narratives offer rich, detailed perspectives about PLACE projects in context, with all their successes, rewards, and challenges for artists, communities, and institutions. Lastly, the report offers preliminary research findings on PLACE by TPAC in collaboration with Dr. James Roebuck, codirector of the University of Arizona's ERAD (Evaluation Research and Development) Program

    How a Museum Exhibit Functions as a Literacy Event for Viewers

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate museum learning by describing the experiences of selected museum visitors who viewed a specified exhibit. The research question is: How does a museum exhibit function as a literacy event for viewers? The responses to interview questions described what viewing was like for two subjects. The paradigm for this research is New Literacy Studies (NLS). NLS considers the cultural issues surrounding literacy experiences. NLS assumes that language arts reflect cultural differences and literacy involves the process of constructing meaning (Barton, Hamilton, & Ivanic, 2000; Gee, 2000; Street, 1995). This model of literacy considers three factors of literacy: the literacy practice, the literacy event and the text (Barton & Hamilton, 2000). The literacy practice for this dissertation was museum visiting. The literacy event was viewing one museum exhibit. Through research in multiliteracies (Cope & Kalantzis, 2000), objects and written discourse constituted the text. Two high school subjects spent 15 minutes viewing a specified exhibit on separate occasions. They were asked seven questions designed to aid their recall. The Contextual Model of Learning (Falk & Dierking, 2000) was used for describing the phenomenon and for the analyses of the data. The Contextual Model of Learning describes museum learning as the interaction of three spheres: the Physical Context, the Personal Context, and the Socio-cultural Context. The Physical Context was analyzed through narrative description, the Personal Context through micro-analysis (Corbin, 1998; Miles & Huberman, 1994), and the Socio-cultural Context through Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough, 1995; Meyer, 2001; van Dijk, 2001; Wodak, 2001). The results show the Physical Context of a museum exhibit facilitates viewers in accessing their Personal and Socio-cultural Contexts to make meaning. The data indicated the subjects of this study formed global concepts, supported main ideas with specific details, constructed cause and effect relationships, formed comparisons, and engaged in other types of cognitive behaviors as they interacted with the text. The results also indicated that the Contextual Model of Learning would best describe the literacy event if the model showed the dominance of the Personal and Socio-cultural Contexts over the Physical Contents

    Innovate Magazine / Annual Review 2009-2010

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    Education and Museum: Cultural Heritage and learning

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    Project description supported by Erasmus Plus KA2- The project proposal is connected to the promotion of initiatives, starting in primary school, for using ICT, the open educational resources and digital resources of cultural heritage for the improvement science learning. The experience and result

    Supporting parent-child conversations in a history museum

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    BACKGROUND: Museums can serve as rich resources for families to learn about the social world through engagement with exhibits and parent-child conversation about exhibits. AIMS: This study examined ways of engaging parents and child about two related exhibits at a cultural and history museum. Sample participants consisted of families visiting the Animal Antics and the Gone Potty exhibits at the British Museum. METHODS: Whilst visiting two exhibits at the British Museum, 30 families were assigned to use a backpack of activities, 13 were assigned to a booklet of activities, and 15 were assigned to visit the exhibits without props (control condition). RESULTS: Compared to the families in the control condition, the interventions increased the amount of time parents and children engaged together with the exhibit. Additionally, recordings of the conversations revealed that adults asked more questions related to the exhibits when assigned to the two intervention conditions compared to the control group. Children engaged in more historical talk when using the booklets than in the other two conditions. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that providing support with either booklets or activities for children at exhibits may prove beneficial to parent-child conversations and engagement with museum exhibits