3 research outputs found

    A generic ATMS

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    AbstractThe main aim of this paper is to create a general truth maintenance system based on the De Kleer algorithm. This system (the ATMS) is to be designed so that it can be used in different propositional monotonic logic models of reasoning systems. The knowledge base system that will interact with it is described. Furthermore, we study the efficiency that transferring the ATMS to a logic with several truth values presupposes. Definitions and properties of the generic ATMS are particularized to interact both with a reasoning system based on multivalued logic specifically for the case of [0, 1 ]-valued logic and with a reasoning system based on fuzzy logic. The latter will be designed to reason with fuzzy truth values, although a parallel project might be followed using linguistic labels directly

    Generalized Adaptive Fuzzy Rule Interpolation

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    As a substantial extension to fuzzy rule interpolation that works based on two neighbouring rules flanking an observation, adaptive fuzzy rule interpolation is able to restore system consistency when contradictory results are reached during interpolation. The approach first identifies the exhaustive sets of candidates, with each candidate consisting of a set of interpolation procedures which may jointly be responsible for the system inconsistency. Then, individual candidates are modified such that all contradictions are removed and thus interpolation consistency is restored. It has been developed on the assumption that contradictions may only be resulted from the underlying interpolation mechanism, and that all the identified candidates are not distinguishable in terms of their likelihood to be the real culprit. However, this assumption may not hold for real world situations. This paper therefore further develops the adaptive method by taking into account observations, rules and interpolation procedures, all as diagnosable and modifiable system components. Also, given the common practice in fuzzy systems that observations and rules are often associated with certainty degrees, the identified candidates are ranked by examining the certainty degrees of its components and their derivatives. From this, the candidate modification is carried out based on such ranking. This work significantly improves the efficacy of the existing adaptive system by exploiting more information during both the diagnosis and modification processes

    Adaptive fuzzy interpolation

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    Fuzzy interpolative reasoning strengthens the power of fuzzy inference by the enhancement of the robustness of fuzzy systems and the reduction of the systems' complexity. However, after a series of interpolations, it is possible that multiple object values for a common variable are inferred, leading to inconsistency in interpolated results. Such inconsistencies may result from defective interpolated rules or incorrect interpolative transformations. This paper presents a novel approach for identification and correction of defective rules in interpolative transformations, thereby removing the inconsistencies. In particular, an assumption-based truth-maintenance system (ATMS) is used to record dependences between interpolations, and the underlying technique that the classical general diagnostic engine (GDE) employs for fault localization is adapted to isolate possible faulty interpolated rules and their associated interpolative transformations. From this, an algorithm is introduced to allow for the modification of the original linear interpolation to become first-order piecewise linear. The approach is applied to a realistic problem, which predicates the diarrheal disease rates in remote villages, to demonstrate the potential of this study