603 research outputs found

    Domain Decomposition for Stochastic Optimal Control

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    This work proposes a method for solving linear stochastic optimal control (SOC) problems using sum of squares and semidefinite programming. Previous work had used polynomial optimization to approximate the value function, requiring a high polynomial degree to capture local phenomena. To improve the scalability of the method to problems of interest, a domain decomposition scheme is presented. By using local approximations, lower degree polynomials become sufficient, and both local and global properties of the value function are captured. The domain of the problem is split into a non-overlapping partition, with added constraints ensuring C1C^1 continuity. The Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) is used to optimize over each domain in parallel and ensure convergence on the boundaries of the partitions. This results in improved conditioning of the problem and allows for much larger and more complex problems to be addressed with improved performance.Comment: 8 pages. Accepted to CDC 201

    GMRES-Accelerated ADMM for Quadratic Objectives

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    We consider the sequence acceleration problem for the alternating direction method-of-multipliers (ADMM) applied to a class of equality-constrained problems with strongly convex quadratic objectives, which frequently arise as the Newton subproblem of interior-point methods. Within this context, the ADMM update equations are linear, the iterates are confined within a Krylov subspace, and the General Minimum RESidual (GMRES) algorithm is optimal in its ability to accelerate convergence. The basic ADMM method solves a κ\kappa-conditioned problem in O(κ)O(\sqrt{\kappa}) iterations. We give theoretical justification and numerical evidence that the GMRES-accelerated variant consistently solves the same problem in O(κ1/4)O(\kappa^{1/4}) iterations for an order-of-magnitude reduction in iterations, despite a worst-case bound of O(κ)O(\sqrt{\kappa}) iterations. The method is shown to be competitive against standard preconditioned Krylov subspace methods for saddle-point problems. The method is embedded within SeDuMi, a popular open-source solver for conic optimization written in MATLAB, and used to solve many large-scale semidefinite programs with error that decreases like O(1/k2)O(1/k^{2}), instead of O(1/k)O(1/k), where kk is the iteration index.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Optimization (SIOPT

    Verification and Synthesis of Robust Control Barrier Functions: Multilevel Polynomial Optimization and Semidefinite Relaxation

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    We study the problem of verification and synthesis of robust control barrier functions (CBF) for control-affine polynomial systems with bounded additive uncertainty and convex polynomial constraints on the control. We first formulate robust CBF verification and synthesis as multilevel polynomial optimization problems (POP), where verification optimizes -- in three levels -- the uncertainty, control, and state, while synthesis additionally optimizes the parameter of a chosen parametric CBF candidate. We then show that, by invoking the KKT conditions of the inner optimizations over uncertainty and control, the verification problem can be simplified as a single-level POP and the synthesis problem reduces to a min-max POP. This reduction leads to multilevel semidefinite relaxations. For the verification problem, we apply Lasserre's hierarchy of moment relaxations. For the synthesis problem, we draw connections to existing relaxation techniques for robust min-max POP, which first use sum-of-squares programming to find increasingly tight polynomial lower bounds to the unknown value function of the verification POP, and then call Lasserre's hierarchy again to maximize the lower bounds. Both semidefinite relaxations guarantee asymptotic global convergence to optimality. We provide an in-depth study of our framework on the controlled Van der Pol Oscillator, both with and without additive uncertainty.Comment: Accepted to IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 202

    Frequency-Selective Vandermonde Decomposition of Toeplitz Matrices with Applications

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    The classical result of Vandermonde decomposition of positive semidefinite Toeplitz matrices, which dates back to the early twentieth century, forms the basis of modern subspace and recent atomic norm methods for frequency estimation. In this paper, we study the Vandermonde decomposition in which the frequencies are restricted to lie in a given interval, referred to as frequency-selective Vandermonde decomposition. The existence and uniqueness of the decomposition are studied under explicit conditions on the Toeplitz matrix. The new result is connected by duality to the positive real lemma for trigonometric polynomials nonnegative on the same frequency interval. Its applications in the theory of moments and line spectral estimation are illustrated. In particular, it provides a solution to the truncated trigonometric KK-moment problem. It is used to derive a primal semidefinite program formulation of the frequency-selective atomic norm in which the frequencies are known {\em a priori} to lie in certain frequency bands. Numerical examples are also provided.Comment: 23 pages, accepted by Signal Processin

    Low rank methods for optimizing clustering

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    Complex optimization models and problems in machine learning often have the majority of information in a low rank subspace. By careful exploitation of these low rank structures in clustering problems, we find new optimization approaches that reduce the memory and computational cost. We discuss two cases where this arises. First, we consider the NEO-K-Means (Non-Exhaustive, Overlapping K-Means) objective as a way to address overlapping and outliers in an integrated fashion. Optimizing this discrete objective is NP-hard, and even though there is a convex relaxation of the objective, straightforward convex optimization approaches are too expensive for large datasets. We utilize low rank structures in the solution matrix of the convex formulation and use a low-rank factorization of the solution matrix directly as a practical alternative. The resulting optimization problem is non-convex, but has a smaller number of solution variables, and can be locally optimized using an augmented Lagrangian method. In addition, we consider two fast multiplier methods to accelerate the convergence of the augmented Lagrangian scheme: a proximal method of multipliers and an alternating direction method of multipliers. For the proximal augmented Lagrangian, we show a convergence result for the non-convex case with bound-constrained subproblems. When the clustering performance is evaluated on real-world datasets, we show this technique is effective in finding the ground-truth clusters and cohesive overlapping communities in real-world networks. The second case is where the low-rank structure appears in the objective function. Inspired by low rank matrix completion techniques, we propose a low rank symmetric matrix completion scheme to approximate a kernel matrix. For the kernel k-means problem, we show empirically that the clustering performance with the approximation is comparable to the full kernel k-means

    International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT) 2019 Conference Book

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    The Sixth International Conference on Continuous Optimization took place on the campus of the Technical University of Berlin, August 3-8, 2019. The ICCOPT is a flagship conference of the Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS), organized every three years. ICCOPT 2019 was hosted by the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) Berlin. It included a Summer School and a Conference with a series of plenary and semi-plenary talks, organized and contributed sessions, and poster sessions. This book comprises the full conference program. It contains, in particular, the scientific program in survey style as well as with all details, and information on the social program, the venue, special meetings, and more