3 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study of Multi-Label Classification for Document Labeling in Ethical Protocol Review

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    An ethical clearance document ensures that the research will protect the subject in accordance with existing ethical principles. The ethical clearance is issued by the Research Ethics Commission (KEP). KEP will conduct a review of the proposed ethical protocol based on the seven standards contained in a protocol. The review process is done manually by KEP. This process often creates bottlenecks in research due to the large number of protocols that must be reviewed, so that the process to get ethical clearance takes a long time. This can affect the setback in the schedule of the research process. Therefore, in this research, a comparative study was conducted on the problem of multi-label classification to automate the ethical protocol review process. Automation of the labeling process can increase the effectiveness of the review process because it can provide an overview to the reviewer regarding the label of a document before conducting a more in-depth review process. The experiment results show that the use of the traditional machine learning approach produces better performance than the deep learning approach. The machine learning method with the best results is NaĂŻve Bayes+BoW with precision, recall, and F-score values of 0.76, 0.80, and 0.78, respectively

    Implementing data-driven decision support system based on independent educational data mart

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    Decision makers in the educational field always seek new technologies and tools, which provide solid, fast answers that can support decision-making process. They need a platform that utilize the students’ academic data and turn them into knowledge to make the right strategic decisions. In this paper, a roadmap for implementing a data driven decision support system (DSS) is presented based on an educational data mart. The independent data mart is implemented on the students’ degrees in 8 subjects in a private school (Al-Iskandaria Primary School in Basrah province, Iraq). The DSS implementation roadmap is started from pre-processing paper-based data source and ended with providing three categories of online analytical processing (OLAP) queries (multidimensional OLAP, desktop OLAP and web OLAP). Key performance indicator (KPI) is implemented as an essential part of educational DSS to measure school performance. The static evaluation method shows that the proposed DSS follows the privacy, security and performance aspects with no errors after inspecting the DSS knowledge base. The evaluation shows that the data driven DSS based on independent data mart with KPI, OLAP is one of the best platforms to support short-to-long term academic decisions

    Dynamic network analytics for recommending scientific collaborators

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    Collaboration is one of the most important contributors to scientific advancement and a crucial aspect of an academic’s career. However, the explosion in academic publications has, for some time, been making it more challenging to find suitable research partners. Recommendation approaches to help academics find potential collaborators are not new. However, the existing methods operate on static data, which can render many suggestions less useful or out of date. The approach presented in this paper simulates a dynamic network from static data to gain further insights into the changing research interests, activities and co-authorships of scholars in a field–all insights that can improve the quality of the recommendations produced. Following a detailed explanation of the entire framework, from data collection through to recommendation modelling, we provide a case study on the field of information science to demonstrate the reliability of the proposed method, and the results provide empirical insights to support decision-making in related stakeholders—e.g., scientific funding agencies, research institutions and individual researchers in the field