3 research outputs found

    Stability and Equilibrium Analysis of Laneless Traffic with Local Control Laws

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    In this paper, a new model for traffic on roads with multiple lanes is developed, where the vehicles do not adhere to a lane discipline. Assuming identical vehicles, the dynamics is split along two independent directions: the Y-axis representing the direction of motion and the X-axis representing the lateral or the direction perpendicular to the direction of motion. Different influence graphs are used to model the interaction between the vehicles in these two directions. The instantaneous accelerations of each car, in both X and Y directions, are functions of the measurements from the neighbouring cars according to these influence graphs. The stability and equilibrium spacings of the car formation is analyzed for usual traffic situations such as steady flow, obstacles, lane changing and rogue drivers arbitrarily changing positions inside the formation. Conditions are derived under which the formation maintains stability and the desired intercar spacing for each of these traffic events. Simulations for some of these scenarios are included.Comment: 8 page

    Calibração de modelo de car-following em simulador de direção

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    O uso de simuladores permite a reprodução de eventos para a coleta de dados. Simuladores de direção são utilizados para prover experiências sensoriais que emulam a experiência de condução de um veículo. Modelos que se propõem a reproduzir o comportamento de um condutor inserido no tráfego chamam-se modelos de car-following. Tais modelos requerem a calibração de seus parâmetros conforme o cenário analisado. O presente trabalho propõe um método para a calibração desses parâmetros utilizando-se de dados coletados em simuladores de direção. Para isso foram coletados no simulador de direção do Laboratório de Sistemas de Transportes (LASTRAN) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) e desenvolvido um algoritmo para determinação dos parâmetros de calibração do modelo de carfollowing de Wiedemann - W99. Os resultados foram avaliados quanto à sua variação e sensibilidade à fatores demográficos e individuais. Os resultados indicam que o modelo de Wiedemann consegue reproduzir o comportamento de motoristas m simuladores de direção e que é possível o desenvolvimento de metodologias para calibração do modelo W99 atrás da utilização de dados coletados em simuladores de direção.The use of simulators allows the reproduction of events for data collection. Driving simulators are used to provide sensory experiences that emulate the experience of driving a vehicle. Models that propose to reproduce the behavior of a driver inserted in traffic are called carfollowing models. Such models satisfied the measurement of their parameters according to the scenario. The present work proposes a method for the calibration of these parameters using data collected in driving simulators. For this, they were collected in the driving simulator of the Transport Systems Laboratory (LASTRAN), at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), and an algorithm was developed for the calibration parameters of the car-following model W99 by Wiedemann. Results were evaluated for variation and sensitivity to demographic and individual factors. The results indicate that the Wiedemann model can reproduce the behavior of drivers in driving simulators and that it is possible to develop methodologies for calibrating the W99 model after using data collected in driving simulators