3 research outputs found

    A more bio-plausible approach to the evolutionary inference of finite state machines

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    With resemblance of finite-state machines to some biological mechanisms in cells and numerous applications of finite automata in different fields, this paper uses analogies and metaphors to introduce an element of bio-plausibility to evolutionary grammatical inference. Inference of a finite-state machine that generalizes well over unseen input-output examples is an NP-complete problem. Heuristic algorithms exist to minimize the size of an FSM keeping it consistent with all the input-output sequences. However, their performance dramatically degrades in presence of noise in the training set. Evolutionary algorithms perform better for noisy data sets but they do not scale well and their performance drops as size or complexity of the target machine grows. Here, inspired by a biological perspective, an evolutionary algorithm with a novel representation and a new fitness function for inference of Moore finite-state machines of limited size is proposed and compared with one of the latest evolutionary techniques. Copyright 2007 ACM

    A Practical Investigation into Achieving Bio-Plausibility in Evo-Devo Neural Microcircuits Feasible in an FPGA

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    Many researchers has conjectured, argued, or in some cases demonstrated, that bio-plausibility can bring about emergent properties such as adaptability, scalability, fault-tolerance, self-repair, reliability, and autonomy to bio-inspired intelligent systems. Evolutionary-developmental (evo-devo) spiking neural networks are a very bio-plausible mixture of such bio-inspired intelligent systems that have been proposed and studied by a few researchers. However, the general trend is that the complexity and thus the computational cost grow with the bio-plausibility of the system. FPGAs (Field- Programmable Gate Arrays) have been used and proved to be one of the flexible and cost efficient hardware platforms for research' and development of such evo-devo systems. However, mapping a bio-plausible evo-devo spiking neural network to an FPGA is a daunting task full of different constraints and trade-offs that makes it, if not infeasible, very challenging. This thesis explores the challenges, trade-offs, constraints, practical issues, and some possible approaches in achieving bio-plausibility in creating evolutionary developmental spiking neural microcircuits in an FPGA through a practical investigation along with a series of case studies. In this study, the system performance, cost, reliability, scalability, availability, and design and testing time and complexity are defined as measures for feasibility of a system and structural accuracy and consistency with the current knowledge in biology as measures for bio-plausibility. Investigation of the challenges starts with the hardware platform selection and then neuron, cortex, and evo-devo models and integration of these models into a whole bio-inspired intelligent system are examined one by one. For further practical investigation, a new PLAQIF Digital Neuron model, a novel Cortex model, and a new multicellular LGRN evo-devo model are designed, implemented and tested as case studies. Results and their implications for the researchers, designers of such systems, and FPGA manufacturers are discussed and concluded in form of general trends, trade-offs, suggestions, and recommendations