284 research outputs found

    Hybrid Newton-type method for a class of semismooth equations

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    In this paper, we present a hybrid method for the solution of a class of composite semismooth equations encountered frequently in applications. The method is obtained by combining a generalized finite-difference Newton method to an inexpensive direct search method. We prove that, under standard assumptions, the method is globally convergent with a local rate of convergence which is superlinear or quadratic. We report also several numerical results obtained applying the method to suitable reformulations of well-known nonlinear complementarity problem

    A convex analysis approach to optimal controls with switching structure for partial differential equations

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    Optimal control problems involving hybrid binary-continuous control costs are challenging due to their lack of convexity and weak lower semicontinuity. Replacing such costs with their convex relaxation leads to a primal-dual optimality system that allows an explicit pointwise characterization and whose Moreau-Yosida regularization is amenable to a semismooth Newton method in function space. This approach is especially suited for computing switching controls for partial differential equations. In this case, the optimality gap between the original functional and its relaxation can be estimated and shown to be zero for controls with switching structure. Numerical examples illustrate the effectiveness of this approach

    Deflation for semismooth equations

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    Variational inequalities can in general support distinct solutions. In this paper we study an algorithm for computing distinct solutions of a variational inequality, without varying the initial guess supplied to the solver. The central idea is the combination of a semismooth Newton method with a deflation operator that eliminates known solutions from consideration. Given one root of a semismooth residual, deflation constructs a new problem for which a semismooth Newton method will not converge to the known root, even from the same initial guess. This enables the discovery of other roots. We prove the effectiveness of the deflation technique under the same assumptions that guarantee locally superlinear convergence of a semismooth Newton method. We demonstrate its utility on various finite- and infinite-dimensional examples drawn from constrained optimization, game theory, economics and solid mechanics.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    An asymptotically superlinearly convergent semismooth Newton augmented Lagrangian method for Linear Programming

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    Powerful interior-point methods (IPM) based commercial solvers, such as Gurobi and Mosek, have been hugely successful in solving large-scale linear programming (LP) problems. The high efficiency of these solvers depends critically on the sparsity of the problem data and advanced matrix factorization techniques. For a large scale LP problem with data matrix AA that is dense (possibly structured) or whose corresponding normal matrix AATAA^T has a dense Cholesky factor (even with re-ordering), these solvers may require excessive computational cost and/or extremely heavy memory usage in each interior-point iteration. Unfortunately, the natural remedy, i.e., the use of iterative methods based IPM solvers, although can avoid the explicit computation of the coefficient matrix and its factorization, is not practically viable due to the inherent extreme ill-conditioning of the large scale normal equation arising in each interior-point iteration. To provide a better alternative choice for solving large scale LPs with dense data or requiring expensive factorization of its normal equation, we propose a semismooth Newton based inexact proximal augmented Lagrangian ({\sc Snipal}) method. Different from classical IPMs, in each iteration of {\sc Snipal}, iterative methods can efficiently be used to solve simpler yet better conditioned semismooth Newton linear systems. Moreover, {\sc Snipal} not only enjoys a fast asymptotic superlinear convergence but is also proven to enjoy a finite termination property. Numerical comparisons with Gurobi have demonstrated encouraging potential of {\sc Snipal} for handling large-scale LP problems where the constraint matrix AA has a dense representation or AATAA^T has a dense factorization even with an appropriate re-ordering.Comment: Due to the limitation "The abstract field cannot be longer than 1,920 characters", the abstract appearing here is slightly shorter than that in the PDF fil
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