293 research outputs found

    Mitigation of DC Current Injection in Transformerless Grid-Connected Inverters

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    PhD ThesisWith a large number of small-scale PV plants being connected to the utility grid, there is increasing interest in the use of transformerless systems for grid-connected inverter photovoltaic applications. Compared to transformer-coupled solutions, transformerless systems offer a typical efficiency increase of 1-2%, reduced system size and weight, and reductions in cost. However, the removal of the transformer has technical implications. In addition to the loss of galvanic isolation, DC current injection into the grid is a potential risk. Whilst desirable, the complete mitigation of DC current injection via conventional current control methods is known to be particularly challenging, and there are remaining implementation issues in previous studies. For this reason, this thesis aims to minimize DC current injection in grid-connected transformerless PV inverter systems. The first part of the thesis reviews the technical challenges and implementation issues in published DC measurement techniques and suppression methods. Given mathematical models, the performance of conventional current controllers in terms of DC and harmonics mitigation is analyzed and further confirmed in simulations and experiments under different operating conditions. As a result, the second part of the thesis introduces two DC suppression methods, a DC voltage mitigation approach and a DC link current sensing technique. The former method uses a combination of a passive attenuation circuit and a software filter stage to extract the DC voltage component, which allows for further digital control and DC component mitigation at the inverter output. It is proven to be a simple and highly effective solution, applicable for any grid-connected PV inverter systems. The DC link sensing study then investigates a control-based solution in which the dc injection is firstly accurately determined via extraction of the line frequency component from the DC link current and then mitigated with a closed loop. With an output current reconstruction process, this technique provides robust current control and effective DC suppression based on DC link current measurement, eliminating the need for the conventional output current sensor. Results from rated simulation models and a laboratory grid-connected inverter system are presented to demonstrate the accurate and robust performance of the proposed techniques. This thesis makes a positive contribution in the area of power quality control in grid-connected inverters, specifically mitigating the impact of DC injection into the grid which has influences on the network operating conditions and the design and manufacture of the PV power converter itsel

    Study and evaluation of distributed power electronic converters in photovoltaic generation applications

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    This research project has proposed a new modulation technique called “Local Carrier Pulse Width Modulation” (LC-PWM) for MMCs with different cell voltages, taking into account the measured cell voltages to generate switching sequences with more accurate timing. It also adapts the modulator sampling period to improve the transitions from level to level, an important issue to reduce noise at the internal circulating currents. As a result, the new modulation LC-PWM technique reduces the output distortion in a wider range of voltage situations. Furthermore, it effectively eliminates unnecessary AC components of circulating currents, resulting in lower power losses and higher MMC efficiency.Departamento de Tecnología ElectrónicaDoctorado en Ingeniería Industria

    A Comprehensive Survey on Different Control Strategies and Applications of Active Power Filters for Power Quality Improvement

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    This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Power quality (PQ) has become an important topic in today’s power system scenario. PQ issues are raised not only in normal three-phase systems but also with the incorporation of different distributed generations (DGs), including renewable energy sources, storage systems, and other systems like diesel generators, fuel cells, etc. The prevalence of these issues comes from the non-linear features and rapid changing of power electronics devices, such as switch-mode converters for adjustable speed drives and diode or thyristor rectifiers. The wide use of these fast switching devices in the utility system leads to an increase in disturbances associated with harmonics and reactive power. The occurrence of PQ disturbances in turn creates several unwanted effects on the utility system. Therefore, many researchers are working on the enhancement of PQ using different custom power devices (CPDs). In this work, the authors highlight the significance of the PQ in the utility network, its effect, and its solution, using different CPDs, such as passive, active, and hybrid filters. Further, the authors point out several compensation strategies, including reference signal generation and gating signal strategies. In addition, this paper also presents the role of the active power filter (APF) in different DG systems. Some technical and economic considerations and future developments are also discussed in this literature. For easy reference, a volume of journals of more than 140 publications on this particular subject is reported. The effectiveness of this research work will boost researchers’ ability to select proper control methodology and compensation strategy for various applications of APFs for improving PQ.publishedVersio

    Design and Control of an Inverter for Photovoltaic Applications

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    Power Converters in Power Electronics

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    In recent years, power converters have played an important role in power electronics technology for different applications, such as renewable energy systems, electric vehicles, pulsed power generation, and biomedical sciences. Power converters, in the realm of power electronics, are becoming essential for generating electrical power energy in various ways. This Special Issue focuses on the development of novel power converter topologies in power electronics. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Z-source converters; multilevel power converter topologies; switched-capacitor-based power converters; power converters for battery management systems; power converters in wireless power transfer techniques; the reliability of power conversion systems; and modulation techniques for advanced power converters

    Modular uninterruptible power supply system

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    Improvement of Stability of a Grid-Connected Inverter with an LCL filter by Robust Strong Active Damping and Model Predictive Control

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    This study addresses development and implementation of robust control methods for a three-phase grid-connected voltage source inverter (VSI) accompanied by an inductive-capacitive-inductive (LCL) filter. A challenge of current control for the VSI is LCL filter resonance near to the control stability boundary, which interacts with the inverter control switching actions and creates the possibility of instability. In general, active damping is needed to stabilize the system and ensure robust performance in steady-state and dynamic responses. While many active damping methods have been proposed to resolve this issue, capacitor-current-feedback active damping has been most widely used for its simple implementation. There has been no clear consensus regarding design of a control system including capacitor-current-feedback active damping. This is due to the fact that simulation/experiment results are not congruent with the design analyses on which the control is designed. This study explains the incoherence between theory and practice when it comes to a capacitor-currents-feedback active damping system. Proposed capacitor-current-estimate active damping utilizing a developed posteriori Kalman estimator gives coherent simulation results as expected from the design analyses. This reveals that the highly oscillatory capacitor currents containing the inverter switching effects bring about uncertainty in the system performance. The switching effects are not incorporated in the analyses and control system design. Therefore, it is required to remove the switching noise from the capacitor currents in order to yield consistent results. It has been confirmed that the proportional-negative feedback of the capacitor current is equivalent to virtual impedance connected in parallel with the filter capacitor. In a digitally controlled system, the computation delay causes the equivalent resistance of the virtual impedance to become negative in the frequency range of fs/6 to fs/2, which produces a pair of open-loop unstable poles in RHP. This happens when the displaced resonance peak by active damping is in that region. Thus, an a priori Kalman estimator has been developed to generate one-sample-ahead state variable estimates to reconstruct the capacitor currents for active damping, which can compensate for the delay. The one-sample-ahead capacitor-current estimates are computed from the inverter-side and grid-side current estimates. The proposed method provides extended limits of the active damping gain that improve robustness against system parameter variation. It also allows strong active damping which can sufficiently attenuate the resonance. Grid condition is another significant factor affecting the stability of the system. In particular, a weak grid tends to provide high impedance. The system employing the proposed active damping method stably operates in a weak grid, ensuring robustness under grid impedance variation. The developed Kalman estimators offer an effective and easy way of determining the stability status of a system in addition to the functions of filtering and estimation. Stability analysis can be easily made since state variable estimates go to infinity when a system is unstable. As a promising approach, model predictive control (MPC) has been designed for the system. This study suggests that MPC including active damping can be employed for a grid-connected VSI with an LCL filter with good dynamic performance

    Development of an active power filter based on wide-bandgap semiconductors

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    Pla de Doctorat Industrial, Generalitat de CatalynuaElectrical and electronic equipment needs sinusoidal currents and voltages to function properly. Equipment such as computers, household appliances, electric vehicle chargers, and LED lights can distort the grid and worsen grid quality. Distorted electrical grids can cause malfunctions, reduce service life, and decrease the performance of connected equipment. Industry commonly solves these problems using active power filters, which can minimise the harmonics of the grid, eliminate undesirable reactive power, and restore balance to unbalanced power grids. This thesis deals with the design and implementation of an active power filter based on wide-bandgap semiconductors, which have properties that are superior to classical silicon devices. An active power filter’s design must take advantage of these benefits to build converters that are smaller, more efficient, and consume fewer resources. However, wide-bandgap semiconductors also present design challenges. Because the most commonly used active power filters in the industry are based on two-level voltage source converters, the research for this doctoral thesis focuses on this converter topology. Moreover, its main objective is to contribute new modulation techniques that are specially designed to work with wide-bandgap semiconductors. The proposed modulations consider different aspects, such as the computational cost of the algorithms, converter losses, and the electromagnetic distortion generated. First, this thesis presents a hexagonal sigma-delta (H-S¿) modulation based on sigma-delta (S¿) modulation. The properties of this modulation are studied, and the technique is compared with other widely used modulations. The comparison considers efficiency, harmonic distortion, the electromagnetic compatibility of the converter, and the type of wideband semiconductor used. In addition, a fast algorithm is mathematically developed to simplify the presented modulation and reduce its computational cost. Secondly, this thesis presents a family of sigma-delta modulations specially designed to improve electromagnetic compatibility: the reduced common-mode voltage sigma-delta (RCMV-S¿) modulations. These modulations avoid using the vectors that generate the maximum common-mode voltage, which significantly reduces the generated electromagnetic distortion without affecting the performance of the converter and its harmonic distortion. Finally, the proposed modulations are applied in a wide-bandgap power converter working as an active filter. Thus, it is verified that the techniques presented in this thesis will obtain satisfactory results when implemented in commercial active power filters.Els equips elèctrics i electrònics necessiten corrents i tensions sinusoïdals per funcionar correctament. Existeixen equips com els ordinadors, els electrodomèstics, els carregadors de vehicle elèctric o les llums LED, que poden distorsionar la xarxa i empitjorar la qualitat d'aquesta. Les xarxes elèctriques distorsionades poden causar el mal funcionament dels equips que s'hi connecten, reduir la seva vida útil i també empitjorar la seva eficiència. A la industria és habitual utilitzar filtres actius per a solucionar aquests problemes. Els filtres actius permeten minimitzar els harmònics presents a la Δxarxa, eliminar la potència reactiva no desitjada i equilibrar xarxes elèctriques desequilibrades. Aquesta tesi tracta sobre el disseny i la implementació d'un filtre actiu basat en semiconductors de banda ampla. Aquests semiconductors presenten propietats superiors als clàssics dispositius de silici. El disseny d'un filtre actiu ha d'aprofitar aquests avantatges per a construir convertidors més petits, eficients i que consumeixin menys recursos. Tanmateix, els semiconductors de banda ampla també presenten problemes que el disseny ha de solucionar. Els filtres actius més utilitzats en la indústria són els basats en convertidors de font de tensió (voltatge source converters) amb dos nivells. La recerca d'aquesta tesi doctoral està focalitzada en aquesta topologia de convertidor, i el seu principal objectiu és l’aportació de noves tècniques de modulació especialment dissenyades per treballar amb semiconductors de banda ampla. Les modulacions proposades tenen en compte diferents aspectes: el cost computacional dels algoritmes, les pèrdues del convertidor i la distorsió electromagnètica generada. En primer lloc, es presenta una modulació sigma-delta hexagonal (H-__) que es basa en la modulació sigma-delta (ΣΔ). S'estudien les propietats d'aquesta modulació i la tècnica es compara amb altres modulacions àmpliament usades. La comparativa realitzada considera l’eficiència, la distorsió harmònica, la compatibilitat electromagnètica del convertidor i el tipus de semiconductor de banda ampla emprat. Addicionalment, es desenvolupa matemàticament un algoritme ràpid per simplificar la modulació presentada i reduir el seu cost computacional. En segon lloc, es presenta una família de modulacions sigma-delta especialment dissenyades per millorar la compatibilitat electromagnètica: les modulacions sigmadelta amb tensió en mode comú reduïda (RCMV-ΣΔ ). Aquestes modulacions eviten fer servir els vectors que generen la màxima tensió en mode comú. D'aquesta manera es redueix significativament la distorsió electromagnètica generada sense afectar de forma notable al rendiment del convertidor ni a la seva distorsió harmònica. Finalment, les modulacions proposades s'apliquen en un convertidor de potència, basat en semiconductors de banda ampla, que treballa com a filtre actiu. Això es verifica que les tècniques presentades en aquesta tesi poden ser implementades en filtres actius comercials obtenint resultats satisfactoris.Postprint (published version

    Power Electronics in Renewable Energy Systems

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    Applications of Power Electronics:Volume 1

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