1,095 research outputs found

    Active learning using arbitrary binary valued queries

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    Cover title.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 11-12).Research supported by the U.S. Army Research Office. DAAL03-86-K-0171 Research supported by the National Science Foundation. ECS-8552419 Research supported by the Department of the Navy under an Air Force contract. F19628-90-C-0002S.R. Kulkarni, S.K. Mitter, J.N. Tsitsiklis

    Maximum Margin Multiclass Nearest Neighbors

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    We develop a general framework for margin-based multicategory classification in metric spaces. The basic work-horse is a margin-regularized version of the nearest-neighbor classifier. We prove generalization bounds that match the state of the art in sample size nn and significantly improve the dependence on the number of classes kk. Our point of departure is a nearly Bayes-optimal finite-sample risk bound independent of kk. Although kk-free, this bound is unregularized and non-adaptive, which motivates our main result: Rademacher and scale-sensitive margin bounds with a logarithmic dependence on kk. As the best previous risk estimates in this setting were of order k\sqrt k, our bound is exponentially sharper. From the algorithmic standpoint, in doubling metric spaces our classifier may be trained on nn examples in O(n2logn)O(n^2\log n) time and evaluated on new points in O(logn)O(\log n) time

    PAC learning with generalized samples and an application to stochastic geometry

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 16-17).Caption title.Research supported by the National Science Foundation. ECS-8552419 Research supported by the U.S. Army Research Office. DAAL01-86-K-0171 Research supported by the Dept. of the Navy under an Air Force Contract. F19628-90-C-0002S.R. Kulkarni ... [et al.]

    Online Local Learning via Semidefinite Programming

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    In many online learning problems we are interested in predicting local information about some universe of items. For example, we may want to know whether two items are in the same cluster rather than computing an assignment of items to clusters; we may want to know which of two teams will win a game rather than computing a ranking of teams. Although finding the optimal clustering or ranking is typically intractable, it may be possible to predict the relationships between items as well as if you could solve the global optimization problem exactly. Formally, we consider an online learning problem in which a learner repeatedly guesses a pair of labels (l(x), l(y)) and receives an adversarial payoff depending on those labels. The learner's goal is to receive a payoff nearly as good as the best fixed labeling of the items. We show that a simple algorithm based on semidefinite programming can obtain asymptotically optimal regret in the case where the number of possible labels is O(1), resolving an open problem posed by Hazan, Kale, and Shalev-Schwartz. Our main technical contribution is a novel use and analysis of the log determinant regularizer, exploiting the observation that log det(A + I) upper bounds the entropy of any distribution with covariance matrix A.Comment: 10 page