4,402 research outputs found

    Feature diversity for optimized human micro-doppler classification using multistatic radar

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    This paper investigates the selection of different combinations of features at different multistatic radar nodes, depending on scenario parameters, such as aspect angle to the target and signal-to-noise ratio, and radar parameters, such as dwell time, polarisation, and frequency band. Two sets of experimental data collected with the multistatic radar system NetRAD are analysed for two separate problems, namely the classification of unarmed vs potentially armed multiple personnel, and the personnel recognition of individuals based on walking gait. The results show that the overall classification accuracy can be significantly improved by taking into account feature diversity at each radar node depending on the environmental parameters and target behaviour, in comparison with the conventional approach of selecting the same features for all nodes

    Micro-doppler-based in-home aided and unaided walking recognition with multiple radar and sonar systems

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    Published in IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation. Online first 21/06/2016.The potential for using micro-Doppler signatures as a basis for distinguishing between aided and unaided gaits is considered in this study for the purpose of characterising normal elderly gait and assessment of patient recovery. In particular, five different classes of mobility are considered: normal unaided walking, walking with a limp, walking using a cane or tripod, walking with a walker, and using a wheelchair. This presents a challenging classification problem as the differences in micro-Doppler for these activities can be quite slight. Within this context, the performance of four different radar and sonar systems – a 40 kHz sonar, a 5.8 GHz wireless pulsed Doppler radar mote, a 10 GHz X-band continuous wave (CW) radar, and a 24 GHz CW radar – is evaluated using a broad range of features. Performance improvements using feature selection is addressed as well as the impact on performance of sensor placement and potential occlusion due to household objects. Results show that nearly 80% correct classification can be achieved with 10 s observations from the 24 GHz CW radar, whereas 86% performance can be achieved with 5 s observations of sonar

    Radar and RGB-depth sensors for fall detection: a review

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    This paper reviews recent works in the literature on the use of systems based on radar and RGB-Depth (RGB-D) sensors for fall detection, and discusses outstanding research challenges and trends related to this research field. Systems to detect reliably fall events and promptly alert carers and first responders have gained significant interest in the past few years in order to address the societal issue of an increasing number of elderly people living alone, with the associated risk of them falling and the consequences in terms of health treatments, reduced well-being, and costs. The interest in radar and RGB-D sensors is related to their capability to enable contactless and non-intrusive monitoring, which is an advantage for practical deployment and users’ acceptance and compliance, compared with other sensor technologies, such as video-cameras, or wearables. Furthermore, the possibility of combining and fusing information from The heterogeneous types of sensors is expected to improve the overall performance of practical fall detection systems. Researchers from different fields can benefit from multidisciplinary knowledge and awareness of the latest developments in radar and RGB-D sensors that this paper is discussing

    Multistatic human micro-Doppler classification of armed/unarmed personnel

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    Classification of different human activities using multistatic micro-Doppler data and features is considered in this paper, focusing on the distinction between unarmed and potentially armed personnel. A database of real radar data with more than 550 recordings from 7 different human subjects has been collected in a series of experiments in the field with a multistatic radar system. Four key features were extracted from the micro-Doppler signature after Short Time Fourier Transform analysis. The resulting feature vectors were then used as individual, pairs, triplets, and all together before inputting to different types of classifiers based on the discriminant analysis method. The performance of different classifiers and different feature combinations is discussed aiming at identifying the most appropriate features for the unarmed vs armed personnel classification, as well as the benefit of combining multistatic data rather than using monostatic data only

    Analysis of Radar Doppler Signature from Human Data

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    This paper presents the results of time (autocorrelation) and time-frequency (spectrogram) analyses of radar signals returned from the moving human targets. When a radar signal falls on the human target which is moving toward or away from the radar, the signals reflected from different parts of his body produce a Doppler shift that is proportional to the velocity of those parts. Moving parts of the body causes the characteristic Doppler signature. The main contribution comes from the torso which causes the central Doppler frequency of target. The motion of arms and legs induces modulation on the returned radar signal and generates sidebands around the central Doppler frequency, referred to as micro-Doppler signatures. Through analyses on experimental data it was demonstrated that the human motion signature extraction is better using spectrogram. While the central Doppler frequency can be determined using the autocorrelation and the spectrogram, the extraction of the fundamental cadence frequency using the autocorrelation is unreliable when the target is in the clutter presence. It was shown that the fundamental cadence frequency increases with increasing dynamic movement of people and simultaneously the possibility of its extraction is proportional to the degree of synchronization movements of persons in the group

    Classification of unarmed/armed personnel using the NetRAD multistatic radar for micro-Doppler and singular value decomposition features

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    In this letter, we present the use of experimental human micro-Doppler signature data gathered by a multistatic radar system to discriminate between unarmed and potentially armed personnel walking along different trajectories. Different ways of extracting suitable features from the spectrograms of the micro-Doppler signatures are discussed, particularly empirical features such as Doppler bandwidth, periodicity, and others, and features extracted from singular value decomposition (SVD) vectors. High classification accuracy of armed versus unarmed personnel (between 90% and 97% depending on the walking trajectory of the people) can be achieved with a single SVD-based feature, in comparison with using four empirical features. The impact on classification performance of different aspect angles and the benefit of combining multistatic information is also evaluated in this letter

    Magnetic and radar sensing for multimodal remote health monitoring

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    With the increased life expectancy and rise in health conditions related to aging, there is a need for new technologies that can routinely monitor vulnerable people, identify their daily pattern of activities and any anomaly or critical events such as falls. This paper aims to evaluate magnetic and radar sensors as suitable technologies for remote health monitoring purpose, both individually and fusing their information. After experiments and collecting data from 20 volunteers, numerical features has been extracted in both time and frequency domains. In order to analyse and verify the validation of fusion method for different classifiers, a Support Vector Machine with a quadratic kernel, and an Artificial Neural Network with one and multiple hidden layers have been implemented. Furthermore, for both classifiers, feature selection has been performed to obtain salient features. Using this technique along with fusion, both classifiers can detect 10 different activities with an accuracy rate of approximately 96%. In cases where the user is unknown to the classifier, an accuracy of approximately 92% is maintained

    Effect of sparsity-aware time–frequency analysis on dynamic hand gesture classification with radar micro-Doppler signatures

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    Dynamic hand gesture recognition is of great importance in human-computer interaction. In this study, the authors investigate the effect of sparsity-driven time-frequency analysis on hand gesture classification. The time-frequency spectrogram is first obtained by sparsity-driven time-frequency analysis. Then three empirical micro-Doppler features are extracted from the time-frequency spectrogram and a support vector machine is used to classify six kinds of dynamic hand gestures. The experimental results on measured data demonstrate that, compared to traditional time-frequency analysis techniques, sparsity-driven time-frequency analysis provides improved accuracy and robustness in dynamic hand gesture classification

    Practical classification of different moving targets using automotive radar and deep neural networks

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    In this work, the authors present results for classification of different classes of targets (car, single and multiple people, bicycle) using automotive radar data and different neural networks. A fast implementation of radar algorithms for detection, tracking, and micro-Doppler extraction is proposed in conjunction with the automotive radar transceiver TEF810X and microcontroller unit SR32R274 manufactured by NXP Semiconductors. Three different types of neural networks are considered, namely a classic convolutional network, a residual network, and a combination of convolutional and recurrent network, for different classification problems across the four classes of targets recorded. Considerable accuracy (close to 100% in some cases) and low latency of the radar pre-processing prior to classification (∼0.55 s to produce a 0.5 s long spectrogram) are demonstrated in this study, and possible shortcomings and outstanding issues are discussed