18,887 research outputs found

    On the Role of Agile Software Development Practices in Software Process Improvement

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    Tarkvaraarendus on endiselt võrdlemisi uus ja arenev valdkond. Tarkvaraettevõtted on otsinud tarkvara arendusprotsessi parendamist (ingl SPI) aastaid, kuid tegu on mitmekülgse valdkonnaga. Antud magistritöö eesmärk on pakkuda suurt pilti väleda tarkvaraarenduse meetoditest ja tavadest tarkvara arendusprotsessi parendamise kontekstis. Lisaks eelmainitule on antud töö eesmärgiks minna rohkem süvitsi väledate tarkvaraarenduse meetodite alamhulgaga laiahaardelisema kaardistamistöö raames, mis uurib SPI hetkeseisu kirjanduses. Leidmaks vastuseid töös püstitatud uuritavatele küsimustele, viidi antud töö raames läbi süstemaatiline kirjanduse ülevaade. Kirjanduse ülevaate tulemused valideeriti erinevates Eesti tarkvaraettevõtetes viies läbi küsitlusi. Avaldatud teoste, mis hõlmavad tarkvaraarenduse meetodite kasutamist SPI kontekstis aastane avaldamishulk on vaikselt kasvanud aastate jooksul. Kirjandusülevaate tulemused viitavad, et väledate meetodite kasutamine SPI jaoks pole ainult idee. Avaldatud teoste hulgas on võrdlemisi võrdselt teoseid, mis analüüsivad antud teemat idee tasandil ning neid, mis kirjeldavad väledate tarkvaraarenduse meetodite kasutamist ka professionaalses töös. Lisaks sellele viitavad tulemused, et professionaalide jaoks potentsiaalselt kasulikke teoseid on kirjanduses suur kogus. Enimuuritud väleda tarkvaraarenduse meetodid SPI kontekstis on Scrum ning Extreme Programming. Kõige enam mainitakse kirjanduses tavasid nagu pidev integratsioon, kõigepealt testi ning igapäevaste koosolekute pidamine. Kogu uuritud kirjanduses on piisvalt tõendeid tööstusest väledate meetodite kasutamisest SPI tarbeks, mida kinnistavad ka Eestis opereerivates tarkvaraettevõtetes läbiviidud küsitluse tulemused.Software development in general is still a fairly new and evolving field. Software development companies have been looking for software process improvement (SPI) for years, but the field of SPI is a diverse one. The goal of the Master’s thesis at hand is to provide the big picture of the use of agile methodologies along with its practices in the context of SPI within the current literature. Furthermore, the paper at hand aims to provide more insight into the subset of agile practices of a bigger, more general systematic mapping study on the current state of the art of software process improvement. To find answers to the research questions stated in the thesis, systematic literature review was conducted. The results of the literature review were validated by conducting surveys amongst professionals in several Estonian software development companies with varying sizes. The publication rate of papers concerning agile practices in the context of SPI shows a steady rise over the years. Results of the literature review show that the field of agile practices in SPI is fairly evenly balanced regarding being a concept or being adapted and evaluated in the industry. Furthermore, the results indicate that the there are many papers published that are of high relevance to industry professionals. By far the most discussed agile methods in the literature regarding SPI are Scrum and Extreme Programming while the most addressed practices include integrating often, testing first and conducting daily meetings. Within the analysed papers there are plenty of evidence from the industry of using agile methods in SPI. The survey conducted amongst several Estonian companies confirms that the use of agile practices in SPI is a relevant topic and that Scrum being the most popular topic in the literature is not a coincidence

    Crafting and Assessing Design Science Research for Entrepreneurship

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    Recognizing the importance of various types of artifacts for entrepreneurship, design science (DS) has been proposed as an inclusive approach that combines relevance and rigor. By enabling researchers to go beyond their traditional roles as observers and analysts of established artifacts to help design new artifacts, DS can improve the relevance of entrepreneurship research. However, there is a paucity of knowledge on how this type of research can be published in leading entrepreneurship journals. In this editorial, we seek to provide practical guidance on how to craft and assess DS studies that target ETP and other top-tier journals

    Management of quality requirements in agile and rapid software development: A systematic mapping study

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    Context: Quality requirements (QRs) describe the desired quality of software, and they play an important role in the success of software projects. In agile software development (ASD), QRs are often ill-defined and not well addressed due to the focus on quickly delivering functionality. Rapid software development (RSD) approaches (e.g., continuous delivery and continuous deployment), which shorten delivery times, are more prone to neglect QRs. Despite the significance of QRs in both ASD and RSD, there is limited synthesized knowledge on their management in those approaches. Objective: This study aims to synthesize state-of-the-art knowledge about QR management in ASD and RSD, focusing on three aspects: bibliometric, strategies, and challenges. Research method: Using a systematic mapping study with a snowballing search strategy, we identified and structured the literature on QR management in ASD and RSD. Results: We found 156 primary studies: 106 are empirical studies, 16 are experience reports, and 34 are theoretical studies. Security and performance were the most commonly reported QR types. We identified various QR management strategies: 74 practices, 43 methods, 13 models, 12 frameworks, 11 advices, 10 tools, and 7 guidelines. Additionally, we identified 18 categories and 4 non-recurring challenges of managing QRs. The limited ability of ASD to handle QRs, time constraints due to short iteration cycles, limitations regarding the testing of QRs and neglect of QRs were the top categories of challenges. Conclusion: Management of QRs is significant in ASD and is becoming important in RSD. This study identified research gaps, such as the need for more tools and guidelines, lightweight QR management strategies that fit short iteration cycles, investigations of the link between QRs challenges and technical debt, and extension of empirical validation of existing strategies to a wider context. It also synthesizes QR management strategies and challenges, which may be useful for practitioners.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Crafting and assessing design science research for entrepreneurship

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    Publisher Copyright: © The Author(s) 2022.Recognizing the importance of various types of artifacts for entrepreneurship, design science (DS) has been proposed as an inclusive approach that combines relevance and rigor. By enabling researchers to go beyond their traditional roles as observers and analysts of established artifacts to help design new artifacts, DS can improve the relevance of entrepreneurship research. However, there is a paucity of knowledge on how this type of research can be published in leading entrepreneurship journals. In this editorial, we seek to provide practical guidance on how to craft and assess DS studies that target Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice (ETP) and other top-tier journals.Non peer reviewe

    Architectural technical debt identification:The research landscape

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    Architectural Technical Debt (ATD) regards sub-optimal design decisions that bring short-term benefits to the cost of long-term gradual deterioration of the quality of the architecture of a software system. The identification of ATD strongly influences the technical and economic sustainability of software systems and is attracting growing interest in the scientific community. During the years several approaches for ATD identification have been conceived, each of them addressing ATD from different perspectives and with heterogeneous characteristics. In this paper we apply the systematic mapping study methodology for identifying, classifying, and evaluating the state of the art on ATD identification from the following three perspectives: publication trends, characteristics, and potential for industrial adoption. Specifically, starting from a set of 509 potentially relevant studies, we systematically selected 47 primary studies and analyzed them according to a rigorously-defined classification framework. The analysis of the obtained results supports both researchers and practitioners by providing (i) an assessment of current research trends and gaps in ATD identification, (ii) a solid foundation for understanding existing (and future) research on ATD identification, and (iii) a rigorous evaluation of its potential for industrial adoption

    Analyzing the concept of technical debt in the context of agile software development: A systematic literature review

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    Technical debt (TD) is a metaphor that is used to communicate the consequences of poor software development practices to non-technical stakeholders. In recent years, it has gained significant attention in agile software development (ASD). The purpose of this study is to analyze and synthesize the state of the art of TD, and its causes, consequences, and management strategies in the context of ASD. Using a systematic literature review (SLR), 38 primary studies, out of 346 studies, were identified and analyzed. We found five research areas of interest related to the literature of TD in ASD. Among those areas, managing TD in ASD received the highest attention, followed by architecture in ASD and its relationship with TD. In addition, eight categories regarding the causes and five categories regarding the consequences of incurring TD in ASD were identified. Focus on quick delivery and architectural and design issues were the most popular causes of incurring TD in ASD. Reduced productivity, system degradation and increased maintenance cost were identified as significant consequences of incurring TD in ASD. Additionally, we found 12 strategies for managing TD in the context of ASD, out of which refactoring and enhancing the visibility of TD were the most significant. The results of this study provide a structured synthesis of TD and its management in the context of ASD as well as potential research areas for further investigation