2 research outputs found

    Proposta de manual de procedimentos de pagamento dos auxílios estudantis na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

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    Esse estudo tem por objetivo proceder à modelagem do processo de pagamento dos auxílios estudantis associados ao Programa de Assistência Estudantil da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (PROAES-UFES) e propor um manual de procedimentos referente a esse processo. A modelagem do processo foi realizada utilizando-se a metodologia BPM (Business Process Modeling) e a notação BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) e como ferramenta de modelagem foi utilizado o software Bizagi. Foram identificados os processos, subprocessos e atividades operacionais que compõem o processo de pagamento para a realização da modelagem e construção do referido manual de procedimentos. Como resultados tem-se a modelagem do processo e a criação do manual, devidamente validados junto aos profissionais envolvidos e ao gestor responsável pelo Programa. Foi identificada a necessidade de modelagem dos demais processos da Pró-Reitoria de Assuntos Estudantis e Cidadania da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, a padronização desses processos e a sua implantaçãoThis study aims to carry out the modeling of the payment process of student aid associated with the Student Assistance Program of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (PROAES-UFES) and propose a procedures manual regarding this process. The modeling procedure was carried out using BPM method (Business Process Modeling) and BPMN notation (Business Process Model and Notation) and as a modeling tool was used Bizagi software. Processes, sub-processes and operational activities that make up the payment process for the realization of modeling and construction of manual procedures that have been identified. As a result there is the modeling process and the creation of manual, fully validated with the professionals involved and the manager responsible for the program. The need for modeling of other processes of the Dean of Student Affairs and Citizenship of the Federal University of Espírito Santo, the standardization of these processes and their implementation has been identifie

    A Mapping from BPMN Model to JADEX Model

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    editorial reviewedThe challenge for any enterprise is the evolution of its Information System (IS) to respond to unexpected requests. Face a complex IS, or any requested change; many enterprises live profound transformations. Today, agile IS must be tooled to provide the flexibility and adaptability that require the enterprise managed to remain competitive. This paper shows that Business Process Modeling (BPM) enriched by agent concepts is the best means for modeling and implementing ISs. The combination of these two technologies gives the idea for a new agent-oriented approach. This work focus on the development of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) and a set of transformation rules. The transition from one model to another is ensured by a set of automated rules. The development process proposed is based on different meta-models (Business Process Modeling Language (BPMN), Agent Modeling Language (AML) and JADEX and automated transformation rules with Atlas Transformation Language (ATL). Finally, this work illustrates the proposal with a case study