2,479 research outputs found

    Effect of Jitter on the Settling Time of Mesochronous Clock Retiming Circuits

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    It is well known that timing jitter can degrade the bit error rate (BER) of receivers that recover the clock from input data. However, timing jitter can also result in an indefinite increase in the settling time of clock recovery circuits, particularly in low swing mesochronous systems. Mesochronous clock retiming circuits are required in repeaterless low swing on-chip interconnects. We first discuss how timing jitter can result in a large increase in the settling time of the clock recovery circuit. Next, the circuit is modelled as a Markov chain with absorbing states. The mean time to absorption of the Markov chain, which represents the mean settling time of the circuit, is determined. The model is validated through behavioural simulations of the circuit, the results of which match well with the model predictions. We consider circuits with (i) data dependent jitter, (ii) random jitter, and (iii) combination of both of them. We show that a mismatch between the strengths of up and down corrections of the retiming can reduce the settling time. In particular, a 10% mismatch can reduce the mean settling time by up to 40%. We leverage this fact toward improving the settling time performance, and propose useful techniques based on biased training sequences and mismatched charge pumps. We also present a coarse+fine clock retiming circuit, which can operate in coarse first mode, to reduce the settling time substantially. These fast settling retiming circuits are verified with circuit simulations.Comment: 23 pages, 40 figure

    Low-Jitter Clock Multiplication: a Comparioson between PLLs and DLLs

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    This paper shows that, for a given power budget, a practical phase-locked loop (PLL)-based clock multiplier generates less jitter than a delay-locked loop (DLL) equivalent. This is due to the fact that the delay cells in a PLL ring-oscillator can consume more power per cell than their counterparts in the DLL. We can show that this effect is stronger than the notorious jitter accumulation effect that occurs in the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) of a PLL. First, an analysis of the stochastic-output jitter of the architectures, due to the most important noise sources, is presented. Then, another important source of jitter in a DLL-based clock multiplier is treated, namely the stochastic mismatch in the delay cells which compose the DLL voltage-controlled delay line (VCDL). An analysis is presented that relates the stochastic spread of the delay of the cells to the output jitter of the clock multiplier. A circuit design technique, called impedance level scaling, is then presented which allows the designer to optimize the noise and mismatch behavior of a circuit, independently from other specifications such as speed and linearity. Applying this technique on a delay cell design yields a direct tradeoff between noise induced jitter and power usage, and between stochastic mismatch induced jitter and power usage

    Numerical investigation of a feed-forward linewidth reduction scheme using a mode-locked laser model of reduced complexity

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    We provide numerical verification of a feed-forward, heterodyne-based phase noise reduction scheme using single-sideband modulation that obviates the need for optical filtering at the output. The main benefit of a feed-forward heterodyne linewidth reduction scheme is the simultaneous reduction of the linewidth of all modes of a mode-locked laser (MLL) to that of a narrow-linewidth single-wavelength laser. At the heart of our simulator is an MLL model of reduced complexity. Importantly, the main issue being treated is the jitter of MLLs and we show how to create numerical waveforms that mimic the random-walk nature of timing jitter of pulses from MLLs. Thus, the model does not need to solve stochastic differential equations that describe the MLL dynamics, and the model calculates self-consistently the line-broadening of the modes of the MLL and shows good agreement with both the optical linewidth and jitter. The linewidth broadening of the MLL modes are calculated after the phase noise reduction scheme and we confirm that the phase noise contribution from the timing jitter still remains. Finally, we use the MLL model and phase noise reduction simulator within an optical communications system simulator and show that the phase noise reduction technique could enable MLLs as optical carriers for higher-order modulation formats, such as 16-state and 64-state quadrature amplitude modulation

    Low jitter design techniques for monolithic CMOS phase-locked and delay-locked systems

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    Timing jitter is a major concern in almost every type of communication system. Yet the desire for high levels of integration works against minimization of this error, especially for systems employing a phase-locked loop (PLL) or delay-locked loop (DLL) for timing generation or timing recovery. There has been an increasing demand for fully-monolithic CMOS PLL and DLL designs with good jitter performance. In this thesis, the system level as well as the transistor level low jitter design techniques for integrated PLLs and DLLs have been explored.;On the system level, a rigorous jitter analysis method based on a z-domain model is developed, in which the jitter is treated as a random event. Combined with statistical methods, the rms value of the accumulated jitter can be expressed with a closed form solution that successfully ties the jitter performance with loop parameters. Based on this analysis, a cascaded PLL/DLL structure is proposed which combines the advantage of both loops. The resulting system is able to perform frequency synthesis with the jitter as low as that of a DLL.;As an efficient tool to predict the jitter performance of a PLL or DLL system, a new nonlinear behavioral simulator is developed based on a novel behavioral modeling of the VCO and delay-line. Compared with prior art, this simulator not only simplifies the computation but also enables the noise simulation. Both jitter performance during tracking and lock condition can be predicted. This is also the first reported top-level simulation tool for DLL noise simulation.;On the transistor level, three prototype chips for different applications were implemented and tested. The first two chips are the application of PLL in Gigabit fibre channel transceivers. High speed circuit blocks that have good noise immunity are the major design concern. Testing results show that both designs have met the specifications with low power dissipation. For the third chip, an adaptive on-chip dynamic skew calibration technique is proposed to realize a precise delay multi-phase clock generator, which is a topic that has not been addressed in previous work thus far. Experimental results strongly support the effectiveness of the calibration scheme. At the same time, this design achieves by far the best reported jitter performance

    Low jitter phase-locked loop clock synthesis with wide locking range

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    The fast growing demand of wireless and high speed data communications has driven efforts to increase the levels of integration in many communications applications. Phase noise and timing jitter are important design considerations for these communications applications. The desire for highly complex levels of integration using low cost CMOS technologies works against the minimization of timing jitter and phase noise for communications systems which employ a phase-locked loop for frequency and clock synthesis with on-chip VCO. This dictates an integrated CMOS implementation of the VCO with very low phase noise performance. The ring oscillator VCOs based on differential delay cell chains have been used successfully in communications applications, but thermal noise induced phase noise have to be minimized in order not to limit their applicability to some applications which impose stringent timing jitter and phase noise requirements on the PLL clock synthesizer. Obtaining lower timing jitter and phase noise at the PLL output also requires the minimization of noise in critical circuit design blocks as well as the optimization of the loop bandwidth of the PLL. In this dissertation the fundamental performance limits of CMOS PLL clock synthesizers based on ring oscillator VCOs are investigated. The effect of flicker and thermal noise in MOS transistors on timing jitter and phase noise are explored, with particular emphasis on source coupled NMOS differential delay cells with symmetric load elements. Several new circuit architectures are employed for the charge pump circuit and phase-frequency detector (PFD) to minimize the timing jitter due to the finite dead zone in the PFD and the current mismatch in the charge pump circuit. The selection of the optimum PLL loop bandwidth is critical in determining the phase noise performance at the PLL output. The optimum loop bandwidth and the phase noise performance of the PLL is determined using behavioral simulations. These results are compared with transistor level simulated results and experimental results for the PLL clock synthesizer fabricated in a 0.35 µm CMOS technology with good agreement. To demonstrate the proposed concept, a fully integrated CMOS PLL clock synthesizer utilizing integer-N frequency multiplier technique to synthesize several clock signals in the range of 20-400 MHz with low phase noise was designed. Implemented in a standard 0.35-µm N-well CMOS process technology, the PLL achieves a period jitter of 6.5-ps (rms) and 38-ps (peak-to-peak) at 216 MHz with a phase noise of -120 dBc/Hz at frequency offsets above 10 KHz. The specific research contributions of this work include (1) proposing, designing, and implementing a new charge pump circuit architecture that matches current levels and therefore minimizes one source of phase noise due to fluctuations in the control voltage of the VCO, (2) an improved phase-frequency detector architecture which has improved characteristics in lock condition, (3) an improved ring oscillator VCO with excellent thermal noise induced phase noise characteristics, (4) the application of selfbiased techniques together with fixed bias to CMOS low phase noise PLL clock synthesizer for digital video communications ,and (5) an analytical model that describes the phase noise performance of the proposed VCO and PLL clock synthesizer

    Spur Reduction Techniques for Phase-Locked Loops Exploiting A Sub-Sampling Phase Detector

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    This paper presents phase-locked loop (PLL) reference-spur reduction design techniques exploiting a sub-sampling phase detector (SSPD) (which is also referred to as a sampling phase detector). The VCO is sampled by the reference clock without using a frequency divider and an amplitude controlled charge pump is used which is inherently insensitive to mismatch. The main remaining source of the VCO reference spur is the periodic disturbance of the VCO by the sampling at the reference frequency. The underlying VCO sampling spur mechanisms are analyzed and their effect is minimized by using dummy samplers and isolation buffers. A duty-cycle-controlled reference buffer and delay-locked loop (DLL) tuning are proposed to further reduce the worst case spur level. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the\ud proposed spur reduction techniques, a 2.21 GHz PLL is designed and fabricated in 0.18 m CMOS technology. While using a high loop-bandwidth-to-reference-frequency ratio of 1/20, the reference spur measured from 20 chips is 80 dBc. The PLL consumes 3.8 mW while the in-band phase noise is 121 dBc/Hz at 200 kHz and the output jitter integrated from 10 kHz to 100 MHz is 0.3 ps rms

    Calculation of the Performance of Communication Systems from Measured Oscillator Phase Noise

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    Oscillator phase noise (PN) is one of the major problems that affect the performance of communication systems. In this paper, a direct connection between oscillator measurements, in terms of measured single-side band PN spectrum, and the optimal communication system performance, in terms of the resulting error vector magnitude (EVM) due to PN, is mathematically derived and analyzed. First, a statistical model of the PN, considering the effect of white and colored noise sources, is derived. Then, we utilize this model to derive the modified Bayesian Cramer-Rao bound on PN estimation, and use it to find an EVM bound for the system performance. Based on our analysis, it is found that the influence from different noise regions strongly depends on the communication bandwidth, i.e., the symbol rate. For high symbol rate communication systems, cumulative PN that appears near carrier is of relatively low importance compared to the white PN far from carrier. Our results also show that 1/f^3 noise is more predictable compared to 1/f^2 noise and in a fair comparison it affects the performance less.Comment: Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Paper

    A 90 nm CMOS 16 Gb/s Transceiver for Optical Interconnects

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    Interconnect architectures which leverage high-bandwidth optical channels offer a promising solution to address the increasing chip-to-chip I/O bandwidth demands. This paper describes a dense, high-speed, and low-power CMOS optical interconnect transceiver architecture. Vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) data rate is extended for a given average current and corresponding reliability level with a four-tap current summing FIR transmitter. A low-voltage integrating and double-sampling optical receiver front-end provides adequate sensitivity in a power efficient manner by avoiding linear high-gain elements common in conventional transimpedance-amplifier (TIA) receivers. Clock recovery is performed with a dual-loop architecture which employs baud-rate phase detection and feedback interpolation to achieve reduced power consumption, while high-precision phase spacing is ensured at both the transmitter and receiver through adjustable delay clock buffers. A prototype chip fabricated in 1 V 90 nm CMOS achieves 16 Gb/s operation while consuming 129 mW and occupying 0.105 mm^2