492 research outputs found

    HLOC: Hints-Based Geolocation Leveraging Multiple Measurement Frameworks

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    Geographically locating an IP address is of interest for many purposes. There are two major ways to obtain the location of an IP address: querying commercial databases or conducting latency measurements. For structural Internet nodes, such as routers, commercial databases are limited by low accuracy, while current measurement-based approaches overwhelm users with setup overhead and scalability issues. In this work we present our system HLOC, aiming to combine the ease of database use with the accuracy of latency measurements. We evaluate HLOC on a comprehensive router data set of 1.4M IPv4 and 183k IPv6 routers. HLOC first extracts location hints from rDNS names, and then conducts multi-tier latency measurements. Configuration complexity is minimized by using publicly available large-scale measurement frameworks such as RIPE Atlas. Using this measurement, we can confirm or disprove the location hints found in domain names. We publicly release HLOC's ready-to-use source code, enabling researchers to easily increase geolocation accuracy with minimum overhead.Comment: As published in TMA'17 conference: http://tma.ifip.org/main-conference

    Passport: Enabling Accurate Country-Level Router Geolocation using Inaccurate Sources

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    When does Internet traffic cross international borders? This question has major geopolitical, legal and social implications and is surprisingly difficult to answer. A critical stumbling block is a dearth of tools that accurately map routers traversed by Internet traffic to the countries in which they are located. This paper presents Passport: a new approach for efficient, accurate country-level router geolocation and a system that implements it. Passport provides location predictions with limited active measurements, using machine learning to combine information from IP geolocation databases, router hostnames, whois records, and ping measurements. We show that Passport substantially outperforms existing techniques, and identify cases where paths traverse countries with implications for security, privacy, and performance

    Passport: enabling accurate country-level router geolocation using inaccurate sources

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    When does Internet traffic cross international borders? This question has major geopolitical, legal and social implications and is surprisingly difficult to answer. A critical stumbling block is a dearth of tools that accurately map routers traversed by Internet traffic to the countries in which they are located. This paper presents Passport: a new approach for efficient, accurate country-level router geolocation and a system that implements it. Passport provides location predictions with limited active measurements, using machine learning to combine information from IP geolocation databases, router hostnames, whois records, and ping measurements. We show that Passport substantially outperforms existing techniques, and identify cases where paths traverse countries with implications for security, privacy, and performance.First author draf

    Longitudinal Study of an IP Geolocation Database

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    IP geolocation - the process of mapping network identifiers to physical locations - has myriad applications. We examine a large collection of snapshots from a popular geolocation database and take a first look at its longitudinal properties. We define metrics of IP geo-persistence, prevalence, coverage, and movement, and analyse 10 years of geolocation data at different location granularities. Across different classes of IP addresses, we find that significant location differences can exist even between successive instances of the database - a previously underappreciated source of potential error when using geolocation data: 47% of end users IP addresses move by more than 40 km in 2019. To assess the sensitivity of research results to the instance of the geo database, we reproduce prior research that depended on geolocation lookups. In this case study, which analyses geolocation database performance on routers, we demonstrate impact of these temporal effects: median distance from ground truth shifted from 167 km to 40 km when using a two months apart snapshot. Based on our findings, we make recommendations for best practices when using geolocation databases in order to best encourage reproducibility and sound measurement.Comment: Technical Report related to a paper appeared in Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA 2021

    Systems for characterizing Internet routing

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    2018 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Today the Internet plays a critical role in our lives; we rely on it for communication, business, and more recently, smart home operations. Users expect high performance and availability of the Internet. To meet such high demands, all Internet components including routing must operate at peak efficiency. However, events that hamper the routing system over the Internet are very common, causing millions of dollars of financial loss, traffic exposed to attacks, or even loss of national connectivity. Moreover, there is sparse real-time detection and reporting of such events for the public. A key challenge in addressing such issues is lack of methodology to study, evaluate and characterize Internet connectivity. While many networks operating autonomously have made the Internet robust, the complexity in understanding how users interconnect, interact and retrieve content has also increased. Characterizing how data is routed, measuring dependency on external networks, and fast outage detection has become very necessary using public measurement infrastructures and data sources. From a regulatory standpoint, there is an immediate need for systems to detect and report routing events where a content provider's routing policies may run afoul of state policies. In this dissertation, we design, build and evaluate systems that leverage existing infrastructure and report routing events in near-real time. In particular, we focus on geographic routing anomalies i.e., detours, routing failure i.e., outages, and measuring structural changes in routing policies

    Internet Localization of Multi-Party Relay Users: Inherent Friction Between Internet Services and User Privacy

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    Internet privacy is increasingly important on the modern Internet. Users are looking to control the trail of data that they leave behind on the systems that they interact with. Multi-Party Relay (MPR) architectures lower the traditional barriers to adoption of privacy enhancing technologies on the Internet. MPRs are unique from legacy architectures in that they are able to offer privacy guarantees without paying significant performance penalties. Apple's iCloud Private Relay is a recently deployed MPR service, creating the potential for widespread consumer adoption of the architecture. However, many current Internet-scale systems are designed based on assumptions that may no longer hold for users of privacy enhancing systems like Private Relay. There are inherent tensions between systems that rely on data about users -- estimated location of a user based on their IP address, for example -- and the trend towards a more private Internet. This work studies a core function that is widely used to control network and application behavior, IP geolocation, in the context of iCloud Private Relay usage. We study the location accuracy of popular IP geolocation services compared against the published location dataset that Apple publicly releases to explicitly aid in geolocating PR users. We characterize geolocation service performance across a number of dimensions, including different countries, IP version, infrastructure provider, and time. Our findings lead us to conclude that existing approaches to IP geolocation (e.g., frequently updated databases) perform inadequately for users of the MPR architecture. For example, we find median location errors >1,000 miles in some countries for IPv4 addresses using IP2Location. Our findings lead us to conclude that new, privacy-focused, techniques for inferring user location may be required as privacy becomes a default user expectation on the Internet

    Internet Protocol Geolocation: Development of a Delay-Based Hybrid Methodology for Locating the Geographic Location of a Network Node

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    Internet Protocol Geolocation (IP Geolocation), the process of determining the approximate geographic location of an IP addressable node, has proven useful in a wide variety of commercial applications. Commercial applications of IP Geolocation include market research, redirection for performance enhancement, restricting content, and combating fraud. The potential for military applications include securing remote access via geographic authentication, intelligence collection, and cyber attack attribution. IP Geolocation methods can be divided into three basic categories based upon what information is used to determine the geographic location of the given IP address: 1) Information contained in databases, 2) information that is leaked during connections with the IP of interest, and 3) network-based routing and timing information. This thesis focuses upon an analysis in the third category: delay-based methods. Specifically, a comparative analysis of the three existing delay-based IP Geolocation methods: Upperbound Multilateration (UBM), Constraint Based Geolocation (CBG), and Time to Location Heuristic (TTLH) is conducted. Based upon analysis of the results, a new hybrid methodology is proposed that combines the three existing methods to improve the accuracy when conducting IP Geolocation. Simulations results showed that the new hybrid methodology TTLH method improved the success rate from 80.15% to 91.66% when compared to the shotgun TTLH method