24,357 research outputs found

    The State of Network Neutrality Regulation

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    The Network Neutrality (NN) debate refers to the battle over the design of a regulatory framework for preserving the Internet as a public network and open innovation platform. Fueled by concerns that broadband access service providers might abuse network management to discriminate against third party providers (e.g., content or application providers), policymakers have struggled with designing rules that would protect the Internet from unreasonable network management practices. In this article, we provide an overview of the history of the debate in the U.S. and the EU and highlight the challenges that will confront network engineers designing and operating networks as the debate continues to evolve.BMBF, 16DII111, Verbundprojekt: Weizenbaum-Institut für die vernetzte Gesellschaft - Das Deutsche Internet-Institut; Teilvorhaben: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB)EC/H2020/679158/EU/Resolving the Tussle in the Internet: Mapping, Architecture, and Policy Making/ResolutioNe

    Network Neutrality: A Research Guide

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    The conclusion in a research handbook should emphasise the complexity of the problem than trying to claim a one-size-fits-all solution. I have categorised net neutrality into positive and negative (content discrimination) net neutrality indicating the latter as potentially harmful. Blocking content without informing customers appropriately is wrong: if it says ‘Internet service’, it should offer an open Internet (alongside walled gardens if that is expressly advertised as such). The issue of uncontrolled Internet flows versus engineered solutions is central to the question of a ‘free’ versus regulated Internet. A consumer- and citizen-orientated intervention depends on passing regulations to prevent unregulated nontransparent controls exerted over traffic via DPI equipment, whether imposed by ISPs for financial advantage or by governments eager to use this new technology to filter, censor and enforce copyright against their citizens. Unraveling the previous ISP limited liability regime risks removing the efficiency of that approach in permitting the free flow of information for economic and social advantage. These conclusions support a light-touch regulatory regime involving reporting requirements and co-regulation with, as far as is possible, market-based solutions. Solutions may be international as well as local, and international coordination of best practice and knowledge will enable national regulators to keep up with the technology ‘arms race’

    Modelling the impact of liner shipping network perturbations on container cargo routing: Southeast Asia to Europe application

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    Understanding how container routing stands to be impacted by different scenarios of liner shipping network perturbations such as natural disasters or new major infrastructure developments is of key importance for decision-making in the liner shipping industry. The variety of actors and processes within modern supply chains and the complexity of their relationships have previously led to the development of simulation-based models, whose application has been largely compromised by their dependency on extensive and often confidential sets of data. This study proposes the application of optimisation techniques less dependent on complex data sets in order to develop a quantitative framework to assess the impacts of disruptive events on liner shipping networks. We provide a categorization of liner network perturbations, differentiating between systemic and external and formulate a container assignment model that minimises routing costs extending previous implementations to allow feasible solutions when routing capacity is reduced below transport demand. We develop a base case network for the Southeast Asia to Europe liner shipping trade and review of accidents related to port disruptions for two scenarios of seismic and political conflict hazards. Numerical results identify alternative routing paths and costs in the aftermath of port disruptions scenarios and suggest higher vulnerability of intra-regional connectivity

    A Survey of Green Networking Research

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    Reduction of unnecessary energy consumption is becoming a major concern in wired networking, because of the potential economical benefits and of its expected environmental impact. These issues, usually referred to as "green networking", relate to embedding energy-awareness in the design, in the devices and in the protocols of networks. In this work, we first formulate a more precise definition of the "green" attribute. We furthermore identify a few paradigms that are the key enablers of energy-aware networking research. We then overview the current state of the art and provide a taxonomy of the relevant work, with a special focus on wired networking. At a high level, we identify four branches of green networking research that stem from different observations on the root causes of energy waste, namely (i) Adaptive Link Rate, (ii) Interface proxying, (iii) Energy-aware infrastructures and (iv) Energy-aware applications. In this work, we do not only explore specific proposals pertaining to each of the above branches, but also offer a perspective for research.Comment: Index Terms: Green Networking; Wired Networks; Adaptive Link Rate; Interface Proxying; Energy-aware Infrastructures; Energy-aware Applications. 18 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Business Innovation Strategies to Reduce the Revenue Gap for Wireless Broadband Services

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    Mobile broadband is increasing rapidly both when it comes to traffic and number of subscriptions. The swift growth of the demand will require substantial capacity expansions. Operators are challenged by the fact that revenues from mobile broadband are limited, just a few per cent of APRU, and thus not compensating for declining voice revenues, creating a so called "revenue gap". Concurrently, mobile broadband dominates the traffic, set to grow strongly. In this paper we analyze the potential of different strategies for operators to reduce or bridge the revenue gap. The main options are to reduce network costs, to increase access prices and to exploit new revenue streams. The focus in the paper is on cost & capacity challenges and solutions in the network domain. Operators can cooperate and share sites and spectrum, which could be combined with off-loading heavy traffic to less costly local networks. In the network analysis we illustrate the cost impacts of different levels of demand, re-use of existing base station sites, sharing of base stations and spectrum and deployment of a denser network. A sensitivity analysis illustrates the impact on total revenues if access prices are increased, whether new types of services generate additional revenues, and if it fills the revenue gap. Our conclusion is that the different technical options to reduce the revenue gap can be linked to business strategies that include cooperation with both other operators as well as with non-telecom actors. Hence, innovations in the business domain enable technical solutions to be better or fully exploited.Wireless Internet access, data traffic, revenues, network costs, spectrum, deployment strategies, HSPA, LTE, operator cooperation, value added services, NFC, B2B2C.

    Judging traffic differentiation as network neutrality violation according to internet regulation

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    Network Neutrality (NN) is a principle that establishes that traffic generated by Internet applications should be treated equally and it should not be affected by arbitrary interfer- ence, degradation, or interruption. Despite this common sense, NN has multiple defi- nitions spread across the academic literature, which differ primarily on what constitutes the proper equality level to consider the network as neutral. NN definitions may also be included in regulations that control activities on the Internet. However, the regulations are set by regulators whose acts are valid within a geographical area, named jurisdic- tion. Thus, both the academia and regulations provide multiple and heterogeneous NN definitions. In this thesis, the regulations are used as guidelines to detect NN violations, which are, by this approach, the adoption of traffic management practices prohibited by regulators. Thereafter, the solutions can provide helpful information for users to support claims against illegal traffic management practices. However, state-of-the-art solutions adopt strict academic definitions (e.g., all traffic must be treated equally) or adopt the regulatory definitions from one jurisdiction, which is not realistic or does not consider that multiple jurisdictions may be traversed in an end-to-end network path, respectively An impact analysis showed that, under certain circumstances, from 39% to 48% of the detected Traffic Differentiations (TDs) are not NN violations when the regulations are considered, exposing that the regulatory aspect must not be ignored. In this thesis, a Reg- ulation Assessment step is proposed to be performed after the TD detection. This step shall consider all NN definitions that may be found in an end-to-end network path and point out NN violation when they are violated. A service is proposed to perform this step for TD detection solutions, given the unfeasibility of every solution implementing the re- quired functionalities. A Proof-of-Concept (PoC) prototype was developed based on the requirements identified along with the impact analysis, which was evaluated using infor- mation about TDs detected by a state-of-the-art solution. The verdicts were inconclusive (the TD is an NN violation or not) for a quarter of the scenarios due to lack of information about the traversed network paths and the occurrence zones (where in the network path, the TD is suspected of being deployed). However, the literature already has proposals of approaches to obtain such information. These results should encourage TD detection solution proponents to collect this data and submit them for the Regulation Assessment.Neutralidade da rede (NR) é um princípio que estabelece que o tráfego de aplicações e serviços seja tratado igualitariamente e não deve ser afetado por interferência, degradação, ou interrupção arbitrária. Apesar deste senso comum, NR tem múltiplas definições na literatura acadêmica, que diferem principalmente no que constitui o nível de igualdade adequado para considerar a rede como neutra. As definições de NR também podem ser incluídas nas regulações que controlam as atividades na Internet. No entanto, tais regu- lações são definidas por reguladores cujos atos são válidos apenas dentro de uma área geográfica denominada jurisdição. Assim, tanto a academia quanto a regulação forne- cem definições múltiplas e heterogêneas de NR. Nesta tese, a regulação é utilizada como guia para detecção de violação da NR, que nesta abordagem, é a adoção de práticas de gerenciamento de tráfego proibidas pelos reguladores. No entanto, as soluções adotam definições estritas da academia (por exemplo, todo o tráfego deve ser tratado igualmente) ou adotam as definições regulatórias de uma jurisdição, o que pode não ser realista ou pode não considerar que várias jurisdições podem ser atravessadas em um caminho de rede, respectivamente. Nesta tese, é proposta uma etapa de Avaliação da Regulação após a detecção da Diferenciação de Tráfego (DT), que deve considerar todas as definições de NR que podem ser encontradas em um caminho de rede e sinalizar violações da NR quando elas forem violadas. Uma análise de impacto mostrou que, em determinadas cir- cunstâncias, de 39% a 48% das DTs detectadas não são violações quando a regulação é considerada. É proposto um serviço para realizar a etapa de Avaliação de Regulação, visto que seria inviável que todas as soluções tivessem que implementar tal etapa. Um protótipo foi desenvolvido e avaliado usando informações sobre DTs detectadas por uma solução do estado-da-arte. Os veredictos foram inconclusivos (a DT é uma violação ou não) para 75% dos cenários devido à falta de informações sobre os caminhos de rede percorridos e sobre onde a DT é suspeita de ser implantada. No entanto, existem propostas para realizar a coleta dessas informações e espera-se que os proponentes de soluções de detecção de DT passem a coletá-las e submetê-las para o serviço de Avaliação de Regulação

    Don't Repeat Yourself: Seamless Execution and Analysis of Extensive Network Experiments

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    This paper presents MACI, the first bespoke framework for the management, the scalable execution, and the interactive analysis of a large number of network experiments. Driven by the desire to avoid repetitive implementation of just a few scripts for the execution and analysis of experiments, MACI emerged as a generic framework for network experiments that significantly increases efficiency and ensures reproducibility. To this end, MACI incorporates and integrates established simulators and analysis tools to foster rapid but systematic network experiments. We found MACI indispensable in all phases of the research and development process of various communication systems, such as i) an extensive DASH video streaming study, ii) the systematic development and improvement of Multipath TCP schedulers, and iii) research on a distributed topology graph pattern matching algorithm. With this work, we make MACI publicly available to the research community to advance efficient and reproducible network experiments
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