4 research outputs found

    A j-lanes tree hashing mode and j-lanes SHA-256

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    j-lanes hashing is a tree mode that splits an input message to j slices, computes j independent digests of each slice, and outputs the hash value of their concatenation. We demonstrate the performance advantage of j-lanes hashing on SIMD architectures, by coding a 4-lanes-SHA-256 implementation and measuring its performance on the latest 3rd Generation Intel® Core™. For message ranging 2KB to 132KB in length, the 4-lanes SHA-256 is between 1.5 to 1.97 times faster than the fastest publicly available implementation (that we are aware of), and between 1.9 to 2.5 times faster than OpenSSL 1.0.1c. For long messages, there is no significant performance difference between different choices of j. We show that the 4-lanes SHA-256 is faster than the two SHA3 finalists (BLAKE and Keccak) that have a published tree mode implementation. We explain why j-lanes hashing will be even faster on the future AVX2 architecture with 256 bits registers. This suggests that standardizing a tree mode for hash functions (SHA-256 in particular) would deliver significant performance benefits for a multitude of algorithms and usages

    Parallelized hashing via j-lanes and j-pointers tree modes, with applications to SHA-256

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    The j-lanes tree hashing is a tree mode that splits an input message to j slices, computes j independent digests of each slice, and outputs the hash value of their concatenation. The j-pointers tree hashing is a similar tree mode that receives, as input, j pointers to j messages (or slices of a single message), computes their digests and outputs the hash value of their concatenation. Such modes have parallelization capabilities on a hashing process that is serial by nature. As a result, they have performance advantage on modern processor architectures. This paper provides precise specifications for these hashing modes, proposes a setup for appropriate IV’s definition, and demonstrates their performance on the latest processors. Our hope is that it would be useful for standardization of these modes

    A toolbox for software optimization of QC-MDPC code-based cryptosystems

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    The anticipated emergence of quantum computers in the foreseeable future drives the cryptographic community to start considering cryptosystems, which are based on problems that remain intractable even with strong quantum computers. One example is the family of code-based cryptosystems that relies on the Syndrome Decoding Problem (SDP). Recent work by Misoczki et al. [34] showed a variant of McEliece encryption which is based on Quasi Cyclic - Moderate Density Parity Check (MDPC) codes, and has significantly smaller keys than the original McEliece encryption. It was followed by the newly proposed QC-MDPC based cryptosystems CAKE [9] and Ouroboros [13]. These motivate dedicated new software optimizations. This paper lists the cryptographic primitives that QC-MDPC cryptosystems commonly employ, studies their software optimizations on modern processors, and reports the achieved speedups. It also assesses methods for side channel protection of the implementations, and their performance costs. These optimized primitives offer a useful toolbox that can be used, in various ways, by designers and implementers of QC-MDPC cryptosystems