4 research outputs found

    Sistema de reconocimiento facial sin reentrenamiento para nuevos usuarios

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    Deep learning has become increasingly popular and widely applied to computer vision systems. Over the years, researchers have developed various deep learning architectures to solve different kinds of problems. However, these networks are power-hungry and require high-performance computing (i.e., GPU, TPU, etc.) to run appropriately. Moving computation to the cloud may result in traffic, latency, and privacy issues. Edge computing can solve these challenges by moving the computing closer to the edge where the data is generated. One major challenge is to fit the high resource demands of deep learning in less powerful edge computing devices. In this research, we present an implementation of an embedded facial recognition system on a low cost Raspberry Pi, which is based on the FaceNet architecture. For this implementation it was required the development of a library in C++, which allows the deployment of the inference of the Neural Network Architecture. The system had an accuracy and precision of 77.38% and 81.25%, respectively. The time of execution of the program is 11 seconds and it consumes 46 [kB] of RAM. The resulting system could be utilized as a stand-alone access control system. The implemented model and library are released at https://github.com/cristianMiranda-Oro/FaceNet_EmbeddedSystemEl aprendizaje profundo se ha vuelto cada vez m谩s popular y se aplica ampliamente a los sistemas de visi贸n por computadora. A lo largo de los a帽os, los investigadores han desarrollado varias arquitecturas de aprendizaje profundo para resolver diferentes tipos de problemas. Sin embargo,estas redes consumen mucha energ铆a y requieren computaci贸n de alto rendimiento (es decir, GPU, TPU, etc.) para funcionar correctamente. Mover la computaci贸n a la nube puede resultar en problemas de tr谩fico, latencia y privacidad. La computaci贸n en el borde puede resolver estos desaf铆os, pues permite acercar el proceso de computaci贸n al lugar donde se generan los datos. Un desaf铆o importante es adaptar las altas demandas de recursos del aprendizaje profundo a dispositivos de computaci贸n de borde menos potentes. En esta investigaci贸n, presentamos una implementaci贸n de unsistema de reconocimiento facial integrado en una Raspberry Pi de bajo costo, la cual est谩 basada en la red FaceNet. Esta implementaci贸n requiri贸 el desarrollo de una biblioteca en C++ que puede describir la inferencia dela arquitectura de la red neuronal FaceNet. El sistema tuvo una exactitud y precisi贸n de 77.38% y del 81.25 %,聽 respectivamente. El tiempo de ejecuci贸n de cada inferencia es de 11 segundos y consume 46 [kB] de RAM. El sistema resultante podr铆a utilizarse como un sistema de control de acceso independiente. El modelo y la librer铆a implementados est谩n disponibles en https://github.com/cristianMiranda-Oro/FaceNet_EmbeddedSystem

    A Gender Recognition System Using Facial Images with High Dimensional Data

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    Gender recognition has been seen as an interesting research area that plays important roles in many fields of study. Studies from MIT and Microsoft clearly showed that the female gender was poorly recognized especially among dark-skinned nationals. The focus of this paper is to present a technique that categorise gender among dark-skinned people. The classification was done using SVM on sets of images gathered locally and publicly. Analysis includes; face detection using Viola-Jones algorithm, extraction of Histogram of Oriented Gradient and Rotation Invariant LBP (RILBP) features and trained with SVM classifier. PCA was performed on both the HOG and RILBP descriptors to extract high dimensional features. Various success rates were recorded, however, PCA on RILBP performed best with an accuracy of 99.6% and 99.8% respectively on the public and local datasets. This system will be of immense benefit in application areas like social interaction and targeted advertisement

    Robust face recognition using convolutional neural networks combined with Krawtchouk moments

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    Face recognition is a challenging task due to the complexity of pose variations, occlusion and the variety of face expressions performed by distinct subjects. Thus, many features have been proposed, however each feature has its own drawbacks. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a robust model called Krawtchouk moments convolutional neural networks (KMCNN) for face recognition. Our model is divided into two main steps. Firstly, we use 2D discrete orthogonal Krawtchouk moments to represent features. Then, we fed it into convolutional neural networks (CNN) for classification. The main goal of the proposed approach is to improve the classification accuracy of noisy grayscale face images. In fact, Krawtchouk moments are less sensitive to noisy effects. Moreover, they can extract pertinent features from an image using only low orders. To investigate the robustness of the proposed approach, two types of noise (salt and pepper and speckle) are added to three datasets (YaleB extended, our database of faces (ORL), and a subset of labeled faces in the wild (LFW)). Experimental results show that KMCNN is flexible and performs significantly better than using just CNN or when we combine it with other discrete moments such as Tchebichef, Hahn, Racah moments in most densities of noises

    Integration of blcm and flbp in low resolution face recognition

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    Face recognition from face image has been a fast-growing topic in biometrics research community and a sizeable number of face recognition techniques based on texture analysis have been developed in the past few years. These techniques work well on grayscale and colour images with very few techniques deal with binary and low resolution image. With binary image becoming the preferred format for low face resolution analysis, there is need for further studies to provide a complete solution for image-based face recognition system with higher accuracy. To overcome the limitation of the existing techniques in extracting distinctive features in low resolution images due to the contrast between the face and background, we proposed a statistical feature analysis technique to fill in the gaps. To achieve this, the proposed technique integrates Binary Level Occurrence Matrix (BLCM) and Fuzzy Local Binary Pattern (FLBP) named BLCM-FLBP to extract global and local features of face from face low resolution images. The purpose of BLCM-FLBP is to distinctively improve performance of edge sharpness between black and white pixels in the binary image and to extract significant data relating to the features of face pattern. Experimental results on Yale and FEI datasets validates the superiority of the proposed technique over the other top-performing feature analysis techniques methods by utilizing different classifier which is Neural network (NN) and Random Forest (RF). The proposed technique achieved performance accuracy of 93.16% (RF), 95.27% (NN) when FEI dataset used, and the accuracy of 94.54% (RF), 93.61% (NN) when Yale.B used. Hence, the proposed technique outperforming other technique such as Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM), Bag of Word (BOW), Fuzzy Local Binary Pattern (FLBP) respectively and Binary Level Occurrence Matrix (BLCM)