1 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study Of Discontinuous High Order Methods For Compressible Flows

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    A comparative study of three numerical formulations for discontinuous high-order reconstruction on unstructured grids is performed. TheWeighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO), the Spectral Finite Volume (SFV) and the Spectral Difference (SD) methods are considered for the spatial discretization of the 2-D Euler equations. The study compares, in particular, results for linear, quadratic and cubic reconstructions. The test cases include problems with strong shock waves and other discontinuities which provide a comparative assessment of the resolution capability of the tested schemes. This work explores the high-order method capabilities to solve literature test cases and it is expected that such results provide valuable guidelines for future developments regarding high-order methods for aerospace applications.Airbus,Boeing,Dunmore,et al,Georgia Innovation|Aerospace,Lockheed MartinMay, G., Iacono, F., Jameson, A., A Hybrid Multilevel Method for High-Order Discretization of the Euler Equations on Unstructured Meshes (2010) Journal of Computational Physics, 229 (10), pp. 3938-3956. , MayWang, Z.J., Fidkowski, K., Abgrall, R., Bassi, F., Caraeni, D., Cary, A., Deconinck, H., Visbal, M., High-Order CFD Methods: Current Status and Perspective (2013) International Journal For Numerical Methods In Fluids, 72 (8), pp. 811-845Roe, P.L., Approximatte Riemann Solvers, Parameter Vectors, and Difference Schemes (1981) Journal of Computational Physics, 43 (2), pp. 357-372Wang, Z.J., Spectral (Finite) Volume Method for Conservation Laws on Unstructured Grids: Basic Formulation 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