990 research outputs found

    A High–Performance Parallel Implementation of the Chambolle Algorithm

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    The determination of the optical flow is a central problem in image processing, as it allows to describe how an image changes over time by means of a numerical vector field. The estimation of the optical flow is however a very complex problem, which has been faced using many different mathematical approaches. A large body of work has been recently published about variational methods, following the technique for total variation minimization proposed by Chambolle. Still, their hardware implementations do not offer good performances in terms of frames that can be processed per time unit, mainly because of the complex dependency scheme among the data. In this work, we propose a highly parallel and accelerated FPGA implementation of the Chambolle algorithm, which splits the original image into a set of overlapping sub-frames and efficiently exploits the reuse of intermediate results. We validate our hardware on large frames (up to 1024 Ă— 768), and the proposed approach largely outperforms the state-of-the-art implementations, reaching up to 76Ă— speedups as well as realtime frame rates even at high resolutions

    A high-performance parallel implementation of the Chambolle algorithm

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    Four-dimensional tomographic reconstruction by time domain decomposition

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    Since the beginnings of tomography, the requirement that the sample does not change during the acquisition of one tomographic rotation is unchanged. We derived and successfully implemented a tomographic reconstruction method which relaxes this decades-old requirement of static samples. In the presented method, dynamic tomographic data sets are decomposed in the temporal domain using basis functions and deploying an L1 regularization technique where the penalty factor is taken for spatial and temporal derivatives. We implemented the iterative algorithm for solving the regularization problem on modern GPU systems to demonstrate its practical use

    Parallelizing the Chambolle Algorithm for Performance-Optimized Mapping on FPGA Devices

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    The performance and the efficiency of recent computing platforms have been deeply influenced by the widespread adoption of hardware accelerators, such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) or Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), which are often employed to support the tasks of General Purpose Processors (GPP). One of the main advantages of these accelerators over their sequential counterparts (GPPs) is their ability of performing massive parallel computation. However, in order to exploit this competitive edge, it is necessary to extract the parallelism from the target algorithm to be executed, which is in general a very challenging task. This concept is demonstrated, for instance, by the poor performance achieved on relevant multimedia algorithms, such as Chambolle, which is a well-known algorithm employed for the optical flow estimation. The implementations of this algorithm that can be found in the state of the art are generally based on GPUs, but barely improve the performance that can be obtained with a powerful GPP. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to extract the parallelism from computation-intensive multimedia algorithms, which includes an analysis of their dependency schema and an assessment of their data reuse. We then perform a thorough analysis of the Chambolle algorithm, providing a formal proof of its inner data dependencies and locality properties. Then, we exploit the considerations drawn from this analysis by proposing an architectural template that takes advantage of the fine-grained parallelism of FPGA devices. Moreover, since the proposed template can be instantiated with different parameters, we also propose a design metric, the expansion rate, to help the designer in the estimation of the efficiency and performance of the different instances, making it possible to select the right one before the implementation phase. We finally show, by means of experimental results, how the proposed analysis and parallelization approach leads to the design of efficient and high-performance FPGA-based implementations that are orders of magnitude faster than the state-of-the-art ones

    An Efficient Primal-Dual Prox Method for Non-Smooth Optimization

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    We study the non-smooth optimization problems in machine learning, where both the loss function and the regularizer are non-smooth functions. Previous studies on efficient empirical loss minimization assume either a smooth loss function or a strongly convex regularizer, making them unsuitable for non-smooth optimization. We develop a simple yet efficient method for a family of non-smooth optimization problems where the dual form of the loss function is bilinear in primal and dual variables. We cast a non-smooth optimization problem into a minimax optimization problem, and develop a primal dual prox method that solves the minimax optimization problem at a rate of O(1/T)O(1/T) {assuming that the proximal step can be efficiently solved}, significantly faster than a standard subgradient descent method that has an O(1/T)O(1/\sqrt{T}) convergence rate. Our empirical study verifies the efficiency of the proposed method for various non-smooth optimization problems that arise ubiquitously in machine learning by comparing it to the state-of-the-art first order methods

    Stochastic Primal-Dual Coordinate Method for Regularized Empirical Risk Minimization

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    We consider a generic convex optimization problem associated with regularized empirical risk minimization of linear predictors. The problem structure allows us to reformulate it as a convex-concave saddle point problem. We propose a stochastic primal-dual coordinate (SPDC) method, which alternates between maximizing over a randomly chosen dual variable and minimizing over the primal variable. An extrapolation step on the primal variable is performed to obtain accelerated convergence rate. We also develop a mini-batch version of the SPDC method which facilitates parallel computing, and an extension with weighted sampling probabilities on the dual variables, which has a better complexity than uniform sampling on unnormalized data. Both theoretically and empirically, we show that the SPDC method has comparable or better performance than several state-of-the-art optimization methods
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