350 research outputs found

    A 3D-printed polymer micro-gripper with self-defined electrical tracks and thermal actuator

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    This paper presents a simple fabrication process that allows for isolated metal tracks to be easily defined on the surface of 3D printed micro-scale polymer components. The process makes use of a standard low cost conformal sputter coating system to quickly deposit thin film metal layers on to the surface of 3D printed polymer micro parts. The key novelty lies in the inclusion of inbuilt masking features, on the surface of the polymer parts, to ensure that the conformal metal layer can be effectively broken to create electrically isolated metal features. The presented process is extremely flexible, and it is envisage that it may be applied to a wide range of sensor and actuator applications. To demonstrate the process a polymer micro-scale gripper with an inbuilt thermal actuator is designed and fabricated. In this work the design methodology for creating the micro-gripper is presented, illustrating how the rapid and flexible manufacturing process allows for fast cycle time design iterations to be performed. In addition the compatibility of this approach with traditional design and analysis techniques such as basic finite element simulation is also demonstrated with simulation results in reasonable agreement with experimental performance data for the micro-gripper


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    This work aims to develop an advanced and cost-effective fabrication process to produce a simplified gecko-inspired microstructure with two-photon polymerization and polymer molding, aimed to improve the adhesive properties of microstructures. Such adhesive microstructures can be implemented for multi-purpose adhesive grasping devices, which have recently gained significant interest in the space exploration sector. Previous gecko-inspired microstructures were reviewed, and the new gecko-inspired microstructures have been developed with the adaptation of additive manufacturing methods for facile fabrication. The examined microstructures in this thesis were the tilted mushroom-shaped and wedge-shaped designs, which could both maximize adhesion by shearing the micropillars toward the tilted direction when preload force is applied. The improved microstructure fabrication process could produce micropillars in the height of 270 μm with soft polymer without defects. However, the miniaturized micropillars in the height of 40 μm, frabricated with the same process, had broken tips and missing structures. The effects of the scale, height, and shape of the micropillars in controllable dry adhesion were investigated through the experiments. The adhesion of the microstructures with artificial gecko setae in the height of 270 μm was 2 times higher than the microstructures with 40 μm of height. Meanwhile, the microstructures that consisted of long and short artificial gecko setae had inferior adhesive performance to the microstructures having uniform long setae on all tested surfaces. Meanwhile, the result showed no direct correlation between the surface roughness of the attached surface and the adhesive performance of the microstructures. The wedge-shaped design was determined to have higher adhesion than the tilted mushroom-shaped design due to lower structural resistance on bending and higher effective contact area

    Integration of shape memory alloy for microactuation

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    Shape memory alloy (SMA) actuators in microelectromechanical system (MEMS) have a broad range of applications. The alloy material has unique properties underlying its high working density, simple structures, large displacement and excellent biocompatibility. These features have led to its commercialization in several applications such as micro-robotics and biomedical areas. However, full utilization of SMA is yet to be exploited as it faces various practical issues. In the area of microactuators in particular, fabricated devices suffer from low degrees of freedom (DoF), complex fabrication processes, larger sizes and limited displacement range. This thesis presents novel techniques of developing bulk-micromachined SMA microdevices by applying integration of multiple SMA microactuators, and monolithic methods using standard and unconventional MEMS fabrication processes. The thermomechanical behavior of the developed bimorph SMA microactuator is analyzed by studying the parameters such as thickness of SMA sheet, type and thickness of stress layer and the deposition temperature that affect the displacement. The microactuators are then integrated to form a novel SMA micromanipulator that consists of two links and a gripper at its end to provide three-DoF manipulation of small objects with overall actuation x- and y- axes displacement of 7.1 mm and 5.2 mm, respectively. To simplify the fabrication and improve the structure robustness, a monolithic approach was utilized in the development of a micro-positioning stage using bulk-micromachined SMA sheet that was fabricated in a single machining step. The design consisted of six spring actuators that provided large stage displacement range of 1.2 mm and 1.6 mm in x- and y-axes, respectively, and a rotation of 20° around the z-axis. To embed a self-sensing functionality in SMA microactuators, a novel wireless displacement sensing method based on integration of an SMA spiral-coil actuator in a resonant circuit is developed. These devices have the potential to promote the application of bulk-micromachined SMA actuator in MEMS area

    Force Measurement Methods in Telerobotic Surgery: Implications for End-Effector Manufacture

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    Haptic feedback in telesurgical applications refers to the relaying of position and force information from a remote surgical site to the surgeon in real-time during a surgical procedure. This feedback, coupled with visual information via microscopic cameras, has the potential to provide the surgeon with additional ‘feel’ for the manipulations being performed at the instrument-biological tissue interface. This increased sensitivity has many associated benefits which include, but are not limited to; minimal tissue damage, reduced recuperation periods, and less patient trauma. The inclusion of haptic feedback leads to reduction in surgeon fatigue which contributes to enhanced performance during operation. Commercially available Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgical (MIRS) systems are being widely used, the best-known examples being from the daVinci® by Intuitive Surgical Inc. However, currently these systems do not possess force feedback capability which therefore restricts their use during many delicate and complex procedures. The ideal system would consist of a multi-degree-of-freedom framework which includes end-effector instruments with embedded force sensing included. A force sensing characterisation platform has been developed by this group which facilitates the evaluation of force sensing technologies. Surgical scissors have been chosen as the instrument and biological tissue phantom specimens have been used during testing. This test-bed provides accurate, repeatable measurements of the forces produced at the interface between the tissue and the scissor blades during cutting using conventional sensing technologies. The primary focus of this paper is to provide a review of the traditional and developing force sensing technologies with a view to establishing the most appropriate solution for this application. The impact that an appropriate sensing technology has on the manufacturability of the instrument end-effector is considered. Particular attention is given to the issues of embedding the force sensing transducer into the instrument tip

    Low Voltage Electrohydraulic Actuators for Untethered Robotics

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    Rigid robots can be precise in repetitive tasks but struggle in unstructured environments. Nature's versatility in such environments inspires researchers to develop biomimetic robots that incorporate compliant and contracting artificial muscles. Among the recently proposed artificial muscle technologies, electrohydraulic actuators are promising since they offer comparable performance to mammalian muscles in terms of speed and power density. However, they require high driving voltages and have safety concerns due to exposed electrodes. These high voltages lead to either bulky or inefficient driving electronics that make untethered, high-degree-of-freedom bio-inspired robots difficult to realize. Here, we present low voltage electrohydraulic actuators (LEAs) that match mammalian skeletal muscles in average power density (50.5 W/kg) and peak strain rate (971 percent/s) at a driving voltage of just 1100 V. This driving voltage is approx. 5 - 7 times lower compared to other electrohydraulic actuators using paraelectric dielectrics. Furthermore, LEAs are safe to touch, waterproof, and self-clearing, which makes them easy to implement in wearables and robotics. We characterize, model, and physically validate key performance metrics of the actuator and compare its performance to state-of-the-art electrohydraulic designs. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of our actuators on two muscle-based electrohydraulic robots: an untethered soft robotic swimmer and a robotic gripper. We foresee that LEAs can become a key building block for future highly-biomimetic untethered robots and wearables with many independent artificial muscles such as biomimetic hands, faces, or exoskeletons.Comment: Stephan-Daniel Gravert and Elia Varini contributed equally to this wor


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    This dissertation presents work done in the design, modeling, and fabrication of magnetically actuated microrobot legs. Novel fabrication processes for manufacturing multi-material compliant mechanisms have been used to fabricate effective legged robots at both the meso and micro scales, where the meso scale refers to the transition between macro and micro scales. This work discusses the development of a novel mesoscale manufacturing process, Laser Cut Elastomer Refill (LaCER), for prototyping millimeter-scale multi-material compliant mechanisms with elastomer hinges. Additionally discussed is an extension of previous work on the development of a microscale manufacturing process for fabricating micrometer-sale multi-material compliant mechanisms with elastomer hinges, with the added contribution of a method for incorporating magnetic materials for mechanism actuation using externally applied fields. As both of the fabrication processes outlined make significant use of highly compliant elastomer hinges, a fast, accurate modeling method for these hinges was desired for mechanism characterization and design. An analytical model was developed for this purpose, making use of the pseudo rigid-body (PRB) model and extending its utility to hinges with significant stretch component, such as those fabricated from elastomer materials. This model includes 3 springs with stiffnesses relating to material stiffness and hinge geometry, with additional correction factors for aspects particular to common multi-material hinge geometry. This model has been verified against a finite element analysis model (FEA), which in turn was matched to experimental data on mesoscale hinges manufactured using LaCER. These modeling methods have additionally been verified against experimental data from microscale hinges manufactured using the Si/elastomer/magnetics MEMS process. The development of several mechanisms is also discussed: including a mesoscale LaCER-fabricated hexapedal millirobot capable of walking at 2.4 body lengths per second; prototyped mesoscale LaCER-fabricated underactuated legs with asymmetrical features for improved performance; 1 centimeter cubed LaCER-fabricated magnetically-actuated hexapods which use the best-performing underactuated leg design to locomote at up to 10.6 body lengths per second; five microfabricated magnetically actuated single-hinge mechanisms; a 14-hinge, 11-link microfabricated gripper mechanism; a microfabricated robot leg mechansim demonstrated clearing a step height of 100 micrometers; and a 4 mm x 4 mm x 5 mm, 25 mg microfabricated magnetically-actuated hexapod, demonstrated walking at up to 2.25 body lengths per second

    Characterization Of Commercially Available Conductive Filament And Their Application In Sensors And Actuators

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    The primary aim of this study is to contribute to the field of additives that would enable the fabrication of electrical sensors and actuators completely via Material Extrusion based Additive Manufacturing (MEAM). The second aim of the study is to provide the necessary characterization to facilitate the development of applications that predicts electrical part performance. The electrical characterization of two conductive poly-lactic acid (PLA) filaments, namely, c-PLA with carbon black and graphene PLA was performed to study the temperature coefficient of the resistance. Resistivity of carbon black filament was compared to a printed single layer and with that of a cube. The raw and printed c-PLA showed a positive temperature coefficient of resistance (α) ranging from ~0.03-0.01 ℃-1 while its counterpart in the study, graphene PLA, did not exhibit significant (α). Parts from graphene PLA with multilayer MEAM exhibited a negative α to a certain temperature before exhibiting positive α. The resistivity of the printed parts was 300 times higher for c-PLA and 1500 times for graphene PLA. However, no microstructural or chemical compositional changes were observed between the raw filaments and the printed parts. Due to the high α of the c-PLA, it was deemed as the better material for constructing electro thermal sensors and actuators using MEAM. First, c-PLA was used to fabricate and package a completely 3D printed flow meter that operates on the principle of Joule heating and hotwire anemometry. When the designed flowmeter was simulated using a finite element package, a flow sensitivity of -2.33 Ω sccm-1 and a relative change in resistivity of 0.036 sccm-1 was expected. For an operating voltage of 12-15 V, the experimental results showed a flow sensitivity within the range of 0.014-0.032 sccm-1 and the relative change in resistivity ranged from 0.039 – 0.065 sccm-1. Thus, a completely 3D printed flowmeter was demonstrated. Second, using the same principle of Joule heating, an actuator inspired from MEMS chevron grippers was designed, simulated, and fabricated. Simulation showed the feasibility of the structure and further predicted a displacement of a few hundred microns with a potential as low as 3 V with a cooling time as little less than 120 seconds. Experimentally, a displacement of 120.04, 97.05, and 88.96 μm were achieved in 15, 10, and 5 seconds with actuation potentials of 12.7, 13.8, and 17.9 V, respectively. As predicted by the simulation results, it took longer for the gripper to cool (close to 180 seconds) when compared to actuation times. During the above studies, we discovered the printing parameters altered the part resistance. Our final study examined how extrusion temperature and printing speed affects the impedance of the MEAM printed parts. Further, anisotropy in the impedance was observed and the influence of the interface to it was examined. From the experimental results, the anisotropy was quantified with a Z/F ratio and was found to be nearly constant, ~2.15±0.23. Impedance scaling with the number of interfaces was measured and showed conclusively that the interlayer bonding was the sole source for the observed Z/F ratio. Scanning electron microscope images shows the absence of air gaps at the interface, and energy dispersion spectroscopy shows the absence of oxidation at the interface. By investigating the role of print parameters and scaling of impedance with interfaces, a framework to model and predict electrical behavior of electro thermal sensors and actuators made via MEAM can be realized

    Design, evaluation, and control of nexus: a multiscale additive manufacturing platform with integrated 3D printing and robotic assembly.

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) technology is an emerging approach to creating three-dimensional (3D) objects and has seen numerous applications in medical implants, transportation, aerospace, energy, consumer products, etc. Compared with manufacturing by forming and machining, additive manufacturing techniques provide more rapid, economical, efficient, reliable, and complex manufacturing processes. However, additive manufacturing also has limitations on print strength and dimensional tolerance, while traditional additive manufacturing hardware platforms for 3D printing have limited flexibility. In particular, part geometry and materials are limited to most 3D printing hardware. In addition, for multiscale and complex products, samples must be printed, fabricated, and transferred among different additive manufacturing platforms in different locations, which leads to high cost, long process time, and low yield of products. This thesis investigates methods to design, evaluate, and control the NeXus, which is a novel custom robotic platform for multiscale additive manufacturing with integrated 3D printing and robotic assembly. NeXus can be used to prototype miniature devices and systems, such as wearable MEMS sensor fabrics, microrobots for wafer-scale microfactories, tactile robot skins, next generation energy storage (solar cells), nanostructure plasmonic devices, and biosensors. The NeXus has the flexibility to fixture, position, transport, and assemble components across a wide spectrum of length scales (Macro-Meso-Micro-Nano, 1m to 100nm) and provides unparalleled additive process capabilities such as 3D printing through both aerosol jetting and ultrasonic bonding and forming, thin-film photonic sintering, fiber loom weaving, and in-situ Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) packaging and interconnect formation. The NeXus system has a footprint of around 4m x 3.5m x 2.4m (X-Y-Z) and includes two industrial robotic arms, precision positioners, multiple manipulation tools, and additive manufacturing processes and packaging capabilities. The design of the NeXus platform adopted the Lean Robotic Micromanufacturing (LRM) design principles and simulation tools to mitigate development risks. The NeXus has more than 50 degrees of freedom (DOF) from different instruments, precise evaluation of the custom robots and positioners is indispensable before employing them in complex and multiscale applications. The integration and control of multi-functional instruments is also a challenge in the NeXus system due to different communication protocols and compatibility. Thus, the NeXus system is controlled by National Instruments (NI) LabVIEW real-time operating system (RTOS) with NI PXI controller and a LabVIEW State Machine User Interface (SMUI) and was programmed considering the synchronization of various instruments and sequencing of additive manufacturing processes for different tasks. The operation sequences of each robot along with relevant tools must be organized in safe mode to avoid crashes and damage to tools during robots’ motions. This thesis also describes two demonstrators that are realized by the NeXus system in detail: skin tactile sensor arrays and electronic textiles. The fabrication process of the skin tactile sensor uses the automated manufacturing line in the NeXus with pattern design, precise calibration, synchronization of an Aerosol Jet printer, and a custom positioner. The fabrication process for electronic textiles is a combination of MEMS fabrication techniques in the cleanroom and the collaboration of multiple NeXus robots including two industrial robotic arms and a custom high-precision positioner for the deterministic alignment process

    Soft pneumatic grippers embedded with stretchable electroadhesion

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    Current soft pneumatic grippers cannot robustly grasp flat materials and flexible objects on curved surfaces without distorting them. Current electroadhesive grippers, on the other hand, are difficult to actively deform to complex shapes to pick up free-form surfaces or objects. An easy-to-implement PneuEA gripper is proposed by the integration of an electroadhesive gripper and a two-fingered soft pneumatic gripper. The electroadhesive gripper was fabricated by segmenting a soft conductive silicon sheet into a two-part electrode design and embedding it in a soft dielectric elastomer. The two-fingered soft pneumatic gripper was manufactured using a standard soft lithography approach. This novel integration has combined the benefits of both the electroadhesive and soft pneumatic grippers. As a result, the proposed PneuEA gripper was not only able to pick-and-place flat and flexible materials such as a porous cloth but also delicate objects such as a light bulb. By combining two soft touch sensors with the electroadhesive, an intelligent and shape-adaptive PneuEA material handling system has been developed. This work is expected to widen the applications of both soft gripper and electroadhesion technologies