2,667 research outputs found

    GRASS: Generative Recursive Autoencoders for Shape Structures

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    We introduce a novel neural network architecture for encoding and synthesis of 3D shapes, particularly their structures. Our key insight is that 3D shapes are effectively characterized by their hierarchical organization of parts, which reflects fundamental intra-shape relationships such as adjacency and symmetry. We develop a recursive neural net (RvNN) based autoencoder to map a flat, unlabeled, arbitrary part layout to a compact code. The code effectively captures hierarchical structures of man-made 3D objects of varying structural complexities despite being fixed-dimensional: an associated decoder maps a code back to a full hierarchy. The learned bidirectional mapping is further tuned using an adversarial setup to yield a generative model of plausible structures, from which novel structures can be sampled. Finally, our structure synthesis framework is augmented by a second trained module that produces fine-grained part geometry, conditioned on global and local structural context, leading to a full generative pipeline for 3D shapes. We demonstrate that without supervision, our network learns meaningful structural hierarchies adhering to perceptual grouping principles, produces compact codes which enable applications such as shape classification and partial matching, and supports shape synthesis and interpolation with significant variations in topology and geometry.Comment: Corresponding author: Kai Xu ([email protected]

    Training Complex Models with Multi-Task Weak Supervision

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    As machine learning models continue to increase in complexity, collecting large hand-labeled training sets has become one of the biggest roadblocks in practice. Instead, weaker forms of supervision that provide noisier but cheaper labels are often used. However, these weak supervision sources have diverse and unknown accuracies, may output correlated labels, and may label different tasks or apply at different levels of granularity. We propose a framework for integrating and modeling such weak supervision sources by viewing them as labeling different related sub-tasks of a problem, which we refer to as the multi-task weak supervision setting. We show that by solving a matrix completion-style problem, we can recover the accuracies of these multi-task sources given their dependency structure, but without any labeled data, leading to higher-quality supervision for training an end model. Theoretically, we show that the generalization error of models trained with this approach improves with the number of unlabeled data points, and characterize the scaling with respect to the task and dependency structures. On three fine-grained classification problems, we show that our approach leads to average gains of 20.2 points in accuracy over a traditional supervised approach, 6.8 points over a majority vote baseline, and 4.1 points over a previously proposed weak supervision method that models tasks separately

    Joint Generative Modeling of Scene Graphs and Images via Diffusion Models

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    In this paper, we present a novel generative task: joint scene graph - image generation. While previous works have explored image generation conditioned on scene graphs or layouts, our task is distinctive and important as it involves generating scene graphs themselves unconditionally from noise, enabling efficient and interpretable control for image generation. Our task is challenging, requiring the generation of plausible scene graphs with heterogeneous attributes for nodes (objects) and edges (relations among objects), including continuous object bounding boxes and discrete object and relation categories. We introduce a novel diffusion model, DiffuseSG, that jointly models the adjacency matrix along with heterogeneous node and edge attributes. We explore various types of encodings for the categorical data, relaxing it into a continuous space. With a graph transformer being the denoiser, DiffuseSG successively denoises the scene graph representation in a continuous space and discretizes the final representation to generate the clean scene graph. Additionally, we introduce an IoU regularization to enhance the empirical performance. Our model significantly outperforms existing methods in scene graph generation on the Visual Genome and COCO-Stuff datasets, both on standard and newly introduced metrics that better capture the problem complexity. Moreover, we demonstrate the additional benefits of our model in two downstream applications: 1) excelling in a series of scene graph completion tasks, and 2) improving scene graph detection models by using extra training samples generated from DiffuseSG