3 research outputs found

    Optimizing resource allocation for secure SDN-based virtual network migration

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    International audienceRecent evolutions in cloud infrastructures allowed service providers to tailor new services for demanding customers. Providing these services confronts the infrastructure providers with costs and constraints considerations. In particular, security constraints are a major concern for today's businesses as the leak of personal information would tarnish their reputation. Recent works provide examples on how an attacker may leverage the infrastructure's weaknesses to steal sensitive information from the users. Specifically, an attacker can leverage maintenance processes inside the infrastructure to conduct an attack. In this paper, we consider the migration of a virtual network as the maintenance process. Then we determine the optimal monitoring resources allocation in this context with a Markov Decision Process. This model takes into account the impact of monitoring the infrastructure, the migration process and finally how the attacker may chose particular targets in the infrastructure. We provide a working prototype implemented in Python

    Virtual network security: threats, countermeasures, and challenges

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    Network virtualization has become increasingly prominent in recent years. It enables the creation of network infrastructures that are specifically tailored to the needs of distinct network applications and supports the instantiation of favorable environments for the development and evaluation of new architectures and protocols. Despite the wide applicability of network virtualization, the shared use of routing devices and communication channels leads to a series of security-related concerns. It is necessary to provide protection to virtual network infrastructures in order to enable their use in real, large scale environments. In this paper, we present an overview of the state of the art concerning virtual network security. We discuss the main challenges related to this kind of environment, some of the major threats, as well as solutions proposed in the literature that aim to deal with different security aspects.Network virtualization has become increasingly prominent in recent years. It enables the creation of network infrastructures that are specifically tailored to the needs of distinct network applications and supports the instantiation of favorable environme61CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICORNP - REDE NACIONAL DE ENSINO E PESQUISAFAPERGS - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DO RIO GRANDE DO SULsem informaçãosem informaçãosem informaçã

    A heuristic-based algorithm for privacy-oriented virtual network embedding

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